Disclaimer: See Part One.

A/N: This took me longer to get out than planned, but I was moving back home during the process. As a side note I spent an entire day throughout Wiltshire and it is beautiful! I also saw the place where they filmed Godric's Hollow and Professor Slughorn's house - how awesome is that? Anyway, please review and enjoy!


Draco's eyelids felt heavy, as if he was either seriously hungover or there was some sort of heavy drugs running through his system. When he opened them things were hazy and for a moment he thought perhaps he was dead since he was surrounded by white. Then things began to focus and he realized he was once again in the hospital and what had to be St. Mungo's. He could hear shouting, Pansy's voice screaming at someone.

"You have no right to see him you utter bastard! This is your fault anyway!"

"If you don't move out of my way right now Parkinson I won't be held accountable for what I do."

"Are you threatening me?" she shrieked.

"Harry, why don't we come back?" a softer voice asked, but Draco still heard it.

"No, Hermione. I have to see him. Now move out of my way, Parkinson!"

His eyelids felt too heavy and he was too far gone to even realize that Harry was right outside of his room, but then all he heard was silence.

"Shh, darling," was whispered into his ear. The last thing he saw before falling asleep was his mother brushing back his hair. "Sleep."

The next time Draco awoke he was more aware and noted that, unlike before, it was silent. His mother was sitting next to him in a chair reading a book, but when she saw him shift in his bed she immediately put it down.

"Darling!" she exclaimed, standing up and grasping his hand. There was a soft beeping noise and he knew that the healers must have been alerted that he was awake.

"I – I thought I heard Harry here," he said slowly, his voice feeling dry and raspy.

His mother's face darkened and her grip on his hand tightened.

"Don't you worry about that right now."

Draco had wanted to ask more questions, but the healer, the very same one from the first time he was here, entered.

"Mr. Malfoy. I am sad to say that we meet again. I hoped to not see you again under these conditions. Your doctor at the rehabilitation facility said you had done wonderfully there and had high hopes that you wouldn't relapse."

The blonde was thankful when the mediwizard didn't ask what had caused him to relapse, although as he now remembered Pansy and what he knew for sure to be Harry's shouting match and he had no doubt that the healer knew why.

"From what I know your relapse has been relatively recent and you had even more alcohol in your system than the first time you came in." The healer shut his folder and crossed his legs, looking Draco directly in the eye.

"I am going to be blunt, Draco and I would like it if you answered me honestly. I know the first time was an accident, but you knew this time what imbibing this much alcohol would do to you. Did you try and commit suicide?"

Draco looked away from the healer's gaze and down at the sheets. The room was silent until the healer spoke.

"If it would be easier to discuss this alone, Draco…"

"No," he said, looking up and avoiding his mother's teary gaze. "Yes. I knew what I was doing."

Nacissa began to cry and the healer began to speak once more, addressing both Draco and his mother. Draco wondered how on earth he did survive and was only half listening to the healer. He heard things such as "back to rehab" and "therapy for his mental state", but Draco felt removed from the situation. He could only ask why he was still here and why the fates decided to punish him once again.

It was Pansy who told him what had happened. She had come over the next morning, finding herself not able to floo, apparate, or enter by any other means. She had apparated to Granger's place since the two had become friendly ever since Pansy had been let go after her house arrest and worked at the bookstore Granger had frequented. That job had only lasted five months, but the two women had stayed friends.

Pansy had told Granger that Draco had relapsed after seeing Harry and the Weaselette together. Granger apparated back over outside of Draco's flat with Pansy and when she couldn't break through the wards either she asked Pansy if she had seen that day's article in the Prophet. Pansy said no and Granger explained to the other girl what was printed and Pansy knew that whatever Draco had done was serious. When Granger told Pansy that she was going to get Harry to break through the wards because he was the only one she knew who could take down wards that strong, Pansy almost refused, but decided she would deal with Potter later. Draco had been found lying unconscious on his sofa and to anyone who hadn't known he had a drinking problem it would have appeared that he was sleeping. He only had a faint pulse and was quickly rushed to St. Mungo's. Apparently Harry had demanded to see him once the blonde had been in stable condition and Pansy, Draco's brave heroine, told him that if he took one stop towards the door she would hex his dick off. Draco had no doubt she would have done this, but thankfully his mother intervened and asked everyone – Pansy included – to leave. She informed them that they could return the next day.

