Author's Notes: Alternative Universe (AU) with a generous helping of Alternative Reality [AR]. Don't read if you don't like AU/AR. Don't complain about it in a review. Thanks. If you like your characters straight out of the box, TV show, this story is not for you.

Title: Government Owned

Rating: M

Story Premise: Flashbacks about his father plague Callen and he investigates their origin. In turn, the flashbacks trigger frightening new memories for him about former government supervisors from the CIA, the DEA, and the FBI.

Category: A tragedy/hurt/comfort/romance novel.

Slash Warning: G/Sam. If you do not like slash, do not read this story.

Darkfic Warning: Novel includes non-con, dub-con, incest, rape, pedophilia, torture, violence, betrayal, tragedy, and plenty of angst. Physical, mental, and emotional trauma. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) with flashbacks, nightmares, reliving the trauma, night terrors, anxiety and panic attacks, etc.

OOC Warning: Novel includes Squick and OOC for Hetty, Vance, Sam, and Nate. The OOC for Hetty and Vance lasts throughout the novel.

Crossover Warning: A short crossover to NCIS for 3 chapters starts at Ch 71 with only Leroy Jethro Gibbs. Gibbs mentioned briefly again in Ch 105.

Warning: Major G Callen whump ahead.

NCIS: Los Angeles and its characters are owned by CBS and the producers of it. I do not own anything, but if I did I would torture G Callen more. I am grateful to CBS and the producers of NCIS: LA for their contribution to the world of entertainment.

My stories are a work of my imagination and I do not ascribe them to official story canon. This is a work intended for entertainment outside the official storyline owned by CBS and the producers of NCIS:LA. I gain no profit from the creation and publication of this story. I love to play in the sandbox with the characters and their lives. I especially love to torture G Callen. It is fun!

Reviews appreciated and welcomed.

Callen moaned. Pain traveled from his wrists up his arms. He started to move and remembered what she had said. "Don't move or it will cut off your hands." He shivered remembering her words. Callen glanced down his torso. Inside it hurt, hurt bad. Pass out bad. Have to hold on, he told himself. At least a dozen times in the last hour or so, he had repeated a mantra to himself: Federal Agent. Been through this and worse. Focus on the worst pain. You can make it through this pain. Not that bad. Really? Hell no! This was the worst pain he ever... No. The worst would be the piano wire slicing through his wrists and ankles if he moved. The pain would last throughout the minutes before he bled to death. Do not move. Keep still. No matter how bad it hurts. Keep still.

Close footfall caused Callen to shudder within. He managed to shut down the urge to move. And he squelched the urge to scream for help. What if it was her returning to finish him off? He shuddered again at the thought. He heard someone gasp.

"Oh man, G," Sam said, "damn, I'll kill who ever did this to you."

Shit. He swore under his breath. He was stark naked. His partner could see everything.

"I'll get you down in a minute."

Down? Down from where?

"Get some blankets Kensi."

"On it all ready." She rushed back from the car's trunk and laid one blanket on the warehouse's concrete floor.

"Help me cut the wires. Easy. Keep him steady. Deeks, easy."

"Don't, please, don't." He cried out. Couldn't help himself. Hated his own weakness. "Damn it!" He bit his lower lip causing it to bleed.

"Don't sweat it, man, relax."

"Relax? Don't sweat it?"

"Quit talking, G."

Free from the wires, Sam Hanna lifted his partner into his arms and laid him on the blanket.

Kensi was quick to cover him with another blanket, wrapping him in the softness of two micro-fleece blankets. "Lie still." She brushed damp hair from his forehead and kissed him there.

Callen needed to see why his partner had gasped when he saw him. He faced and stared at the wrought-iron wagon-wheel-shaped contraption, piano wire dangled from four places. Spread eagle. He shuddered within and squeezed his eyes shut. After trying for several seconds yet what seemed like minutes to calm his breathing, Callen gave into the terror which had bubbled up into his chest. He whimpered.

"Let's get him out of here. I've seen enough."

"Me too."

"Got pictures, Deeks?"


"Good." Sam lifted Callen into his arms again and carried him to the car.

He couldn't help himself, burying his face in his partner's chest, he cried and shook.

"Who ever did this to you—" Sam stopped mid-sentence realizing G had just urinated on both of them. "What the? Get the blankets out of my trunk and grab my extra clothes."

Deeks glanced at him sideways.

"I'll explain later." Sam settled his partner onto the back seat of the car and removed the wet blankets.

Callen curled into a fetal position and wailed.

"What the hell?" Deeks said, approaching the car.

"Acute traumatic stress disorder. Normal reaction."


"Don't, don't say it. Just give me the blankets." He wrapped G in them. "Kensi, I need you to drive." Sam stripped and dressed in clean clothes in front of both agents.

"Gees, if I wanted to—"

"I know, if you wanted to see my sexy body, Kensi, I should have told you first so you could prepare yourself?"

"Superficial modesty, Deeks?" Kensi winked at him and then back at Sam.

"No modesty involved. I'm downright sexy and you know it." After winking back at her, he climbed onto the back seat next to Agent G Callen and pulled him onto his lap. "Easy does it, buddy, easy does it."

"Please don't, please."

"No one is going to hurt you, I promise."

He sniffled and quieted down.

"That's it, G, you're safe."

When the car's engine rumbled to life, Callen startled hard, whimpered, and lifted his head. He scanned the vehicle, turned and saw his partner, and settled back down, resting his head on his partner's lap. His shuddering started again.

Sam stroked his partner's back. "Relax, G. That's it, man."

"Where are you taking me?" He whispered, his voice hoarse.

"Headquarters for now. If Hetty wants you hospitalized she'll order it. I think she wants to see you first."

"Yeah, I know why." He shivered within, conjuring up in his mind what his supervisor might do to him for disobeying orders. Callen had to do this. He needed to. And now it had nearly cost him his life. Damn. He was in deep trouble and he knew it. He sucked on his lower lip where blood now seeped to the surface.