Disclaimer: I don't own.

Thank you all so much for the fantastic and detailed (APurplePen) reviews!

Well ladles and jellyspoons, we have come to the end. Enjoy.

Rose's Tale

Chapter 28

"Rose! Don't forget your bouquet." Hermione cried as she thrust the bunch of lilac and white peonies in her daughter shaking hands.

"Mum, I'm going to be sick!" Rose gasped as doubled over. Hermione quickly conjured a bucket and shoved it under the retching girls mouth.

Rose stood up again and breathed heavily, her mother eyed her suspiciously before bursting into tears.

"Mum? What's the matter?" Rose asked and pulled her weeping mother into her arms.

"My first born is getting married and she is pregnant!" Hermione cried a mischievous grin spreading across her carefully made up face.

"How did you know?" Rose asked, delicately pressing a tissue to her wet eyes.

"Oh a mother knows, and well, Sunny is a blabber mouth." Hermione chuckled and placed her hand on her daughter's cheek.

"I'm so happy for you Rose, darling. You are going to be a fantastic mother, and Scorpius will spoil his little girl rotten!"

"What makes you think it will be a girl?" Rose asked as she placed her hand over her mothers.

"Its just a feeling." Hermione said.

A knocking on Rose's door made the two women jump.

"It's just us." Hugo said as he walked into the room, closely followed by Ron.

"How do I look Hughie?" Rose asked, as she slowly turned round.

"Alright, I suppose." Hugo said with a grin as he hugged his big sister.

Rose had chosen a white gown with a sweetheart line, small folds added depth to the bodice, and layers of white lace made up the long skirt. A modest lace veil sat atop Rose's intricate hair, and her mothers silver rose necklace hung in the hollow of her throat.

Rose grinned at her brother then turned to her dad.

"Dad? What do you think?" Rose asked nervously.

Ron gruffly cleared his throat and sniffed, wiping his nose with a tissue Hermione handed him.

"You look beautiful Rosie." He croaked. Rose glanced into his eyes and saw that they were suspiciously moist.

"Oh Dad, you big softie." She whispered, but walked towards him and pulled him into a hug nonetheless.

"I love you Rosie." He murmured and kissed her forehead.

"Ok." Rose said in a shaky voice. She pulled away from her father and smiled at her family.

"I'm going to get married." She said in a stronger voice.

"Scor? Mate, you ready?" Albus popped his head round the corner of the bedroom door and saw Scorpius sitting on the floor.

"Albus? Am I getting married today?" Scorpius asked his best man in a bewildered voice.

"Yeah… but if you don't get down there sharpish I doubt Rose will wait for you." Albus chuckled nervously.

"I, Scorpius Malfoy am marrying Rose Weasley. The girl of my dreams, the girl I fought for." Scorpius stared into space while Albus shuffled nervously beside him.

"Scorpius? Are you alright?" Albus asked and placed a hand on his shoulder. Scorpius peered up at him, a blinding grin on his face.

"I'm fantastic!" He cried and leapt up. "Lets get married Al!"

Rose gripped her father's arm tightly, the world was spinning and she forced herself to take deep breaths and count to twenty.

"It's time Rosie." Ron whispered as Wagner's Bridal march began to play.

Rose placed one foot in front of the other, breathing steadily, she passed the broom shed in the back garden and walked on the patio towards the white marquee. Rose and Scorpius were to be married under the stars in Rose's childhood home. Thinking about children made Rose place a manicured hand over her nonexistent bump. Ron saw the small action and groaned.

"I'm going to murder that boy." He growled but smiled wearily at his daughter's stricken face. "Relax, I knew this was going to happen at some point, doesn't mean I have to be happy about it." He mumbled at the end, which made Rose laugh.

That's how Scorpius saw his bride, beaming up at her father, dressed head to toe in white lace, red hair coiled on top of her head a bouquet of her favourite flowers grasped in her tiny hands. His breath caught and Albus had to nudge him, cameras flashed at Scorpius' face and Rose's face and everyone else's faces, but he could just see her.

