Okay this is my second kfp story. Im tellin you people right now. This is based of off kung fu panda 2. If you have not seen the movie there are major spoilers in this chapter. HUGE I warned you. Thats all I have to do:) Read on anyways if you want to.

Speakin of which Everyone needs to go see this movie. I loved it! If you haven't seen it yet I don't know what you're doing with your life. Go see Kfp2 its edumacational:)

Tigress snarled at the grin on Shen's face, ignoring the cold metal biting into her bound wrists. This smug little bird had wrenched everything from her. He had left China in ruins and Po-She took a shaky breath forcefully exhaling through clenched teeth, Po was gone. The stupid panda that cooked like a god, and fought like a novice had officially been taken down.

The peacock stepped closer, and her eyes narrowed at the minimal proximity left between them.

"You should be proud. After all, tomorrow I will make an example of you in front of all of China and show them that kung fu is dead." He stepped closer knowing his stale breath irritated her nose. "You'll become a legend."

Tigress's snarl turned feral, feeling her friends squirming behind her in rage. This man respected nothing. He wanted power, and he killed Po to obtain it. He wanted happiness, and all of China would suffer until he acquired it. She felt the tip of his wing ghosting over her arm, and she twitched with unrepentant rage.

She hated this bird with an absolute passion.

She couldn't do anything though. The Furious Five had been caught. Shen had built an army filled with a ridiculous amount of hostile wolves, and he had hundreds of weapons capable of destroying kung fu masters long before they could blink, and above all Po was gone…

She growled squashing that train of thought. She couldn't afford to grieve now.

They needed to escape. They had to, or all of China would fall.

(With Shen's former fortune teller)

The former soothsayer blinked as she noticed the floating blob of black and white bobbing dismally with current. It looked like the panda from the prophecy that had brashly showed up at the palace to fight Lord Chen, but why was he floating belly up in her river? It was rather unbecoming. The old goat sighed, picking up her hand crafted cane. She was much too old for this.

She hobbled down to the shore, ignoring the voice in the back of her head telling her that the panda was dead.

The goat came within touching distance of the Dragon Warrior and poked his inert body.

She blinked. Hmm..the panda wasn't breathing. That's not good.

She ambled into the shallow water so she was on his other side, and carefully hefted his arm around her shoulder intent on getting him to shore. The effort to lift him almost killed her. She hastily dropped him, and Po fell to the ground with an audible thud.

Never lift someone three times your weight. No one wins in that situation. She sighed. She could always wait till the tide comes in and roll him to her tiny hut. The soothsayer gazed warily at the Dragon Warrior's unmoving form. However, he didn't look like he would live that long. In fact, by the time the tide finally brought him in odds are he would be dead.

(In the valley)

Shifu awoke gasping from his meditation. Something was wrong. Terribly, terribly wrong. His mind immediately went to his students. What could have possibly happened that constituted this malevolent feeling.

Everything in him was screaming at the wrongness. Somehow the balance of good and evil had been tipped. He twitched, idly wondering if something happened to the Five, Po especially. The boy did not understand the magnitude of the power he possessed. If something were to happen to the Dragon Warrior the consequences would be dire for all involved.

The mission to dispose of Lord Shen's weapon could have gone horribly wrong. Shifu twitched. That was not a thought he wished to entertain. He had absolute faith in his students.

He twitched again, and the feeling of wrongness increased tenfold. With a sigh he hefted Oogway's staff on his shoulders. He would check on them. If something did go wrong- If they all got captured, they would need help.

Shifu stared pointedly in the direction of the imperial palace.

This was going to be a long day.

(The next day)

They were being tied to the mast of ship that hadn't left harbor yet. This was sick and wrong. Tigress glared murderously at the Peacocks back, and struggled to push back the crimson seeping into her vision. Chen was going to parade them across China and execute them one by one. Her ears swiveled at the sound of guns being loaded onto the ship decks.

She felt monkey squirming next to her, and Viper swinging aimlessly behind her. This was a stupid end. After twenty years of training, and surviving the fight with Tai Lung to be brutally killed by a coward hiding behind a giant gun. She growled softly, internally raging.

