A/N: Hello everyone! I just wanna remind you this IS a Jara story, no matter how Jeathery it may get. And for the last chapter there are links on my profile for what Heather looks like. And I'm also temporarily putting my other two stories on hold so I can write this one.

Disclaimer: I do not own HoA (House of Anubis (not the Home Owners Association (but I don't own that either.)))

Opposites Attract

Chapter Two

"Here's your uniform," I say handing her the grey cardigan, red jacket, tie, white blouse, skirt, socks, and shoes.

"Thanks. So what time do we head to school?"

"First we eat breakfast and then we head to school around 8:10. School's usually over by 3:30 but we come back at noon for lunch," I answered.

"I know this is a random question, but who are all the couples in the house?" she asked with a curious look on her face.

"Well me and Mick, Fabian and Nina, and maybe Alfie and Amber. But truthfully, I'll never know what they are. Those two have been in a sort of 'limbo-state' ever since a few weeks before the end of term prom that we had last year," which was true. I don't think I'd ever know what they were.

"So Jerome…isn't dating anyone?" she asked curiously.

"Unless he got a girlfriend in the last twelve hours, no," I said, expecting to get a laugh out of her.

Not laughing, she asked, "Do you thing he might like me?"

"Um, yeah, I bet he totally does. I saw the way he looked at you last night when you guys met." That's how he used to look at me. Whoa, where did that come from?

"Well, I better get changed. I still need to take a shower. See you in about an hour," she said backing out and down the stairs.

I had taken a shower last night before lights out so I didn't need to today, and I should be done in a bout fifteen minutes.

After brushing my teeth, getting dressed, applying a little makeup, and brushing my hair, Heather still wasn't back. It had only been thirteen minutes, so I wasn't that surprised. I might as well go downstairs and kill some time.

I walked down the attic stairs and then the main staircase. The hallways looked deserted. No Victor. Even the kitchen where Trudy or Mick usually was was empty.

I turned around and started to walk out, but I was caught off guard by Jerome standing in the doorway.

"Jerome! You know I hate it when people sneak up on me!" I scolded him.

"Looking for someone?" he asked completely ignoring my question.

"No. What are you doing? Stalking me?" I shot back.

He grabbed and apple and laughed, and I thought he mumbled something like "You wish."

"What was that last part?"

"Nothing," he replied nonchalantly.

"What do you think of Heather?" I asked, not really wanting to know the answer.

"I don't know. I've only known her for like twelve hours. Why?"

"Well, I think she might-"I stopped in mid-sentence realizing what I had almost done. It's not like she told me not to tell him, but it just seemed like the wrong thing to say.

"Might what?" he asked confused.

"Might…hang out with…Fabian today," I quickly said covering. Well, it was better than the hedgehog lie to Mr. Sweet last year.

"And why are you telling me this exactly?" he asked raising one eyebrow.

"Oh, I just thought that you might like her," I said. Things were starting to get weird.

"I already told you, I don't know," he said getting annoyed, and then taking a bite of his apple, "wait, did you say Fabian?"

"Yeah, she said she liked him last night," I noticed a grin forming on his face. He was probably looking forward to Nina, Joy, and Heather clawing each other's eyes out for Fabian.

"Not like that, so stop smiling. She already said that it was friend-like last night."

"Well you have to admit it'd be funny to watch Nina, Joy, and Heather all spaz over Fabian," he smirked probably imagining them fighting.

"Wait; didn't you say that you don't like Heather?"

"Yeah, sometimes you can be pretty stupid for a nerd."

"Well, if you don't like Heater," I can't believe I'm about to say this, "who do you like?"

"Why do you care?" he shot back.

"Well," no reason, I'm just hoping it's me. Where the hell are all these thoughts coming from?"I'm a girl. Girls just care about these things."

"Well, I'm not telling you," he said taking another bite.

"Well why not?" I wasn't going to let him off that easy.

"Because it's none of your business," he replied, and threw his apple in the trash.

"Why won't you tell me?" I practically begged.

"Because I don't have to tell you."

"Well I'm going to find out!" I said angrily.

"No you won't," he replied waving away the subject.

