82. Dirt
She stared at the glass she was cleaning and frowned. Why. She had been asking herself that since, well, since that day.
Things were simple. They really were. She was nothing but a friend to him and vice-versa. The relationship had ended in good terms. It was mutual. However, when he announced (actually, when she accidentally found out) that he was dating his old college sweetheart, she flipped out.
She wasn't jealous per se. She simply... had this inexplicable feeling of screaming at him at the top of her lungs, slap him silly, and then scream again. And after that, after that she wanted to sit on her couch, watch a romantic comedy with probably a pint of ice-cream (mint-chocolate, mind you), and cry her eyes out during the cheesiest and sappiest moments.
So no, she was not jealous. She was simply confused and slightly angry because her ex had started dating – again – his old college love just two months after they had mutually ended their relationship. Jealousy had nothing to do with it. Really.
'Right. And this is why you're freaking moping, dusting, removing any sign of dirt from your apartment on a freaking Friday night. No Kaoru. You're definitely not jealous, especially because you don't want to go and crash his date. After all, you do know where he's taking her – thanks to resourceful and vengeful Misao.'
Sitting on her couch, she considered her inner thoughts. Okay. She was slightly, just a tiny bit jealous. But more than anything else, she was truly hurt.
She had admitted to herself about a week after the break-up that she still had feelings for him. The only reason she accepted to mutually break up with Kenshin was because she didn't want to force him into something he didn't want. He had made it clear. He only wanted to be friends.
She continued musing when her phone went off. Turning around, she answered it with a defeated tone.
"What's wrong, Kao?" A concerned male voice asked.
Blinking in surprise, she gasped. "Kamatari!" She almost shrieked.
"Yes, love. I see you missed me?"
Rolling her eyes, she smiled. "Of course! You were my bestest friend since we're embryos!"
"OK, Kao. That's taking it a bit too far in the 'past' lane. So how are you, sweety?"
"I'm fine. But where are you now? Are you in town?" She said excitedly.
She didn't have many friends, but the ones she had, were the best people she had ever met. However, within that circle, there were even more special people. Among them was Kamatari. Their mothers had been high school friends and after a few years of moving around and yet keeping in touch, they and their families had ended up living in the same town. It was perfect since they could rekindle their friendship and let their kids become friends – which in fact happened after a six-years old Kamatari threw vanilla pudding on a four-years old Kaoru.
A few years down the road, their mothers had actually considered setting both of their children up once they reached an older age – namely, marriage age. Unfortunately, a series of events had trumped those plans. First, Kaoru mother passed away when she was twelve. That had left scars, but Kamatari had been there for her. Second, Kamatari was bisexual but had tendencies to prefer male partners. When his mother had asked him (a few months after accepting the fact that his son had unusual preferences – that's what she called it) why he never considered dating Kaoru, he had replied with a "ew" and a "that's like incest." After that, his mother never asked him again.
During Kaoru's freshman year in college, Kamatari had decided to further his education in photography somewhere in Europe. Besides his random and infrequent visits, he was practically traveling and photographing all over the world.
"In fact, yes, I am." His voice sounded pleased.
Jumping out from the couch, Kaoru shrieked once again. "Seriously! Let's meet!"
Kamatari laughed in the other line. "Sure."
"Where? Let me know? I'm in my PJs but I can get ready really quick. Oh my God, I can't believe you're here!"
"Well, deary. I'm glad to know you're happy to see me. I can go to your apartment."
"Alright! See you then!"
"See you. And Kaoru… I'm at the door."
Opening her eyes in surprise, she threw the phone down without hanging up and ran to open her door. Almost immediately, laughter surrounded her apartment.
Screw her ex. She had her best friend right by her side.