"Granger did tell me one thing though," Pansy said, trying to sound casual, but not succeeding. "And Potter confirmed it after I confronted him. He and the ginger she-weasel aren't engaged. Apparently she went out and bought a ring herself then went to the Prophet and told them they were engaged. I always knew she was crazy."

Draco only nodded his head in agreement, but he said nothing. Inside he was relieved that the two weren't engaged, but it still didn't explain why Harry had left him for her.

"Granger also told me that Potter promptly broke up with her after he saw the paper."

"You and Granger seem awfully cozy, don't you think?" snapped Draco. He knew Pansy was just trying to make things better for him and he was glad that Harry and Ginny weren't together, but it was still too painful of a betrayal to talk about.

"You should be thanking me that I am or I wouldn't get all these delicious details."

Draco ignored the last remark. "I'm feeling rather tired," he lied. "Would you mind coming back another day?" In all honesty he just wanted to be left alone, alone to wallow in the fact that even though Harry and the Weaselette were over it still didn't make the ache of his heart lessen.

"Of course." Pansy stood up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Next time I'll bring you those dark chocolate truffles you love so much." Draco smiled gratefully at the woman and she smiled back before leaving.

His mother had spent the rest of the morning and afternoon with him until Draco convinced her to leave so that she could go home to rest and eat. They would talk more the following day about what he would do after he left St. Mungo's.

He knew Harry was bound to show up after the spectacle put on the day before, but he still wasn't prepared for it. It was shortly after dinner when there was a rap on the door and Draco looked up to see Harry standing there. The other man looked like shit, his hair even more unruly than usual and he had purple circles under his glasses-free eyes.

"Hi," Harry said, still standing in the doorway. "Can I come in?"

Draco had half a mind to refuse, but he couldn't so he only nodded and Harry entered, shuffling his feet as he stood before sitting in the chair by Draco's bed that his mother often frequented.

Harry sighed heavily as he leaned on his knees, his gaze flitting to Draco before back to the ground.

"I don't even know where to start. I'm sorry, Draco." At this Harry looked up, his green eyes looking into Draco's gray. "I left you and I never should have. I didn't even give you a reason why and I never thought of the repercussions." Harry looked at the surrounding room briefly before turning back to the blonde. "When Hermione apparated over and told me what happened, God, I was so worried."

Draco didn't want to interrupt, but the damned man still didn't answer the question that had been eating away at him for months.

"Why?" he abruptly asked. Harry looked at him and appeared confused. "You never said why you left me."

Harry's face flushed and he looked away momentarily before turning back to Draco. "It was stupid. I was stupid. I had lunch with the Weasley's that day. I didn't tell you because, well, we always seemed to argue about them and I didn't want to have an argument."

Draco bit his tongue to keep a scathing remark at bay. He'd rather have an argument over the damn Weasley's than Harry just leaving him for one.

"You know they never accepted…us." Draco knew that Harry was just being nice and what he really meant to say was him, Draco. "They told me that if they ever wanted me to be considered their family then I couldn't be with you. That they, as my family, would never accept you. I – I panicked. They were the first family that I ever truly had and for them to make me choose…"

Draco had always heard that it was always better to hear the truth, but sometimes he wished that wasn't true. The truth stung. It was bitter, cold, and it hurt more than Draco thought it would. To know that Harry chose the Weasley's over him was like finding out Harry and Weaselette were engaged all over again, even if that hadn't been true.

Draco looked down at his sheets, trying to hide the tears that filled his eyes and threatened to fall.