She gazed at him as she made her way down the makeshift aisle, never breaking the staring match, she grinned again when he winked at her and finally, finally she reached him. Then, Ron took his only daughters hand, and placed it in Scorpius'.

Rose gazed into her almost husbands eyes, he looked straight back, never wavering, never blinking, solid and loving. Kingsley Shacklebolt, the Minister Of Magic began the speech, and promptly read out their vows.

Suddenly it was Scorpius' turn to speak, he said his line loud, clear and confident. Then it was Rose's turn.

"I do." She said, and smiled up at him.

Kingsley opened his arms wide, "I know pronounce you Husband and Wife, you may kiss your bride." And Scorpius most certainly did.

Woops and cheers filled the garden, swarms of people rushed over to congratulate the new couple, confetti and glitter was being tossed in the air as Rose and Scorpius made their way to the seating areas.

Scorpius rasped his wife's hand and kissed it softly, much to the delight of the onlookers, more cameras snapped and Sunny rushed over to hug her best friend.

"Have you told him yet?" Sunny asked Rose with and excited grin.

"I will, soon." She replied and followed Scorpius to their seats.

They sat at the head of the table and Scorpius leaned in to whisper something in her ear.

"You look gorgeous Rose." He whisper and gently kissed her neck.

"I have something to tell you." Rose murmured back, she opened her mouth to tell him about their baby but was interrupted.

"Dinner is served!" Molly Weasley cried as plates magically floated into the marquee, Sunny and Albus came and sat on the head table next to the new couple, along with Rose's parents and Scorpius' parents. Astoria leaned over and kissed her son and daughter in law and Draco smiled and raised his glass to them.

Once the dinner was finished Draco rose from his seat.

"Just before we have dessert I would like to say a few words. Scorpius, I have never been more proud of you in my whole life. You have made your mother and I incredible happy, Rose is a lovely girl and I wish you all the best in life. Even if you did married a Weasley." Draco grinned as chuckles and playful insults whipped around the garden.

Scorpius thanked his father and beamed as everyone raised his or her glasses.

"To Rose and Scorpius." The crowd chorused.

Dessert was soon finished with and Scorpius led his wife into the middle of the garden for their first dance he bowed formally to her and she playfully hit him on the shoulder. He grasped her hand and began twirling her to the music before rasping her close to him. Rose leaned her head on his shoulder as they started to sway in time to the music. She stood on tiptoe and placed her lips to his ear.

"I'm pregnant." She whispered and pulled back to gauge his reaction.

A look of wonder crossed his handsome face and his brow furrowed, he nodded his head as an extraordinary beam spread across his face. He suddenly picked up Rose and whirled her round, it was incredibly cheesy, incredibly embarrassing, but the sweetest thing many had ever seen.

"I love you. I love you Rose." Scorpius said as she laughed and smiled as he spun her around the dance floor.

Eleven years later

"Mummy please. Let go of my hand, I am a grown up now!" Mira grumbled as she tried to pull her hand out of Rose's.

"Oh Scorpius. Did you hear that? Apparently Mira is all grown up now." Rose said to Scorpius.

"Oh really? I suppose that means you can have your own house now. But you'll have to pay for everything of course, and get a job and a car and take lots of boring exams, and I suppose you don't need your mummy or daddy there to say goodbye to you anymore, isn't that right Rose?" Scorpius said as he wound up his daughter.

"Well…maybe I'm not a grown up yet..." Mira mumbled as she grasped her mother's hand tightly.

Rose chuckled and made her way across the busy train station, she made sure all her family were together as they plunged through the wall to platform 9 and ¾ she quickly caught sight of Albus and Sunny and waved at them.

"Alfie! Over here!" Mira cried and dashed over to her best friend.

