Hey guys! The time is here! The last chapter of this awesome story…I think I am going to cry! I got so into this story and characters while I was writing it…they felt so real to me…I am going to miss writing for this story…many of you as if I am going to do a squeal but sadly no…I feel like this chapter is the end to conclude Lucy's story…:'( I want to thank all of you guys who stuck to this story to the end and all my loyal readers….without you guys I think I would have given up on writing this story, but your reviews and adding my story to your favorites kept me going…knowing how much you love my story means so much to me and gives me hope :D I love writing for you all you're the greatest!
A final thanks to Princess Happy, Crystilia, Wolf Girl Jaye, Footster26, HeavensRiot, ShiningStellar, WriterGirl127, AquaticSilver, Tatsu, NaLu Fan, and to everyone else who read and enjoyed my story! :D thank you so much!
Now to answer questions or comments… :D :
Princess Happy: Thanks so much! :D im glad you liked it
Crystilia: lol I am glad haha it was funnt :D im sorry as I explained in the top ..i will not be making a squeal …
Wolf Girl Jaye: lol I no Zeref and Natsu asked for it lol :D lol the girls can take them…
Footster26: good question about the lucy aging thing….lol I luv writing them together…lol
HeavensRiot:l lol hahaha I no! lol I am glad you liked it
ShiningStellar: I really do enjoy writing Lucy and Alex. It is funny hahah and they are badass to the extreme lol
WriterGirl127: I am glad you loved it :D :D
AquaticSilver: Your welcome! I am glad you liked it :D thanks for the review
Tatsu: I'm sorry! Plz don't cry :"( ur gonna make me cry….. I am glad you liked it :D
NaLu Fan: lol Alex always has to butt in into everything ahaha it find it funny haha lol Zeref let Natsu's behavior get to him lol hahaha :D I am glad you liked it
Well everyone …this is the last chapter …the conclusion to Lucy's story…I …think…ima…CRY :'( I want to thank all of you guys again thanks so much for staying with my story till the end , for accepting my out of character(Alex), and thanks …just thanks for everything…
Make sure to pay attention to my new Story " Don't say goodbye" It's a romance and horror between Natsu and Lucy and maybe other characters…the first chapter is up already…:D
"I am tough! I am just scared by the demons I see in front of me!" Zeref said in a shakily voice.
"You did it now! We are going to die!" Natsu muttered looking shakily at us. Alex's eyes immediately glowed bright red as the daggers appeared. My whole body lit and glowed yellow as we glared at them stronger.
"We'll show you demons!" Alex and I growled dangerously at the same time. We immediately started our torture and all that can be heard on that afternoon were the shrills and screams of the boys
Dear Momma,
How are you? How is everything in the Celestial world? Loki told me that the key I have is your key like I can summon you, but I can't at the same time. Loki said that you can only come out when my life is really in danger and I have no more magical power in me. That sucks. So I decided that I will start writing to you to tell you how I am. Even though you can't write me back. Loki taught how to use the key to do things besides summoning you. He showed me how to send the letters to you through the key.
I can't believe it's already been 3 months since the incident with Father. A lot has happened to me and Alex. Especially Alex!
Hey Momma remember how Alex made a joke to Natsu that I was pregnant and he freaked so bad that he fainted. Well when we came home she did the same joke to Igneel and both the idiot father and son fainted. Well let me just tell you karma is a bitch and Zeref won't survive. Heck neither will all of us. Let me tell you it happened.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Alex yelled from upstairs. Everyone got up and immediately ran to her and Zeref's room.
We opened the door to see Alex standing in the middle of the room looking at her hands as if she has seen a ghost.
"Alex what's wrong! Are you alright!" Zeref spoke up in worry as he inched his way to her in concern.
Alex didn't seem to hear him at all. She continued to stare at the object in her hand in horror.
"How can this be possible.." Alex whispered in horror.
"Alex your scaring us! What's wrong?" I said in worry as I went in the room with Natsu right behind me.
"I'm…..preg…t" She whispered as she looked at me. Her eyes still wide with horror and disbelief.
"What you say? We didn't hear you!" Natsu said smiling. He knows. Alex immediately scowled at him.
"Alex! Babe..what's wrong?" Zeref spoke going closer to her. He looked at her hands and froze automatically. It doesn't even look like he is breathing.
"Lucy…I'm Pregnant!" She finally spoke still in disbelief.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA THAT'S KARMA FOR ALWAYS SAYING LUCY WAS PREGNANT HAHAHA!" Natsu immediately started laughing really hard. Alex glared at him.
"Do you even know what karma is? You dumbass?" She growled glaring at the still laughing Natsu. She rolled her eyes then turned to the frozen Zeref. "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU FROZEN! YOU DUMBASS! YOU DID THIS TO ME! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Alex yelled as started choking Zeref and shaking him back and forth.