"And then when I left you they were all happy, but something was still off and it was then that I realized they wanted me to be with Ginny. I thought I would give it a try after a few weeks had passed and they still were somewhat cold towards me. As soon as we started dating I knew it was wrong, that I made the wrong decision, but I knew you hated me. You had to and I felt trapped. I don't know what I was thinking. I didn't want to lose the Weasley's as a family, but I ended up losing you instead."

Harry moved to the edge of the chair and placed his hand on Draco's bed. He clenched his hand and gripped the sheets before unclenching it.

"I realized you were more important, Draco. That if the Weasley's ever were my family then they wouldn't have asked me to leave you in the first place, that they would have accepted you. Hermione told me all along that it was wrong and she and Ron got in a right fit over it. Even broke up."

Draco finally looked up, knowing that the tears were still there, but now he wanted Harry to see the pain that he had put him through.

"Did you ever love me? Or was this all some fling?"

"God, Draco, no. Of course I loved you! I still do. I know I've hurt you too much and I understand if you never want to see me again. What I did to you was wrong and if you hate me forever, I'll understand."

He didn't mention that there was no way that he could hate Harry. He wanted to, he had wanted to so bad, but he knew he would always love the other man.

Harry leaned back slightly, but was still sitting on the edge of his chair. He ran his hand through his hair, before dropping it in his lap.

"You had been doing so well that I never even thought about you relapsing after I left. When Hermione told me…I feel so guilty. I know it's my fault that you – that you…"

"Tried to kill myself?" Draco said bitterly. He knew Harry would feel guilty and he did nothing to reassure the other man even though he wanted to. But the fact was that if Harry had never left he would never have relapsed.

The dark haired man refused to look up at him as he spoke. "You had worked so hard and I ruined it."

They fell into silence, Draco grateful that Harry didn't ask any sort of question along the lines of asking for forgiveness. He wanted to forgive Harry, but the events of the past few months were still too painful.

"I'm going back to rehab," he told him abruptly. He knew that if he wanted to get better, that if he ever did want to forgive Harry then he needed to go back. "I'll have to do therapy sessions with a psychologist too, for my...mental state." Draco knew that Harry would understand that he meant his suicide attempt and the other man finally looked back up at Draco.

"I'm glad you're getting help. When do you think you'll go back?"

Draco shrugged. "Within the next few days I suppose."

Harry nodded and they fell into an awkward silence until the dark haired man stood up. "I just wanted to explain. I'll understand if you won't forgive me."

Draco looked away briefly before looking up at Harry. "I – I can't forgive you now, Harry. You hurt me too much. Look where it got me."

A pained look passed over Harry's face and he gave a sharp nod.

"Thanks for at least listening. I guess – I guess I'll be going now." Draco nodded back and Harry stood there for a moment longer, as if hoping Draco say something more, but Draco didn't and he turned and left, shutting the door quietly behind him.

For the first time in months since Harry left he cried.

Draco began rehab again two days later and twice a week he went to a psychologist, who had diagnosed him with depression and prescribed a daily medication. He had hoped to never be here again, but as he quickly came to realize earlier in life, you can't always get what you want. Early on in his stay he received a letter from Harry, much of it reiterating what he told Draco at St. Mungo's if a little more eloquently. He also told Draco that he found out it was Ron who had sent Draco the Daily Prophet and Harry was no longer speaking to any of the Weasley's. He feared that his friendship and relationship with the Weasley's was irrevocably broken, but he had no desire to fix it. They had interfered and caused what Harry deemed his greatest loss ever – Draco.

The words abated the ache in his heart slightly, but at the moment they were just words. It would take more than a letter from Harry for Draco to forgive him. Nevertheless, Draco replied, saying that, although he understood how Harry believed the Weasley's to be his family, Draco thought that they loved one another and they were more important to each other than Harry's adoptive family, considering each other family. He even hinted that he once hoped they would have bonded.

The very next day he had another letter from Harry who apologized profusely once more and said he would never forgive himself for what he put Draco through. Draco told the other man that maybe one day he would forgive him for what he did.