Rose quickly caught up with her and gave her best friend a hug, which was difficult with her ever-growing baby bump in the way.

Sunny laughed and placed her hand on her Rose's stomach.

"Oh it's kicking! You third, I can't believe it. Al and I are happy with just Alfie and Layla." Sunny grinned at her five-year-old daughter climbing on Albus' shoulders.

"Mira and Leo keep coming up with some odd baby names, and Scor suggested Norma the other day, I know he wants to stick with the star name theme but I'm not having a baby named Norma!" Rose chuckled and smiled as her husband said goodbye to their first-born.

Rose couldn't help but recall her first time here, she was so nervous but her parents assured her all would be fine, and to make sure she didn't get too close to that Malfoy boy…Rose burst out laughing at the memory, earning some odd looks from her family.

"Just a memory, that was all…" She replied shaking her head.

Rose felt a tugging on her sleeve and looked down to see Leo peering up at her, she bobbed down with some difficulty and brushed his messy blonde hair out of his brown eyes.

"What's the matter darling?"

He pulled his thumb out of his mouth and bit his lip. He was so shy, and Scorpius was concerned, at five, he had made a huge number of friends, but Leo was an awkward little boy and loved his books rather than the company of others. He was the exact opposite of his sister.

"I don't want Mira to go." He whispered in is mums ear.

Rose picked him up with some effort and placed him on her hip.

"There's no need to worry, sweetheart, why not try and make friends, then you can play with them instead of your sister? It's ok to miss her, but she will write lots, won't you Mira?" Rose asked and looked at her daughter, placing Leo on the ground next to her.

"Of course I will Mum." She replied and gave her little brother a hug.

Leo looked relieved and waved timidly and Layla who clambered off Albus and started chatting to him.

Rose waited for Mira to gather her things; she nervously walked towards her parents. Rose knew this was coming.

"What if I make no friend?" Mira whispered, gazing back and forth at her mum and dads faces.

"Don't be silly darling, you're already friends with Alfie and loads of kids will be lining up to be your friends. Plus all your cousins and second cousins are going to be there, including Noah, he's just in the year above you." Scorpius replied giving his daughter a fierce hug.

Mira turned to her mum and leapt into her arms.

"Careful darling. Keep thinking of baby names, write to us often, but have fun. I love you." Rose whispered into her daughter's curly red hair. Mira grinned and bounded onto the train, with Alfie in tow.

Rose grasped Scorpius' hand and waved Mira off, they waited until the scarlet train had left and most of the parents had departed, Sunny and Albus were chatting to Layla and Leo.

Scorpius turned to his wife.

"It brings back memories, doesn't it?" He murmured into her neck as she hugged him.

Rose thought back to her years at Hogwarts, they had been the most exciting and draining of her life. She had she had met her best friends there, discovered her Patronus and her animal form she had become head girl, excelled at her exams, met the love of her life, almost lost him and got engaged in Hogsmeade. Rose had married her fathers worst enemies son, she had ventured into the rivals camp and come out victorious, she had given birth to two fantastic, incredible, gorgeous children with the love of her life by her side. She was expecting another baby.

She had tried to use a love story to unknowingly stop her own one from blossoming, but it had made it bloom instead, which was Harry and Ginny's aim all along. Scorpius and Rose had their own story to tell, a happy one this time, filled with love and happiness, laughter and tears, fights and jokes, disaster and reconciliation. They had their own tale to tell their children.

And as they stood, embraced on the platform saying goodbye to their first child as she ventured into the unknown adventure that was Hogwarts, Rose hoped she found as much as she did, even more, Rose hoped that she had her own story to tell. Because for now, Rose was in the middle of her own story, the best one of her life: Rose's tale.

The End.

Well that's that then! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Thank you to every one.

If anyone is interested in what I was listening to while writing this it was: Florence and the Machine's new album Ceremonials.

Thank you, everyone, once again.

Loads of love
