IMPORTANT! Just to give everyone a heads-up (especially to those who seem to be bother by it), here, you will find plenty of grammatical errors, probably weird use of English phrase, spelling and everything you can think of. I'm doing my best to make it better but it won't be 100% perfect.

Author's Note: I'm bone tired…..having two jobs is not as easy as I have thought it would be. Anyway, I'm pretty sure this fic is not my proudest work but oh well. I hope you guys still like it anyway.

Arthur's a/an ...

Summary: Sequel to "Arthur's a Stupid Man". Series of one-shot.

Warning: Smut alert! Smut alert!

Chapter Ten: ...Frustrating Man

Where Arthur frustrates Merlin.

"I can't do that!" a blushing Merlin exclaimed, shoving the explicit book Morgana handed him. How the woman did have the book in the first place, Merlin can only guess. He didn't even know such book existed!

Morgana smirk at Merlin, silently laughing at his embarrassed and red face. "Stop being such a baby. It's not like you and Arthur haven't done worst things. From what Arthur tells me, you - "

"I don't even want to know!" Merlin replied immediately, one action away from covering his ears and start singing silly to tune out the devious woman Arthur call sister.

Morgana rolled her eyes, smiling fondly at the man. It was certainly good to have Merlin back, especially since he was the only Arthur really listens to. "You're being childish Merlin. Weren't you complaining that Arthur has done nothing since you two made up? You know that Arthur may be unusually horny but he will resist his urges just to please you."

"I know I told him that I want to get to know each other, to trust him again but it has been two months! Not to mention additional two months we were apart. That man just drives me crazy," Merlin mumbled, sighing in exasperation.

"That's our Arthur and if you know what's good for you, you make the first move. God knows Arthur won't. His surprisingly a very obedient man when it matters and you matter the most to him."

Merlin was quiet for a short time before he snatch the book from Morgana, murmur a quick thanks and left.

Arthur gulped was audible in the silent room.

He might be imaging it but he felt his certain anatomy slowly stirring up from the heated look Merlin was giving him and the way he is suggestively licking that blasted spoon. Arthur restrained the urge to jump and replace the spoon (his jealous of a bloody spoon!) with something much harder and bigger. He quickly grab his wine glass and drank the full content in one go, trying to claim his nerves.

'Grab hold of yourself Pendragon! It is not the time to be fantasying about Merlin and sex!' Arthur scolded himself, internally shaking his head to remove dirty thoughts from his head. It was their first official dinner date (the others didn't really count because it was mostly in the office or with others) as lovers again and he will not ruin it.

It has been a long time since Arthur was intimate with Merlin (counting back from the time everything started, it has been four months) and it was doing havoc upon his libido. For the past month that he was trying to win Merlin back, he was too focused trying to get Merlin to talk to him. The following month, he was so focus in wooing Merlin off his feet that he didn't dare make a move on Merlin, fearing it was too soon.

At the start of their reconciliation, Merlin had explicitly told him that he may have forgiven Arthur but that doesn't mean he can trust him so soon. Merlin wanted to start at the beginning, date and get to know each other in the romantic sense. They did started off backwards the first time they became a couple, and Merlin wanted to start it correct this time.

Arthur felt his happiness deflated a bit at the mention of that but he did understand why Merlin was asking him of that. Since then, he tried his best to remain chaste.

They never exactly talked about abstaining from physical intimacy but Merlin was also reserve around him, as if he was observing Arthur and he felt as if every move he makes is being watched. The pass few weeks, he was on his best behaviour, keeping his actions and touches innocent; making sure that he never step on the invisible boundary that Merlin set.

In fact, he made it a point to always keep his hands as innocent as possible when he was touching Merlin. It wasn't easy, feeling the familiar contours and silkiness of Merlin's body but not able to go further was so excruciatingly painful but he managed.

But, recently, Merlin has been giving him signals. Signals, that Arthur can't decide whether they are just his over strained libido working his imagination into frenzy or if they are real.

There were the lingering touches that Merlin seems to give, starting from his hands and going up to his shoulders then chest; when ask, Merlin would always say that he was just straightening his clothes. Arthur would excuse himself every time, to keep himself in check. When he would go back, Merlin would strangely be in a mood, frowning and actions snappier. Afterwards, Merlin would be back to normal.

Besides from the touches, Merlin would act…suggestively; like eating lollipop in a rather intense manner, all mouth and tongue. Arthur fears that he could not look at a lollipop the same way again. Then there was the heated glance Merlin gives him. One instance is now, those blue eyes watching his every move from his Adam's apple to his chest, lap then back again.

Arthur pushed his chair back quickly and ran to the living room saying something about a snack or another.


Arthur stood up quickly, mumbling an excuse to Merlin. " Err...I think I left the wine at the living room. Yeah, living room. I will be right back."

He left before Merlin replied; thinking everything he could think of to shut his arousal down.

'My parents doing it. Not working. Okay, Gaius in a drag.' Arthur winced at the rough fabric rubbing against his problem. 'Still up. Damn it. Gaius in a drag with my parents...ewww...' Arthur made a face at that one stopping in the middle to cover his face with disgust. 'My junior may never rise up again after that one.'

He took a deep breath to calm his nerves when suddenly, he was pushed back.

"That's it? What's the matter with you?" Merlin's voice yelled, sounding angry.

Arthur caught his footing and swirled around to look at Merlin in shock and confusion. "Merlin! What's wrong?"