"I really didn't think we'd go out like this guys. I always thought I'd settle down. Have couple of kids, and die by getting my head bitten off and eaten by my wife."

Tigress sighed. Mantis almost echoed her thoughts, until the kids, and the cannibal wife part.

"C'mon guys we have to be strong. Po would want us to be….right Tigress?"

At that Tigress leaned back against the mast, squeezing her eyes shut as an almost physical pain shot through her, and she forcefully choked back a cry of rage. Po…He would want them to be strong. She blinked, eyes burning as she remembered the night she found him on the boat to the imperial city, throwing a tantrum and attacking the mast of the boat. After engaging him in a friendly fight, she had actually unveiled some of her past; Told him about the hours of endless training that had honed her skills. She never did that. Heart-to-Heart garbage was NOT her style, but somehow his response still bothered her. He said she was hardcore and couldn't feel anything.

She chuckled darkly.

If she couldn't feel anything then why did Po's death hurt so freakin bad? It shouldn't. She should still be hard and focused. Instead she just wanted to curl into a ball, and break down. Tigress sighed dismally, quivering as the wind swept past her, and a familiar scent invaded her fatigued senses. Her ears perked, and she carefully scented the air.

No way.

She almost sagged to the ground in disbelief.

Shifu? Shifu came all the way out here?

Tigress glanced from side to side, searching for any sign of her master. She saw a shadow across the floorboards in front of her, and glanced up. There silhouetted in the moonlight was the tiny red panda that had played the part as teacher and father for years. By some freakish fluke of nature Shifu had known they needed him.

Tigress nudged monkey next to her.


She nodded imperceptibly at Shifu, and heard Monkey's quick intake of breath followed by Vipers and Cranes. She tensed prepared to react at Shifu's signal, and the red panda never disappoints. One second her master was there, next-poof he was gone. Within seconds she saw a flash of red ears in her peripherals and felt the cuffs behind her drop to the ground with a clang.

With a clang…..

Tigress winced as a harbor full of wolves turned to look at them at the sound of her cuffs hitting the floor.

A ragged howl pierced the air, and as a synchronized machine the wolves lunged at them. She snarled, and instinctively stepped into a crouch.

"No! There's too many of them. Run!"

She blinked, watching as Shifu flipped lithely onto a nearby rooftop, and began to jump expertly from building to building, expecting them to follow. She snarled at the wolves, and turned once more to stare at the peacock that had single handedly brought down kung fu.

Her expression darkened

This wasn't over.

With one final glare she turned and followed her master arching high into the air. She felt her friends follow her lead, and they deftly leapt from arch to arch, zig zaggin in an effort to lose the dogs hunting them. Her eyes narrowed as a few seconds into the chase Shifu jumped into an alleyway, and she scrambled to follow, lunging to the ground after him.

"All those years of kung fu training and Master Shifu is still a speed demon compared to the rest of us."

She rolled her eyes at Mantis's words.

This was not the time for humor.

She blinked, as a familiar bridge became visible and she saw Shifu disappear into the shadows beneath it, with a final burst of speed she caught up to her master sliding under the bridge, using her claws to come to a graceful stop on one knee in front of her master. She didn't even budge when she felt Viper slither in beside her followed by Monkey, Crane and Mantis.

She continued to bow low, placing a clenched fist into her open palm.

"Master Shifu."'

She could practically feel his glare.

"What happened?"

She felt the tip of Viper's tale lightly on the base of her spine for support. She was the leader. She had to explain everything. That was quite literally the last thing she wanted to do right now.

"Well? What happened? Where is Po?"

Tigress winced, and took a deep breath.