"STOP IT ALEX! YOU'RE GOING TO KILL HIM!" I yelled as I tried to pull Alex away from Zeref.
"HE DESERVES IT! HE GOT ME PREGNANT! …..OH MY GOD! WHO IS GOING TO TELL IGNEEL!" Alex cried. We all immediately stopped in horror. Who is going to tell him? Igneel will flip especially when he sees Alex like a daughter now and Zeref as a son.
"I'M HOME!" Igneel's voice rang through the house as the front door closed shut. We all froze in horror. Alex's and Zeref's eyes immediately bulged in fear.
"HEY IGNEEL! WE ARE IN ALEX'S ROOM!" Natsu yelled smiling mischievously and evilly at us.
"Natsu! Natsu please! Don't!" Alex begged. Natsu just smiled wider at her.
"I'LL BE RIGHT UP!" Igneel yelled back. The sounds of him climbing the stairs can be heard throughout the whole house. Every step he comes closer to us.
"IGNEEL YOU WOUNLDN'T BELIEVE WHAT NEWS ALEX HAS TO TELL YOU!" Natsu yelled opening the door wide open looking into the hallway.
"What's the news…..What happened here?" Igneel asked looking in the room curiously. Imagine to Igneel's surprise when he looks in the room to see Zeref on his knees on the floor with his face pale and eyes wide as he looked at Igneel. Alex with her hands around Zeref's neck choking him and looking at the door with her eyes wide. And then me in back of them with my foot in Zeref's face and my hands on Alex's to pull them away. We looked at the red haired man at the door in horror as his eyes immediately fell on the pregnancy test on the floor. "Who's is that?" Igneel hissed.
"NATSU's!" I squeaked out immediately without thinking!
"WHAT THE HELL! I AM NOT A GIRL!" Natsu yelled at me angered.
"YES IT IS!" Alex yelled all of a sudden letting go of Zeref's neck and looking at Natsu!"STOP LEAVING YOUR SHIT IN MY ROOM, NATSU!"
"FINALLY I CAN BREATHE!" Zeref breathed out as he landed on the floor on his hands and knees gasping for air. I crossed my arms on my chest.
"So you girls expect me to believe that Natsu is pregnant?" Igneel said in a warning tone lifting a eyebrow staring at us.
"Yesssss?" Alex and I said at the same time unsure.
Natsu gave us away and said it was Alex's test. Igneel was beyond mad. I never want to remember that speech that told us and the disgusting video of child birth he showed up to teach us a lesson and show Alex what she will go through. Natsu yelled like a girl and ran to his room in horror before the video even finished. Alex threw up on me making me run to the bathroom. Zeref fainted in horror knowing he will have to be there when Alex goes through that.
Well it is now 2 months into Alex's pregnancy and let me just say that no food is safe in the house. She just inhales it like a black hole. Her mood swings are worse. One minute she is chasing Zeref around the house with red eyes and daggers on hand yelling at him that she will kill him for doing this to her. Then the next minute she starts running to me crying saying that Zeref is being mean to her by running away from her. Gajeel, Natsu, and Igneel would just laugh at Zeref's pain and eat popcorn as if it was a movie. When Alex catch them laughing at her she immediately gets really pissed not bothering with the daggers. She takes out the pistols. Once the guys see that they immediately run out the house. Igneel would trip Natsu and Gajeel and yell every man for himself while Natsu and Gajeel yell traitor to him.
Oh Momma I have a feeling we won't survive this pregnancy.
Father hasn't come to bother me at all. Igneel told me that Father lost the mansion and is under arrest for doing some black market sells to other countries of guns. Do you have anything to do with that Momma? Did you uncover all of Father's sins for everyone to see? Igneel told me that you would do that because of how much Father has hurt me.
You know Momma a few months back I was so sad and haunted by my past. I always thought that I would forever be broken and never fixed. I hated the boy I love the most now for something so stupid. Now I am happy! I feel like all my pain and sadness are all gone from my heart. I feel fixed. I was broken then fixed by my friends, family, and fiancée Natsu.
YES! MOMMA! I am getting married to Natsu after I graduate from high school. He already proposed to me yesterday. Even though it went horribly wrong.
"Natsu? What are you doing?" I asked in shock as I stared at him kneeling down in the middle of the street grabbing my hands in his. It was already night time and we just came from dinner. The streetlight shined above us.
"Lucy I know that we are to young now, but I love you more than anything! I want to spend the rest of my life with you no matter what! I want to be there when you cry! I want to be there when you laugh! I want to hold your hand when you're pain! I want to stand by you forever! I can promise you I will never leave you nor forsake you! I know I am not the smartest person in the world...and I am a dumbass a lot…sometimes I even want to punch myself in the fac….wait a minute! WHAT THE FUCK, ALEX! I AM NOT SAYING THAT ANYMORE!" Natsu suddenly yelled looking behind me. I turned around to see Alex standing there with cards on what Natsu should say.
