Scene: Senior Prom. Kurt and Blaine broke up sometime during the year, and Kurt is single.

"Kurt... um... may I have this dance?"

Kurt turned around from where he had been chatting with his friends. He was confronted with the rather imposing image of Dave Karofsky standing before him, right hand extended towards him in a hopeful fashion.

Kurt stood agape. His friends were silent.

Dave's eyes pleaded with him.

Kurt stumbled into speech. "It's... it's the last dance."

"I know. I want to dance it with you. Please...?"

At a nudge from Rachel, Kurt placed his left hand into Dave's right, and walked slowly towards the dance floor. As usual, he moved into the girl's position, maintaining a very respectable distance between them.

"Dave... why are you doing this? You said you could never come out at McKinley," Kurt asked quietly, looking up into the taller boy's eyes.

"This was my last chance," Dave said simply. "My last chance to really make everything up to you."

Kurt settled in Dave's arms, moving slightly closer.

"I forgave you long ago, Dave. You know that."

"I ran away from you last year. Right when I should have stood up for you."

Kurt nodded. He moved fractionally closer still, barely an inch parting their bodies.

"Thank you, Kurt," Dave whispered by Kurt's ear.

"For what?" Kurt asked him.

"For letting me have what I don't deserve."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't deserve to be dancing here with you in my arms."

"You've made up for your mistakes, Dave."

"Doesn't feel it," Dave said lowly.

Kurt shifted again, bringing the side of his body into contact with Dave's, and resting his head on his broad chest.


"Mm..." Kurt was swaying gently in sync with the music, enjoying the feeling of being held against the chest of someone he knew would defend him.

"I love you." Dave's whispered words were barely audible, but Kurt heard them. He turned his face up to look into Dave's eyes. The face that had once inspired terror now inspired a feeling of safety and protection.

Kurt's eyes, though, were damp. He didn't love Dave. He had warmed to him greatly over the past year, but he didn't love him. Some wounds run too deep. He couldn't stand the thought of breaking Dave's heart on prom night.

"You don't love me." Dave's words were more confirmation than a question. Kurt dipped his head, unable to watch Dave's face as he acknowledged the truth of the statement.

"What happens now, Kurt?" Dave's voice was almost pathetic. Kurt could hear the unspoken questions. What happens when everyone sees us? What happens when I leave here? What happens out in the real world? What will happen to me? What sort of a life will I find?

Kurt didn't know. And so he said that only solution that came into his mind:

"We keep dancing."