"Master…we went to destroy the weapon as you said. Po was preoccupied during this whole mission. Originally we went to free the captured kung fu masters but they refused to leave the jail. Then we planned to sneak into the palace but there were too many wolves, and we surrendered. When arriving at the imperial palace we all broke free, and destroyed the weapon, not knowing hundreds of weapons had been built. At the same time Po had cornered Shen at let him go. We rendezvoused at the jail where the imprisoned masters were. There Po said he had found out that the goose obviously wasn't his father, and somehow Lord Shen knew about his parents. He wasn't able to fight up to his full potential. " Tigress ran a paw angrily over her neck. "I told him to stay away from the mission. It was too dangerous, and he wasn't focused enough. He didn't listen though and showed up anyway."

Tigress punched the underside of the bridge, her eyes burning with anger and pain. "And then Shen shot him with his weapon. " Her ears flattened against her head in sadness, her voice barely above a whisper. "He shot Po, and we couldn't do anything. Po is gone."

Shifu blinked, stepping back.

"No no no no…How…Why did this happen? Tai Lung and now Po…"

He twitched pacing back and forth.

"In a month Shen will have completely overrun China. We are in no condition right now to fight him." He paused in his pacing. "We will need a plan to take down Shen, and a good plan takes time."

"Master we don't-"

Shifu turned on her eyes blazing.

"Tigress I have lost my son, and I have lost Po. I will not lose any of you. We will defeat Chen. We won't stay in hiding forever. We will survive and live to fight another day. " His ears flattened against his head, and he gazed listlessly at Oogway's staff. "Today is not that day. "

Tigress glared at the ground, as Shifu turned to leave, motioning for the five to follow. She stood unmoving.

"Tigress we'll get another shot at Chen. We'll fix this you'll see."

Crane nodded encouragingly, and yet his words meant nothing to her. She wanted another shot at Chen right now. She snarled, and crouched low to the ground taking off after her friends and Master.

(With po)

Po sat up groggily with a groan.

"Oh did you get the name of that wolf that K.O'd me? Ugh I think he broke my face."


Po blinked confusedly trying to make the haze in his vision go away. Someone sounded mad. Who were they talking to? There was no warning as a paw suddenly collided with his face, and he landed on his back with a yelp.

"What the heck? What was that for?"

"You moron. You're dead. Did know that? Not sleeping, not unconscious from a fight. Dead as a door nail. Why are you dead? You are not supposed to die for a few more decades. I can't even fathom how stupid you have to be die early. Seriously, Panda? Ugh can you even imagine what emotional anguish you're putting my favorite creations through. The Furious Five are probably having a mental breakdown right now because of you."

Okay….. Someone was on drugs.

Po rubbed his eyes furiously and blinked as his vision became clear.

He gaped in astonishment. He was on a field of green. All around him there were rolling hills, and bountiful valleys. He had never seen a place so beautiful. It was like he had died and gone to heaven. He blinked as a new thought struck him and he looked around frantically for the voice that had been abusing him.

"Up here, Moron."

Po turned to look above him. Floating lioness. There was a floating female lion looking at him like he was stupid. She was floating, like in the air. Awesome.

"Hey…did you say I died? As In im not alive anymore? I kicked the bucket? Pushing up dasies?"

The lioness rolled her eyes in exasperation. "That's what dead means Po."

Oh okay. So he died. No biggie. It was all good. Everythings puppies and rainbows.

He twitched.


"….Are you done, because if you are we can talk about sending you back?"

Po froze. Back? He could go back. He turned to look at the smirking, floating lioness.

"You can send me back?" He crawled so he was on all fours in front of her. "Really?"

"What? You thought lions being the kings of beast was just a title? No dear. We created the universe, the five, and kung fu. We control Fate and I can tell you right now Panda you were never meant to die this early. That was just pure stupidity on your part."

Po leapt to his feet, bursting with excitement.

"Yeah baby! The Dragon Warrior is back in business! I can go there and help the Five kick Shen into the next-"

Po stopped. The Five. Shen…He paled and turned to the lioness looking at him curiously.

"When I died The Five were still at the imperial palace fighting Shen. Are they alright? Did they beat Shen? No one's hurt right?"

Po wanted to shake the lioness when she didn't answer him right away, and a feeling of dread coursed through him when the lioness's amber eyes stared at the ground. Something bad happened. Something really bad.