The letters continued and Draco even gave in to his sick need to know if Harry had slept with Ginny and in one letter he asked. Harry vehemently wrote back no and the only thing he had done with Ginny was kiss her. He felt relieved and the stone that seemed to have permanently settled in his stomach had vanished with the news.

Eventually the letters turned away from apologies and to normal every day talk, although Draco felt that there was still a barrier between them and he wasn't sure if it would ever go away.

When the day for his 'graduation' came there was no Harry this time, although Pansy was there. The feeling that he had last time at graduation, the happiness and tranquility, weren't there. Perhaps it was his depression or the fact that Harry wasn't there or maybe even a combination of the two, but Draco had no desire to celebrate afterwards. His mother insisted that they go out to one of those posh places for tea and cakes, but Draco refused.

"But Pansy and I made a reservation, darling!"

"I'm just not feeling up to it, mother. I think I'll just go back to the Manor."

This was another change that took more than half of his stay in rehab to accept. His psychologist and the doctors at the rehab insisted Draco to not move back into his flat and to move back to the Manor. He had put up quite the fight at first, but relented later on, albeit not happily. He knew his mother would have house elves watch him like a hawk, although maybe the company would be good, even if it was his mother.

"Well," said Narcissa, smoothing Draco's shirt as if he was a young boy. He pushed her hand away, but smiled at her. "Alright, dear. I'll bring you back some of those cakes you love, the chocolate raspberry ones. Ask Bippy to make you some tea."

"Yes, mother." He leaned forward and kissed her cheek before turning to Pansy and embracing her. "Thanks for coming."

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it for the world." He kissed her cheek too before waving the two women off and with a sigh he apparated to the Manor.

As soon as Draco apparated into the foyer of the Manor, Bippy, one of the house elves, was standing there. Draco gave a start and silently cursed under his breath.

"Master be shown to the sitting room, yes?" Draco nodded and followed the elf to the sitting room where he normally had tea with his mother.

Upon entering he felt a breeze cool his skin and noticed that the French doors to a small balcony were open, but what caught Draco's attention was Harry standing there, his back to the door and his hands in his pockets. The other man was dressed nicely, in black trousers, and a light blue shirt and when he heard Draco and Bippy enter he turned, flashing Draco a smile.

"Harry," Draco said, somewhat breathily. "I – How did you get in?"

Harry smiled in that bashful way of his and gave a shrug. "I showed up at the front door and your house elf let me in."

He briefly thought he would have to talk to his mother about letting the house elves let just anyone in, although Harry wasn't just anyone.

"What are you doing here?" In any other situation Draco would have found himself sounding rude, but he truly did not understand why Harry was there at the Manor.

The dark haired man crossed the room so he was standing in front of Draco.

"I wanted to see you. Hermione told me you got out of rehab today."

"Pansy," muttered Draco and Harry chuckled.

"I imagine so." His demeanor suddenly changed and the smile was gone and replaced with a serious expression. "Draco, I know we've been writing back and forth since you went back and you never mentioned wanting to see me again, but I had to see you."

Draco wasn't sure exactly what to say so he called Bippy and asked for tea before leading Harry to two sitting chairs where a small table was placed in between them.

"I want to make things right," Harry told him as Draco prepared himself a cup of tea with a dash of milk and sugar.

"Harry," he began, settling into his chair and cupping his tea in his hands, taking comfort in the warmth emanating from it. "You betrayed me. You chose the Weasley's over me and I thought I was more important than them. I should have been! I loved you and Lord knows why I still do. I still can't forgive you for what you did and I won't forget it, ever, no matter what." Harry slumped forward, both of their teas forgotten, and he looked away from Draco. "But if you still want to see me, I'll allow it. Like before, where we met up for coffee, dinner, went to quidditch games, that sort of thing. You have to prove to me that you want to be with me, that I really am more important than the Weasley's like you wrote in your letters."