"Oh yeah? Hey Alfie!" I shouted watching a panicked expression form on his face. I started to walk out but he grabbed my arm.

"You wouldn't."

"I would. Isn't this what you usually do to find something out?" I asked with an evil grin on my face.

"Fine, you win. I do like Heather. But don't tell her," but something on his face made me not want to believe him. That and he was still holding on to my arm.


Our conversation kind of stopped after that. I ended up on the couch reading a book until Jerome came over and started bothering me. Bothering turned into talking, and we were both sitting on the couch when Heather came down. She seemed to be in a good mood until she saw us.

I got up and walked over to her. She had curled her hair and was wearing a light purple eye shadow. Somehow her eyes had changed to brown.

"Are you wearing contacts?" I asked thinking aloud.

"No, but I was yesterday. What were you talking to Jerome about?" she said the first part in an annoyed tone.

"I was trying to figure out who he liked earlier, then I started reading on the couch and he wouldn't leave me alone. I gave up trying to read and we just started talking. That's it, I swear," I didn't want her to think that I was trying to 'steal' Jerome away from her.

"Well, who is it?" she asked.

"What? Oh, he said I couldn't tell anyone."

"Well tell me," she whined.

"I can't, Jerome and I are really good friends and I don't want to end that!" she looked up when I said 'really good friends.'

"How good of friends?" she asked starting to get mad.

"We just hung out a lot last year because Patricia left me and Alfie left Jerome. That's it. There was nothing else," I said hurrying to get it all out.

"Mara, I'm sorry. It's just at my old school my best friend; well ex-best friend knew I liked someone, and a week after I told her they started dating. I'm sorry I was being kind of bitchy to you a moment ago."

"It's okay, and promise you won't tell anyone I told you this?"

"I promise now tell me!" she whisper-begged.

"Well, Jerome said he like you," I said in a barely audible whisper.

A smile grew on her face, "Seriously?"

"Yeah, but I think that he thinks that you might like Fabian," I replied nervously.

"Why would he think that?" she asked confused.

"I tried to lie…" I said ashamed.

"I thought you were a goody-two-shoes."

"You would be surprised. And just be glad I didn't say something about hedgehogs like I did last year when Patricia told me to lie."

"Hedgehogs?" she asked in disbelief.

I nodded my head and she started to laugh, revealing how cold her eyes were again. Once again I spoke my mind.

"How many different colored contacts do you have?"

"Well, I have blue, green, grey, purple, and a hazel color, why?" she asked.

"I just wanted to know how many other colors I would see. And now I won't freak out. But if you have red eyes I might…" I joked.

"Hmm, red eyes. I might buy some red contacts. So don't freak out if I have red eyes one day. But how many teachers do you think I would freak out if I did that? And students?"

"Well definitely Alfie, he'd call you an alien and scream. He thinks all new people are aliens. He called Nina one last year when she first showed up," I said, and we both started laughing.

"Which teachers then?" she asked still laughing.

"I'd say Mr. Sweet and Mrs. Andrews because they were pretty jumpy last year. Mrs. Andrews especially, she's been pretty jumpy in class because Alfie tackled her last year and accused her of being an alien," which I couldn't say with a straight face.

"Wow, Alfie really does think everyone's an alien," she said smirking.

"You want to come and help me find Trudy? She's usually been in the kitchen for half an hour at this time, but she might have accidentally slept in."

"She took today off because her daughter's in town, and by the way who is Darcy?" what was he talking about? Wait, my book. Oh crap.


"I don't see why you like these kinds of books. They misspell something like every page."

"That's because it was written over two hundred years ago. Now give it back," I said trying to stay calm.

"Fine," he said and tossed it to me.

"I don't know what you see in him," I whispered to Heather, hoping it was quiet enough that Jerome didn't hear.

A/N: Well here is chapter two, and sorry raenbc, I know I said it would be 2,000+ but I ran out of ideas. Thanks to everyone that reviewed, favorited, and clicked follow! And go read raenbc's House of Swithch. It's awesome. Hmm, and my number of reviews has to go from ten to…seventeen. I might cave and start writing and fifteen, but REVIEW!