Disclaimer – I don't own Darkest Powers… or do I? …I don't.

A/N: Hey, I am back with a new, or the first, chapter of this story! It's been a lot of fun to write and I hope all of you enjoy it!

I had written responses to all of your reviews here but it took up so much space because of my long replies. So this is my message to everyone who reviewed:

Thank you so much for telling me your thoughts on this story. I think I've read all of your reviews at least five times, so thank you! I am truly amazed at the amount of reviews I've gotten! You guys should win some sort of award for that!

PS. When I said "AH" I might not have been super serious. I was more thinking in the sorts of, they won't be their regular kinds of supernaturals, sort of anyways (I'm putting a twist to it)… Well, you'll see. Eventually.

Chapter One:

Drink and the devil had done for the rest

Port Royal

May 20th 1751

The deafening sound of cannons had awoken most of Port Royal by midnight. Derek had been tense the entire day, not only because of the grey sky and the small change in wind which never meant anything good… but it was more than that.

The governor's daughter, Chloe Saunders, had just gotten engaged to the recently promoted Simon Bae.

Derek used to know Simon; they had been close growing up seeing as they lived nearby each other. Derek's father had died a long time ago so when his mother was working her job as a seamstress, he had to play outside. Simon's mother was very fond of the dresses Mrs. Souza made so he came over a lot. By the time they were seven they were best friends.

But it didn't take long before lines were being drawn. Derek was the son of a deceased merchant sailor and Simon was training to take part of the British Navy.

When they were younger neither of them cared about titles or the importance of names. They just wanted to have fun the way friends do. But it seemed like Derek had lost his friend for good. Now he was Mr. Souza, the man who had created the sword Simon received when he became Commodore Bae. Nothing more nor nothing less, than a talented blacksmith.

Chloe Saunders was a beautiful young woman, something that was well known around Port Royal and not a secret to Derek himself. He would never admit it, but he had been known let his eyes linger on her when they were actually in the same room. That was it though; he doubted that there was anything behind that pretty face other than an irrevocable love for his long lost best friend.

He respected Simon's decision to marry Chloe Saunders. Derek wasn't a fool. He had seen the way Simon looked at Chloe as if she was a fragile piece of expensive porcelain. Simon was in love.

The screams coming from outside the small blacksmith shop were getting louder by the minute. Derek brought down a silver sword from the wall and weighed it in his hands. The dense object bounced familiarly, reminding him of the hard work it took to make it.

Suddenly, there was a thud. Then another thud and another one.

Derek straightened up, positioning himself into a standard fencing position with the sword placed securely in his right hand.

The thick wooden door crashed to the ground revealing a tall, angry looking pirate. Derek had never seen a pirate before except at the gallows, but he'd heard what they looked like. Ragged clothes, dirty faces and tan skin from hours spent slaving in the hot sun.

The pirate grinned, flashing two golden teeth. The sword he was holding was not nearly as clean or fine as Derek's but the way he held it revealed his experience in swordfights. The pirate laughed mockingly at Derek, taking a step forward threateningly as if expecting him to run away.

Derek wasn't going to flee. He hadn't practised fencing this long to let a pirate intimidate him.

Just as the pirate lounged at him, Derek dodged, swinging his sword in the air and landing in the pirate's stomach. Derek's eyes widened in realization of what he'd done for a brief second before he pulled the sword out. The pirate fell to the ground, clutching his wounded middle.

Derek hesitated for a moment. He had just killed a man. No, he thought firmly. Not a man, a pirate. Don't forget what they are… or rather what they aren't.

Suddenly, a bright light illuminated the street outside. Derek turned around to see that the building facing the blacksmith shop was lit on fire. He watched as a man pulled a woman out of the house. Her long dark hair was matted with sweat and she was coughing.

Without hesitance, Derek rushed out of the shop, deciding that he would do whatever he could to help Port Royal through this. He wasn't part of the navy but he could handle his weapons better than most. There was no doubt in his head that he could take down each and every pirate that dared invade his home.

"Let go of me, you mongrels!" Chloe screamed as two filthy pirates grabbed onto her arms.

Not long after Tara had come to warn her, the pirates had stormed the mansion. Chloe had sent Tara into hiding; after all, they weren't looking for a maid. They wouldn't do anything about a simple handmaiden being held captive. The governor's daughter on the other hand…

"Oh, no, dolly," one of the grubby looking pirates practically purred. "I'm thinking we have a little fun before we take you to our captain. I don't think he'll mind."

The other pirate, with darker hair looked hesitant. "I'm not sure about that, Liam. The captain did sound pretty serious. Don't you reckon we ought'a obey his orders?"

Liam scoffed. "Do you really think he'll mind, Ramon? We will be the ones that bring him," he looked down at Chloe voraciously, "dolly here. He'll be thrilled with us either way."

Once again, Chloe fought to free her arms but it didn't matter. She was no match for two pirates. Tears were clouding her vision when suddenly a bright light lit of the foyer.

The beat up front door flew open revealing a girl about Chloe's age. Her pitch black hair fell just above her shoulders, she was wearing a midnight blue gown that looked worn and the dark glimmer in her eyes made Chloe's hands shake. The most intimidating and peculiar thing about her, though, was the fact that she was holding a bright blue ball of lightning in her hands.

Liam's grip on Chloe's arm tightened, his ragged nails digging further into her skin. "Victoria," he spat. "What are you doing here?"

The girl, Victoria, smirked mischievously. "Oh, you poor little mutts! You didn't seriously think that your captain was the only one looking for her, did you?" Seeing the doubtful look on his face, she continued. "No, so if you'd just hand me the girl, I might be inclined to spare your sorry excuses for lives." The ball of lightning sizzled as if saying 'there's no point in even trying to refuse my offer'.

Ramon elbowed Liam. "Just hand the girl over. I'm not ready to die yet, mate."

"Shut it," Liam growled. "We'll be dead if we hand her over. Either way, we end up dead. I say we let the witch kill us."

Just as Ramon was about to reply Victoria cut him off. "Both of you be quiet!" Her voice echoed through the abandoned mansion. Slowly, she started moving her hands apart. Chloe watched in awe as the ball of lightning parted into two. "Now, boys, please do hand the girl over. I wouldn't want to have to... do something rash." Her brown eyes flashed. "You know how impulsive I can get."

Before Chloe had a chance to react she was being pushed forward. Without a chance to break her fall she tripped down the few remaining steps and landed limply on the stone floor.

"Great," Victoria muttered as she watched Liam and Ramon scamper up the staircase to save their pathetic excuses of lives. "They just had to push her." She closed her hands making the lightning vanish into thin air. "Now I'll have to drag her to the ship."

Chloe groaned sleepily when Victoria pulled her to her feet and placed Chloe's arm around her shoulders. "Upsy daisy!" She sighed as she began hauling the knocked out girl towards the entrance. "Dear lord, I hope you're not one to get sea sick!"

A/N: How did you like the chapter? I've officially introduced Tori and Derek to the story and they will both have significant roles – though Derek's might be slightly more crucial!

Feel free to leave a review telling me your thoughts (it can hardly hurt *wink*).

Many "Aye, Aye"'s from,

Alison The Fictional Pirate!