Harry set his tea down and placed his hand on top of Draco's, which was still holding his tea.

"I still love you, Draco. I never stopped, not once. I promise to show you this and that you are more important than anyone else in the world."

Draco felt his cheeks heat up and he looked away from Harry's gaze.

"Alright," Draco said quietly. "Would you like to go out for dinner tomorrow?"

Harry grinned and pulled away, reaching for his tea. "Yes. How about that Italian place you like in Kensington?"

Draco nodded and bit the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling. He felt the happiest he had been in a long time.

Dinner had gone well and they had made plans to see each other the following weekend at the café they had frequented all those years ago after the first time Draco left rehab. When he told his mother about dinner and the upcoming day they had planned her face had darkened and her eyes narrowed slightly.

"I won't let him hurt you again, Draco," she told him. Draco approached his mother and laid his hand on her arm.

"I know, mother. Thank you."

After that neither said anymore on the subject of Harry, although when Draco told Pansy she was much more vocal.

"You're seeing him again?" she yelled.

"Shh! Keep it down. My mother is here you know," he snapped as they sat, or rather Draco sat and Pansy stood looming over him with her hands on her hips. She rolled her eyes.

"You live in a Manor, Draco. It's huge so I highly doubt she can hear me. You two don't even live in the same wings."

Draco ignored this fact. "And we aren't 'seeing each other' which I know you are implying that we are dating. This is not the case. We're just doing things like dinner, coffee, that sort of thing."

Pansy sighed and collapsed in the chair next to his in a very un-lady like manner, glaring at him.

"If he hurts you, I'll kill him."

"My fierce protector," he said with a smirk. She rolled her eyes again, but smiled this time.

"You never told me the reason behind Granger leaving Weasley," Draco mentioned one day nearly a month after he left rehab as he and Harry walked through a park. The green-eyed man motioned towards a bench and they sat down, Draco pulling his light jacket closer to his body as a cool gust of wind passed through.

"I know you thought Hermione never liked you either, but she never had a problem with us. It was more Ron who wouldn't let her get to know you better. When I told her I left you she was furious with me, especially when I told her why. She refused to speak to me for weeks and she moved out of Ron's place and back in with her parents. From there things just got worse for the two. Ron demanded she come back and, well, you know how Hermione is. Nobody demands things from her." Draco was surprised that Granger had stuck up for him, although it didn't explain why she never told him why Harry left him when Draco had confronted her.

"I went to her," Draco interrupted, turning his head to glance at Harry. "It was maybe a week and a half after you left. I just wanted to know why and she refused to tell me."

Harry ran his hand through his hair, his signature gesture that showed he was nervous. "She told me repeatedly to go back and at least explain myself. I didn't know you came to her, but I imagine she wanted me to tell you and knowing Hermione, she was more aware of the fact that you could relapse. She was probably trying to protect you too."

Draco's respect for the former Gryffindor woman soared, knowing that what Harry said was probably true. He may not know Granger very well, be he knew her well enough.

"Have you talked to the Weasley's?" he asked, changing the subject.

Harry firmly shook his head. "No, of course not. I told you I wasn't going to. They've tried to contact me, but I've been getting fewer letters so I think they're finally getting the message."

Draco gave a slight nod. "I see." He was happy that Harry had stuck to what he said and Draco felt that maybe, just maybe, he was ready to forgive the other man.

It was two months later and the two had just finished seeing the symphony play. They were strolling along the deserted streets when Draco stopped and turned towards Harry.

"What are you doing, Harry? I mean, what do you want with me?"

Harry stopped and looked at Draco, moving a step closer towards him. Draco's breath caught at the close proximity, but he didn't step away.

"I'm waiting for your forgiveness. I'll wait forever if I have to, Draco."

"And if I – if I decide to forgive you, then what?" he half-whispered.

"Then if you wanted to, I was hoping we could work things out. Be an us again."

