Hey, I'm Blue-Songbirds and this is my first ever fanfic. I'm not new to the site though. My ("unique") sister gave me the idea. I wanted her as a beta reader, but the site won't let me. If anyone has any books to recommend, please do! If i accidentally use your houses address by accident, then that's just weird.
The dreaded disclaimer (at least to us that don't own it): I do not own the characters, this computer, or the used states (it'd be awesome if I did though).
Chapter One
You can usually tell when you've fallen asleep in class, because you wake up to a bunch of sniggering girls and a very pissed off looking teacher.
"Maximum! Pay attention, if you continue to do this in class I will send you to the principal's office!" Yelled my History teacher, Ms Wilson.
I inwardly smirked. Like I haven't already been there today. I still maintain that he kicked himself in the balls.
"Now class. As you know, we have a twin school in Florida. As part of your senior year experience, we have decided to set up a pen-pal program." She paused. There were audible giggles from those girls.
"Is this compulsory? And it's M. A.X. Max." I called out. You could see her counting to 10 in her head.
"Yes, it is...Max. We have tried to set as many of you as possible with the same gender."
She pulled out a slip of A3 paper from her immaculate desk.
"I will be calling out names. The sheet will be in the office, you will have to tell the office workers your names after school and they will give you the address. You will be asked to give a pen-name so we can send them on to our twin school.
To be honest, the whole pen-name idea is stupid. I mean, come on! If we're talking to them they'll get to know us anyway. And we're hardly going to meet them!
"Ms White, you are with Scales.
Ms Jones, you are with Mackie.
Mr Jackson, you are with Hot stuff-"
I stopped listening at this point. Ride won't be for a while. Honestly, I think this is stupid. I mean, say I get a preppy chick, or some slut. Then what do I say? I guess I could ask Ella, she's a senior, so she's getting one too; Ella is 7 or so months younger than me. She's a cheerleader. Not one of the slutty ones though. I'm a bit of a hard-nut loner, so we don't hang out. Angela is smart. She should be able to come up with something. She's only 6, and looks like a cherub. Ells takes after mum, who won't be much help. They look Hispanic. I'm tall, brownie blonde hair and brown eyes.
"– Mr Martin, you are with King of the Amazon.
"Ms Ride, you are with, oh dear, His High Lord of Fangalicioness."
And finally, Ms King, you are with Chocoholic."
I breathed a sigh of relief. Okay, so I got a bit of a joker boy, much better than a slut I guess. I doodled crop circles for a few minutes before the final bell went. I gathered up my stuff in my bag and trudged off through the crowded hallways to the office. Stopping off at my locker, I swivelled in the combination. The lock popped open and I dumped off my textbooks into the surprisingly tidy locker. Just as I was walking through the immaculate office doors I was grabbed from behind. I elbowed the person in the solar plexus and jumped foreword. A familiar groan erupted. I smiled. Only Dylan. Dyl's my boyfriend. He's captain of the football team and for some unknown reason has been dating me for two or so years.
"Really Max. Was a simple 'hello' just too hard?"
"Sorry. Reflexes." I said with a smirk.
He smiled his California beach boy smile and slung his arm over my shoulders. I shrugged it off and went over to the desk.
"Sup, I need the address to my pen-pal, my names Max Ride. And I want my pen-name as Max." I rattled off. She gave me an easy smile as she typed it all in to the ancient computer.
"Got it. Now, your pen-pal, due to some confusion, has changed his name to Fang. Okay hunny?"
I watched as she scribbled onto a fluro yellow post-it note. She handed it to me with a smile and got back to work. She looked around 20 or so. She must be new; she isn't glaring at me yet. Fang, just my luck. I get the emo dude. I looked down at the note. Only for Dylan to snatch it off from me. He had one of his own.
"Fang huh? Aren't you meant to have your own gender?" He said with a hint of annoyance. I gave him a look.
"Dyl, calm down. Who did you get anyway? He looked down.
"Uhhhh, some dude called Shadowmancer. Anyway, I best be off. Coach'll kill me if I'm late again."
He kissed me on the cheek and ran off. I looked down at the note:
Fang, senior.
28A Empire Lane,
I stuffed it in my pocket and slung me bag over my shoulder.
-Time lapse-
There was the general response as I walked into the kitchen. Fresh cookies lay on the table. There was chuckling as my eyes got what I assumed was a feral, possessive look. I grabbed 6 or so and sat on the swivel chair.
"Max, I was just telling mum about the pen-pal program. I think it's a wonderful idea. And I thought I threw out those jeans. And now that I think about it. Isn't that the same black hoodie from the male isle at JJ's? I got a guy called Iggy. Who did you get?"
"Hey Angel, loving the dress. I think it's stupid. Hello mother dearest, thanks for the cookies. Yes you did, yes it is. That's a weird name. I got a guy called Fang, and I need ideas on what to talk about to him." I exhaled and stuck a cookie in my mouth.
Angel giggled. "Maxie, what about 20 questions? I played it at school today with Maggie and Sarah." She smiled and skipped off to the living room, her goldy locks hair bouncing in the ponytail behind her and her red plaid dress swinging merrily. 20 questions not a bad idea, told you she was smart, in her own way.
I grabbed the cookie plate much to Ella's objections and went up to my room. I kicked open the door and plopped down on my purple duvet bed. Grabbing some paper and a pen I sat picked up a hardback book. Science 101, shoot. I need to do my science homework. I uncapped the pen and began to write.
Hey Fang.
I'm Max, short for Maximum, I'm a girl, and I guess I'm your pen-pal-.