"YOU'RE GOING TO SAY IT! NOW SAY IT!" Alex yelled back as she held the card up with what Natsu just said.
"WILL YOU GUYS SHUT THE HELL UP! NATSU FINISH YOUR DAMN PROPOSAL!" Gray yelled from behind Alex. My eyes bulged as I saw everyone standing there. What the hell are they doing here?
"WHAT THE FUCK YOU DOING HERE STRIPPER! I DIDN'T FUCKING INVITE YOU!" Natsu yelled at Gray. Gray immediately scowled. Juvia tried to calm him down, but failed.
"WHAT THE HELL YOU SAY!" Natsu yelled as he lunged at Gray immediately starting a brawl between them.
"HI LU-CHAN!" Levi waved happily as she ran towards me with Erza, Jellal, Mira, Cana, and Lisanna.
"Hi guys…..why is everyone here?" I questioned confused for what going on in front of me.
"IF YOU WERE A MAN YOU WOULD STOP THIS PETTY FIGHT AND GO GET YOUR WOMAN!" Elfman yelled as he, Zeref, and Lisanna's boyfriend Bixlow joined the fight.
"He says that even though he joins the fight." I said in disbelief looking at the scene. The girls and Jellal just laughed nervously. Then we heard guitar music. Oh no…
"Love..is a great journey to take together…Shada do bi ba." Gajeel started to sing discordantly. We all covered our eyes and yelled in pain.
"SHUT THE HELL UP METALFACE!" Natsu yelled as he threw Gray's boxers at Gajeel's face. Gajeel immediately stop singing and ran to Natsu.
"MY BOXERS!" Gray yelled.
"YOU DID NOT JUST THROUGH PERVERT'S BOXERS IN MY FACE!" Gajeel yelled as he smashed his guitar on Natsu. Natsu immediately fought back and a new fight began.
"They are really lively today!" Mira chuckled happily.
"They are pissing me off!" Erza muttered as she rubbed her head.
"YOU GUYS STOP FUCKING FIGHT OR I WILL SHOVE ALL YOUR HEADS IN EACH OTHERS ASSES!" Alex yelled at them angered. Then one of the guitar pieces hit her face. Alex's eyes twitched as she glared angrily at the boys fighting.
"This is not going to be good," Lisanna and Levi whispered at the same time.
"I AM GOING TO FUCKING KILL ALL OF YOU!" She yelled as she jumped in the brawl. She forgot she was pregnant again. I sighed as rubbed my head.
"ENOUGH!" Erza yelled at the top of her lungs making everyone stop speechless in the middle of their attacks. "Now Natsu I believe you have something to say to Lucy."
Everyone immediately broke apart and Natsu walked towards us.
"Oh right!" He chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his head. Everyone walked back to their places next to us like 20 feet away.
They quieted and smiled at us. Natsu stood in front of me smiling as he took out a box from his pocket. He got on one knee and opened the box. I gasped at the sight of the ring.
"Well Luce all I can say is that I love you more than anything in the world. Since the first time I met you when we were kids I fell in love with the way you always put a smile on people's faces. You were always happy and strong and I admire that about you. I want to stay by your side for as long as I live…..Luce …Will you marry me?" Natsu asked looking at me in the eyes. I looked at him and smiled.
"Idiot…of course…what would I do without you!" I chuckled. Natsu immediately lit up and hugged me. We kissed as he slid the beautiful diamond ring on my ring finger. We pulled away from each other once we heard someone clear their throat. I blushed and everyone ran to us congratulating.
I laughed as I saw Alex in the middle in one of her pregnant fits at Zeref.
"IDIOT! WHY DIDN'T YOU ASK ME TO MARRY YOU BEFORE YOU GOT ME FUCKING KNOCKED UP! AND WITH TWINS!" Alex cried as she continued to hit Zeref in the head.
"I DIDN'T KNOW! I'M SORRY!" Zeref franticly said as he tried to defend himself as best he can without hurting Alex.
I still can't believe that happened Momma. Don't worry I will make sure I send a picture of the wedding to you. Well after we tell Igneel first. You think you can come and talk him into agreeing?
But I am doing well Momma don't worry about me. I am so happy. You know every day I go back and think about the last letter you left me that Natsu burned. I think about what was inside it. I think if anything would be different if I looked inside. Then I thought to myself if I was able to go back in time to change anything ..anything at all. I wouldn't change a thing at all. I am happy with the way things are now. If none of those horrible things happened to me in the past who knew where I would be now. I will never change a thing. I am no longer broken. I will forever be fixed with Natsu by my side. I love you Momma. Until Next time.
Lucy Dragneel
P.s. I am starting to like that name :D