Draco looked away, his heart thrumming in his chest. He knew what he wanted to say, but was he really ready to forgive Harry? It had been nearly nine months since Harry had left and six months since Harry had last spoken to any of the Weasley's. He had never overstepped his boundaries by pushing Draco to getting back together; in fact not once did he mention it, but he knew Harry too well.

He took a deep breath and let his hand brush against Harry's lightly.

"I forgive you. Just – don't leave me again."

Harry grabbed Draco's hand in his and pulled the slightly shorter blonde towards him, embracing him tightly and kissing the top of Draco's platinum hair.

"Never again," he whispered.

Draco closed his eyes, reveling in the feel of Harry's arms around him, the woodsy smell of the other man, and the fact that he was where he belonged, where he always belonged. With Harry.


"You look handsome."

Draco adjusted his light blue tie as he looked at himself in the mirror. He smoothed down his hair before turning around and giving the man his patent Malfoy glare.

"You aren't supposed to be here," he stated, arching an eyebrow and crossing his arms over his chest.

Harry grinned, his own ivory tie slightly crooked. Draco rolled his eyes and moved forward to fix it.

"Isn't the groom not supposed to see his bride before the ceremony? I don't see any brides here."

Draco resisted rolling his eyes again and pulled Harry closer instead.

"Good thing too," he murmured before kissing his soon-to-be husband on the lips. Pulling back he asked, "How on earth did you escape Granger anyway? And where is Pansy? I thought they were both standing guard, making sure neither of us would see each other."

Harry smirked in a way that was too Slytherin for the former Gryffindor.

"Well," Harry began, running his hands up and down Draco's sides, causing the blonde to shiver and move closer into his fiancé's body. "I told Hermione that the bonding minister hadn't arrived yet and I told Pansy that the cake wasn't here. Both went off in a frenzy so it should give us a few minutes to ourselves."

Draco wrapped his arms around Harry's waist and leaned his head on the firm chest.

"How very Slytherin of you. Both are here though, right?"

Draco leaned back while Harry threw his head back and laughed. "Of course! Last I saw your mother was talking to the minister and I placed a notice-me-not spell on the cake."

Draco opened his mouth to comment, but Pansy burst through the door.

"Draco! The cake – Potter!" She growled out Harry's name, her hands firmly placed on her hips as she glared the other man down. "You cheeky bastard! You purposely told me that the cake wasn't here just so you could sneak in and see Draco! And I saw Hermione who told me the minister wasn't here yet. Just wait until she finds out! Now out!"

Harry grinned and pecked Draco on the lips, quickly escaping out of the room to avoid anymore of Pansy's wrath.

"And you!" she said, turning on Draco, a long finger with a painted nail pointed at him. "You're not supposed to see him beforehand!"

Draco merely smiled and Pansy approached him, her face softening as she hugged her best friend.

"I'm happy for you," she whispered.

Draco hugged her back. "Thanks for being there for me."

She stepped away, wiping her eye. "Now let's get you out there so you can marry your man."

Harry's dancing had definitely improved over the years and now he and Draco moved gracefully as they danced on the outdoor dance floor, the smell of orchids wafting about them.

The wedding itself had been small, only their closest friends were invited. His mother, Pansy, and Hermione were there of course, along with Blaise Zabini who Draco had recently reconnected with since the other man moved back to Britain. Surprisingly, to Draco at least, he got along quite well with Neville Longbottom who was currently dating Luna Lovegood and they too came.

After Harry left Draco, he never thought he would ever see Harry again, let alone date and now be married to the man.

Speaking of said man, his husband leaned down and whispered in his ear. "What are you thinking about?"

"You. How happy I am." Harry squeezed the hand that he was holding and pulled Draco in tighter.

"So am I. Now you're stuck with me forever."

Draco smiled and looked up at Harry, seeing the joy he felt reflected on Harry's face. It had taken them a long time to get to this place, so many ups and downs, and dark places that Draco never thought he would have to go to. But in the end, to have Harry standing here next to him as his husband, he would do it all over again.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

And he wouldn't.