Okay, I've been sick and denied access by the server for a few days, so to make up for it, I am posting this the same day I finally got a Altered World chapter up...a full listing of the characters used in the story so far, as I said I might add. Mainly, this is for keeping track of who is in Ragnarok. Note, some spoilers have been censored.

Also, an important poll is up. Do vote on it. Also, see Moon Heir; Osprey, for a quick look at one of the new characters that will debut in Moon Heir 2.

Data Page

Ragnarok Alliance


Leader; Ragnarok Sage (Censor and Annabeth Future)

Weapons; Staff, Censor, Knife, Magic,

Powers; ability to harm Immortals permanently, teleporting foes, Censor, Some Egyptian Magic, knowledge of the future, Censor

Mixcoatl; Mesoamerican God of Hunting and War

Weapons; Bow, Spear

Powers; Summoning Bow and Arrows, control of Central American Animals, Tracker, advanced soul trick

Skaoi; Norse god of Skiing, Winter and one of the hunting gods

Weapons; Spear

Powers; Tracker, Summoning of spear, Slight ability to channel ice and snow

Tyr; One handed Norse god of Single Combat

Weapons; Single Sword

Powers; Cannot be defeated when he fights alone, minor snow and ice related powers, Ability to tame any wolf

Clemiel; Voodoo Loa of River Floods

No weapon

Powers; Water control, River speciality

Thor; Norse god of thunder, lightning, storms, oak trees, strength, destruction, fertility, healing, and the protection of mankind

Weapons; Hammer

Powers; Lightning, the ability to summon rain, oaks, healing, strength and limited ice power

Loki; Norse God of Trickery and Patron of Chaos

Weapons; Black Magic, Aegis, Thalia's spear

Powers; Trickery, Black Magic, Shapeshifting

Brigit; Celtic Goddess of Healing, Smithing, Agriculture, Fire and Martial Arts

Weapons; Spear

Powers; Advanced smithing and healing powers, Fire, Plant control

Sedna; Inuit Goddess of the Sea and Underworld

Weapon; has none, no fingers

Powers; Control of the Sea and the Dead

Hel; Norse goddess of the Underworld

No Weapons

Powers; Black Fire and control of the dead

Ayao; Santerian Orisha of Magic and Air

Weapons; Crossbow

Powers; Voodoo magic and air control. Once she grabs a person's hair, she can create a voodoo doll that allows her to inflict damage on her foes from afar. She can't kill people this way nor use the Ragnarok stone to capture them.

Kumugwe; Nuxalk God of the sea and magic;

Weapons; Sealing spear

Powers; Magic and the sea

Marduk; Bablyonian God of Magic, Water and Judgement

Weapons; Bablyonian Sword

Powers; Magic and Water control

Tezcatilpoca; Mesoamerican god of Magic, War, Beauty, Hurricanes, Discord, Jaguars, Ruleship and Temptation

Weapons; Indian Spear, Club and Smoke Mirror

Powers; Magic, Wind, Storms, controlling Jaguars, various others

Odin; Norse head god of the hunt, wisdom, war, magic, battle, Prophecy and victory

Weapons; Gungir Spear

Powers; Great battle prowess, control of icy wind, hunting powers, magic

Sobek; Egyptian God of Strength and Water (Later went rogue)

Weapons; Staff

Powers; Magic, water, combat form, crocodile minions

Caer Ibormeith; Celtics Goddess of Sleep and Dreams

Weapons; None

Powers; The ability to manipulate dreams

Kinich Ahau; Meso American god of the Sun

Weapons; Two handed Sword

Powers; The power of the sun and light

Acolnahuacatl; Meso American god of the Underworld

Weapon; Bladed Staff

Powers; Hades like tricks

Tlaltecuhtli; Meso American Goddess of the Earth

Weapon; Staff

Powers; Death, Fire, Shadows

Rongomai; Maroi God of Water and Whales;

Weapons; Maori spear

Powers; Water powers, whale control

Tsul' Kalu; Great Cherokee Hunter

Weapons; Yggdrasil Arrow

Powers; Hunter at Orion the first's level

Tsul' Kau's love; Cherokee youth

Weapons; None

Powers; None

Zhu Rong; Chinese God of Fire

Weapons; Sword, Tiger

Powers; Military grandness, Fire manipulation

Raven of the Tlingit

Weapons; Talons

Powers; Many yet none

Han Xing

Weapons; none

Powers; Healing


Tanuki; Giant Racoon Dogs from Japan. They have powerful strength and shape shifting abilities into other creatures.

One Tail; A particular Giant Raccoon among the Tanuki, their leader. Slain by Thalia.

Yuki Onna; Snow woman from Japan, they can control ice at will and form it.

