I'm baaaaack! Sorry for not updating lately I've been on vacation. And along with that vacation came internet deprivation. I swear I was going to go crazy if I stayed there for much longer. But any way… on with story! (Oh and before I forget Don't own Naruto blah blah blah)

Chapter 4- Feared

Time Skip- Age 9

A man was breathing hard as he ran through the forest. The man was stout and scarred, he was a fighter. He might have been considered slightly handsome in that moment if it wasn't for the utter fear on his face. You see this man was running to any place, no, he was running away from something or someone. He didn't even know which.

His name was Kasai Kuro he was a criminal. He had been the right hand man of the head of an organized smuggling company. This week they had been traveling with their biggest load yet which included around fifty slaves most of which came from Hi no Kuni they were hurrying along since everyone was uneasy about crossing Konoha shinobi, even the thirty missing nins. They had crossed the border into Ocha no Kuni unnoticed and had set up camp in a forest. Kasai had gone out in search of a water source for ten minutes and came back to a rather unpleasant scene.

The whole crew had been killed whatever had done this had extreme efficiency. Not one unnecessary wound was found on the corpses. Kasai was so scared that he didn't even think to check on the slaves. No, he was too busy wondering if the thing that had taken out sixty men, half of them being missing nins, in under ten minutes was still around. He was looking all around when heard a rustle and promptly bolted.

Now we come to our scene a man sprinting into an unknown forest scared out of his wits. He had been running for a mere minute when he saw something up ahead. He came to an abrupt stop almost falling and tried to make out what it was. Two shadows stepped out of the forest. He felt his blood run as cold as ice.

He had heard stories of these shadows. They both were silent he could feel their piercing gazes through the eye holes in their masks. These shadows were anbu of Konoha a rather famous pair as well which is strange for anbu since their very existence is normally kept secret. These two had the masks of Inu and Kitsune, they were known throughout the elemental nations for their efficiency and teamwork, it is said they have never failed a mission, and have killed thousands, effectively earned the pair the rightful name of Masuku no shi or Masked death.

Kasai was a man, a tough man and skilled in deception but he knew he stood no chance against these monsters. He shakily asked "What do you want?"

The shorter shadows voice startled him with its pitch "Are you Kasai Kuro right hand man of the man named Gatou?" the voice was of a girl, a child, which he kind of guessed was the case with the height issue, but he did not expect one of the most feared shinobi in the world sound like… well that! But at the same time the voice had that edge of steel he reminded himself who he was talking to. They were in every bingo book besides Suna's ranked as S class nins on their own and as SS class together the rule is said bring an army for one of them but for both run.

He brought his thoughts back to the situation at hand and cleared his throat. He eventually managed to croak out a "Yes." The next thing he knew was black.

"Well that was easy." Kakashi said as he slung the man over his shoulders. This was the bad part about being a nine year old anbu, even though he was tall for his age he was still a whopping 4'6" if you don't add his gravity-defying hair. Therefore, he couldn't sling the rather large adult male over his shoulder with ease as any other anbu would do because then his captive's legs and/or head would drag while he was moving. So he had to improvise and put Kasai to where he was bent at the waist and his legs and armpit were resting on Kakashi's shoulders while he held them there with his arms. If he wasn't a shinobi this would not be possible.

"Oh you're just mad you didn't get the chance to try out that new lightning jutsu you finally finished." Naru retorted.

"Hey it was finished before since I have been using it for years now. I just perfected it." Kakashi replied sounding affronted. Naru just scoffed in response muttering under her breath "Stupid Rakiri I swear if he doesn't find a way to quiet the thing down it will either get us killed or I will kill him the next time he uses the stupid thing! A rank assassination jutsu!" another scoff.

"You know I can hear you right? Shinobi ears along with a contract with dogs does that to you." Kakashi asked.

"Oh I know!" she happily replied bouncing and grinning stupidly though he couldn't see it he knew it was there. He just shook his head and rolled his shoulder. Translation: Let's go.

The two then made their way back to the camp for clean up. They incinerated all evidence and rounded up all captives for departure.

It took a week and a half to get back to Konoha, while without the slaves it would have taken at most two days. But it was an uneventful journey they stayed in inns or camped out and kept Kasai under drugs as not to have to deal with him. The former captives loved them. They showed them kindness and compassion. Helping the old or wounded and stopping whenever needed when they clearly longed to be home.

When they finally made it they immediately took the group to the police station. They would work out arrangements for returning to their homes. They were pleasantly surprised when each and every one of the group gave them a hug before they left thanking them profusely.

Afterward they reported to the Hokage who was pleased and gave them a few days leave with a slight reprimand not to worry an old man since they had not sent a messenger bird until the fifth day of being gone saying the reason for their delay.

They decided to get something to eat and decided on Ichiraku's for a well deserved meal. Yep, it was good to be home.

Please review! I know it's not long but I think I got a lot of the story in this one please tell me if you like and feel free to critique. I need it!