Chapter 10: Epilogue

Jade POV

It'd been two weeks since Tori's father saved us. The first thing I did was take a shower, but since I couldn't wait until I was home I took one at Tori's place. She was in the second I got out. After that I was bombarded by the gang with hugs which I returned for once. I also got a new cell phone, with their help, and Tori didn't forget hers.

Beck took me home later on. On the way there he told me when I disappeared he realized how much he missed me and wanted me back. I didn't know what to tell him so I told him to let me think.

At my house my parents didn't say much, though mom did say she missed me a lot. When I tried to sleep I couldn't. Realizing I couldn't sleep without Tori, I went back to her house. She told me she couldn't sleep without me either and I slept in her bed. Don't get any ideas either, all we did was sleep.

We went to school after a few days and kids bombarded us with questions. Luckily for us Andre and Beck got them to back off. Sikowitz said it was good to have us back, which made me feel great. He's my favorite teacher.

Today the group decided to make sure we hadn't lost our touch, in acting, and were making Tori and I do different scenes.

Whenever she had an excuse she'd touch me. I didn't mind so much.

Currently we were taking a break. We'd been alternating turns in the Alphabet game (the one Sikowitz has us play). So far everyone had a turn with everyone, except Tori and I. Our scene was two friends who haven't seen each other in a long time.

While the others were talking Beck pulled me into the kitchen. "Have you thought about what I said?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I have actually."


"And my answer is no." I said.

His face fell, "Why?"

"There's...someone else." I admitted, mostly to myself.


"I can't say. I'm sorry Beck, what we had was good but I've liked this person for awhile now and I never even knew."

"Alright. Well… I gotta go. See you later." Beck said then walked out the front door.

I sighed and sat on Tori's couch. Andre asked, "What's wrong with Beck?"

"I turned him down." I said.

Cat and Tori went wide eyed. "What? Why?" the redhead asked.

"Let's not talk about it. Can we do the scene?"

Tori stood in front of the T. "What letter do we start from?"

"C!" Cat shouted, then giggled.

I stood beside Tori and gestured for her to start.

"Cynthia is that you?"

"Darling it's been so long! You have to tell me how you're doing!"

"Everything's great, what about you?"

"Feeling pretty good today."

"Good, I've really missed you."

"Hardly thought of me you mean."

"I always think of you."

The look in her eyes told me she wasn't acting anymore.

"Just what are you saying?"

"Kill me now if you don't understand."

"Little bit of an overreaction don't you think?"

"Maybe you should give me mouth to mouth afterwards."

"Now that would be inappropriate."

"Oh you know you want to."

"Possibly but it's my secret."

"Quit teasing."

"I Love you Tori!" I blurted.

"Ha! I win- wait what?" I had all eyes on me, but I didn't care. I pulled her to me and kissed her. She didn't hesitate on kissing back. Her hands went to my hips while mine tangled into her hair and onto her neck.

I heard Cat say, "I don't think their acting anymore."

"I think I know why Jade doesn't want Beck anymore." Rex said.

Tori pulled back just enough to look in my eyes and ask, "Did you mean it?"

I smiled. "I realized I've always felt this way, but I was subconsciously suppressing it."

"So where do we go from here?" She asked.

"You and me: dinner and a movie Friday night."

Tori's cheeks heated up. "A date?"

"One one condition."


"You be my girlfriend."

She grinned and kissed me. I think it's safe to take that as a yes.

A/N So, that's it. This is the final chapter. Though I do have some sequel ideas...and a few other Victorious ideas (one is jori). if you want me to do more let me know! If you've followed this story from start to finish then I salute you and hope you enjoyed it as much as i liked writing it.