Kenmeina Kōri no Kaze; Leader of the Yuki Onna

Fenrir; Censor

Garm; Slightly smaller giant norse dog with multiple eyes, Slain by Thalia

Kitsune; Giant foxes with multiple tails from Japanese Myth. They can breath fire and can shape shift into other forms.

Nine Tails; A particular Giant Fox within the ranks of Kitsune, their leader.

Jargomundar: Censor

Svartalfar; Dark Elves of Norse Origin, immune to charm speak, black energy blasts and levitation

Dwarves; Miners and smiths of Norse myth

Ljosalfar; Light Elves of Norse Origin, immune to charm speak and blast energy blasts. They levitate.

Thunderbirds; Giant birds the size of the Caucasian Eagle from Indian Myth

Fachen; Celtic, literally half, demons

Lindworm; Bipedal wingless Norse Dragon, breaths fire

Bigfoot; Ape under the command of Artemis that the Ragnarok gains control of, strong and real animals, not affected by Celestial Bronze or Imperial Gold.

Gremlin; Miniature grey creatures that sabotage technology, British culture origin

Valkyrie; Norse horse riding escorts of the dead to Valhalla

Einherjar; Deceased Norse Warriors, technically half bloods

Skeletons; Hel's minions, wield mythril spears

Jorougumo; A Japanese Spider female seductress

Mongolian Death Worm; A giant worm that shoots acid, if killed it splits in two separate worms

Ya-O-Gah; Iroquoi winter bear, defeated by Carter and Sadie, revived

Youkai Turtles; Giant turtle beasts from Japans myths

Kappa; Green scaled, child sized Youkai

Tengu; Crow footed and winged Youkai,

Messenger Deer; Shinto's messenger Beasts

Killer Badgers; Creatures from Iraq, very big Honey Badgers

Bakeneko; Two tailed monster cat Yokai

Monkey Man of Delhi; Indian half man, half monkey

Sun Wukong; Monkey King from Chinese Myth

Lavellan; Scottish Poisonous Rodents

Devil Monkey; Yokai ape

Four Tails; Devil Monkey leader

Kabutomushi Yokai Bugs; Giant insects

Seven Tails; Yokai bug leader

Ushi Oni; Japanese Yokai sea demon

Eight tails; Ushi Oni leader

Greek-Roman-Egyptian Alliance Against Rangarok and the Giants

Perceus Jackson, Son of Posiedon

Weapons; Riptide

Powers; Water related control, some Earth and Storm, a few Egyptian Amulets, Access to the Duat, Unbirth fusion with Rose and Georgius

Rose Columbine; Daughter of Ceres (Part of Percy's soul)

Weapons; Golden Rose, Bow

Powers; Hunter abilities, control over plants, unbirth with Percy

Georgius; Son of Poseidon (Part of Percy's soul)

Weapon; Cross Ocean

Powers; Water based abilities, spell infused sword, Unbirth with Percy

Jason Grace; Son of Jupiter

Weapons; Ilvis formerly, now Thalia's Aegis and Spear

Powers; Lighting, flying, storm, command of the air

Carter Kane

Weapons; Kapish

Powers; Egyptian Magic, acess to the Dut, Horus powers

Sadie Kane

Weapon; Staff

Powers; Egyptian Magic, access to the Duat, Isis powers

Orion Stele; Son of Artemis

Weapon; Bow an Arrow

Powers; Hunting assets, tracking, animal speech, animal understanding, immune to charm speak

Tasukeru Yuki

Weapons; Ice

Powers; Control over Ice

Zia Rashid

Weapons; Staff, wand

Powers; Magic, particularly fire

Amos Kane; Chief Lector of House of Life

Weapons; Staff, Wand

Powers; Immense magic, capable of using chaos power

Leo Valdez; Son of Hephaestus

Weapons; Hammer

Powers; Fire manipulation, powerful invention ability

Piper Mclean; Daughter of Aphrodite

Weapon; Katripos

Powers; Charmspeach

Festus; Bronze Dragon

Weapons; Fire, claws

Powers; Fire, Flying

Hazel Levesque; Daughter of Pluto

Weapons; Calvary Sword

Powers; Shadows, the Earth

Frank Zhang; Son of Mars

Weapons; Arrows

Powers; Shapeshifting

Toy Autobot Army; Minions of Sam Kicker

Weapons; Missiles

Powers; Transforming, missiles

Sam Kicker; Magician in Training

Weapons; Staff, Statues, Wand

Powers; Prodigy of animating statues

Grover Underwood; Satyr

Weapons; Reed Pipes

Powers; Nature Manipuation

Mrs. O'Leary; Hellhound

Weapons; Claws

Powers; Shadow Travel

Kestrel; Daughter of Dianna

Weapons; Sword and Bow

Powers; Same as Orion

The Gods of Egypt

The House of Life