"Po..Shen beat The Five and was going to kill them. You're master saved them but Shen is still alive and well, and very soon China will be completely under his rule."

Po fell to the ground in shock.

"No no no…No one can beat The Five. Shen can't win. You said you created everything and control Fate, why are you letting him do this? Don't you care?"

The lioness snarled, and the very ground beneath Po trembled under the ferocity of her growl. She took a threatening step forward, and the look she gave him was absolutely murderous. Po felt something inside die under that glare, and he scrambled back away from the demonic looking feline.

"Never, ever question if I care for my people, Panda! I have protected them for centuries and will continue to do so long after your great grand kids die. Shen was never meant to take over China, and he would not have if you were still alive. I MADE the prophecy that foretold you defeating him. You died and shot that prophecy full of holes." The lioness's snarl grew feral.

Po blinked, staring despondently at the ground. "I caused this then. If I hadn't died…."

The lioness nodded tensely. "Everything would be different, but you did die and now we must look to the future. I will send you back. Unfortunately there are rules I must follow in this sort of situation. I can't send you back the same way you left. You must go back as a completely different person or risk tipping the balance of the universe and creating chaos."

Oh. That didn't sound good.

"What do you mean I have to go back as a completely different person?"

The lioness rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. "Eh…Well technically speaking I'm suppose to mind wipe you and give you a new body so you can live a new life, but that would be redundant so instead I'm just going to give you a new body."

"By new body…you mean what? A smaller panda body?"

"Um…No not really…more like a body more…fitting of the dragon warrior that's no where near the panda species at all."

Oh okay.

Wait a minute.

Po frowned. "What's wrong with Pandas?"

She stared at him dead panned. "They die early, and cause me problems. I'm going to make you a species that's not so easy to kill off."

Po huffed, and then began to see the appeal of having a new form, and began to bounce with excitement.

"Like what? A dragon? No no a lion? A Falcon? Is it a falcon, I wanna fly!"

The lioness face-palmed sliding her paw exasperatingly down the side of her face.

"No Po I'm not changing you into a dragon. There's no way in hell I'm changing you into a lion, and you couldn't handle being a falcon even if you tried."

Po pouted.


"Shut up, Dragon Warrior. You'll get what I give you and you will like it."

The lioness hovered before landing lightly on the ground a few paces away from him. She began to head in his direction. Every paw step she took flowers grew in the space her paws had been, and as she got closer her whole body began to glow with an ethereal light.

When she was within touching distance she was practically on fire she was glowing so brightly. Po shielded his eyes. Deciding that being a blind master was only cool in theory.

"Alright hold still Po this will only hurt for a second."

She drew both her paws back, shimmering, and before he could blink they slammed into his unprotected midsection.

In an instant his world exploded into white, and he felt himself falling.

The soothsayer sighed. The tide had finally brought in the large panda, and she had laid him out in the back of her hut. He had been dead for hours. For once her fortune telling had misled her. Chen would rule China, and the age of kung fu was officially over.

She leaned heavily against the oak walls of her tent.

This had by far been the worst day ever.

She blinked. In the edge of her vision a stale light was visible.

Her heart beat rapidly, as an almost feral excitement overtook her. She slowly turned to face the panda, and his entire gargantuan body was glowing softly, and his hand twitched. She watched an avid anticipation creeping closer until the panda began to thrash wildly.

She took a step back having no desire to get hit.

Obviously all wasn't lost because the panda was still alive, but why was he convulsing like that, and glowing? Pandas don't glow.

She watched dumbly as his ball like tail disappeared, and in it's place a long striped tail slithered into being, and his arms convulsed shaking, the black fur began to rip away and white fur slid across the length of his body. Fat that dominated his fur was replaced by muscle. Along the contours of muscles long jagged stripes criss-crossed along his body. His tiny round ears deflated, and took on a triangular cat-like shape. Once dull and unsharpened teeth, were replaced with long feral looking fangs.

The Dragon warrior- a black and white panda…..had just morphed into a white tiger.

Bloody hell.

R and R