Merlin's blue eyes were a light with fire, his face in an angry expression. "What's wrong? You're asking me what's wrong? Aurgh! You make me so mad." Merlin went closer to Arthur, his face shoved right in front of Arthur and if he wasn't so confuse on what's happening, he would have kiss those wet, redden tempting lips right then.

"You, mister, are a very frustrating man! You chase after me then wooed me then all you expect to have is dinner?" Merlin angrily asked, jabbing his finger at Arthur's chest hard.

Arthur waved his hands up, trying to calm his lover down, "Merlin, love, please, whatever it is I did wrong, please tell me."

" That's the problem! You did nothing!" Merlin exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air in exasperation, barely missing Arthur's head.

Arthur's face twisted into a frown, trying to figure out what was wrong with Merlin. "I don't understand. Merlin, I – "

"Well, I'll make you understand," Merlin snarled, interrupting him as he pushed Arthur harder this time and causing him to trip and fall on the couch. Before Arthur can protest, Merlin quickly straddled him and smashed his lips hard on his. His lover started snogging the life out of him, plunging his slick and warm tongue inside his mouth.

Arthur was stunned for a moment, his eyes wide open as he felt Merlin's lips and tongue practically devouring him when Merlin's body gave a hard thrust throwing his shock out the window. He gave a growled and wrapped his arms around Merlin, hefting him up and over his body and proceeded to participate in a tongue wrestle. Arthur felt Merlin's lips stretch into a smile and he squeeze Merlin's pert arse in retaliation, pushing Merlin's tongue back into his mouth as he plunge his own inside the warm cavern. Both gave a loud muffled moan at the taste and feel, Arthur tightening his hold on Merlin, bringing him closer and closer until no space was left between them.

Arthur felt hazy from the pleasure, his eyes close from the sensation.

It has been such a long time since they have last kiss this way; intense, consuming like nothing matter but the two of them. All he had allowed himself for the past weeks were a peck and light kiss on Merlin perfect pouty lips. He had restrained himself from going further in fear of offending Merlin. He had to literally hold himself steady whenever Merlin would lean over and kiss him in the cheek lest he flings himself to Merlin and start ravaging him.

Arthur was pulled out of his thoughts as Merlin's teeth scrap over his tongue, practically sucking his tongue out of his mouth. He can fell his breathing heavy and detached his lips from Merlin with a pop, opening his eyes to stare at Merlin in shock.

Merlin's blue eyes were staring at him with the sexiest look he has ever seen. It was full of lust, need and want and Arthur physically felt his blood heat up and rush downwards to awake his anatomy in full attention.

"What *huff* brought *huff* this on?" Arthur asked, trying to catch his breath at the same time roaming his hands all over Merlin's body, re-familiarizing himself with his lover's body. Merlin leaned down and started to kiss and lick around his neck and ear causing Arthur to falter a bit before he renewed his actions, pulling Merlin's shirt up and running his hands on his smooth and milky back, feeling Merlin's muscle contract and move underneath his fingers.

Merlin shivered from the temperature contrast but soon returned his attention to his ears, nibbling at them. Arthur groaned low on his throat, loving the feel of Merlin's lips and teeth.

"Merlin," Arthur called out, his mind loosing track of his thoughts as Merlin started to thrust and wiggle in his lap, their groins meeting and his arousal heightening. "Merlin, wait."

"Arthur, I swear," Merlin threatened, biting harshly on his earlobe, causing Arthur to thrust up from both pain and pleasure.

Arthur was lost for a moment but he quickly came back to his senses and stopped Merlin's actions. "Merlin, wait, we have to talk. I don't understand what's going on?"

"Arthur, I am in your lap, practically offering myself to you and you don't understand what's going on?" Merlin growled. Arthur was taken back at the fierceness Merlin was showing. He had never seen Merlin exert such aggressive behaviour before. He wasn't exactly passive and submissive all the time. In fact, Merlin fights back as good as he can but he usually was more gentle and slow when it comes to sexual aspect of their relationship. This new side of Merlin, while surprising, was turning Arthur on.

"No, that's not what I meant. I – I just don't get what brought this on?" Arthur asked, tenderly cupping Merlin's cheeks and looking into his eyes. Merlin's intense expression softens and he kissed Arthur gently on the cheeks, eyes, nose and then lips. Arthur almost sighed from the light and sweet action.

"Arthur, I've watched you wooed me these pass weeks. I admit that I wasn't exactly sure of how to take our relationship, how to act around you. I love you but I was hesitant."

Arthur nodded his understanding, knowing that despite Merlin taking him back, everything wasn't alright between them.

"But now I'm over it. I have seen how much you have regretted your action and how much you love me. I am ready to move pass our getting to know each other stage and move to the next one," Merlin answered, his eyes bright with emotions. Arthur felt his breath stop at Merlin's words.

"Are you sure? I don't want to push you so soon. I mean, I really hurt you bad and I know I have to gain your trust again. I don't want you thinking the wrong thing and mmrph "

Merlin covered his mouth with his hands, his smile playful but tinge with impatience. "Shh...Arthur, I have been seducing you all throughout dinner (Arthur's eyes widen at that, 'I knew I wasn't imaging it!'). In fact, I have been giving you hints all week. I admit that I wasn't exactly doing a great job at it but I thought you got the picture."

Arthur removed Merlin's hands and gently kissing his palm. "You were doing a great job. I was tempted so much the past days but I thought I was just imagining and putting meaning behind everything. But are you sure? I don't want you pushing yourself just because..."

Arthur trailed off as Merlin swiftly opened his pants and wiggling his hips to lower it down until his knees before sitting down on Arthur's lap properly again. Arthur felt his mouth dry.

Merlin wasn't wearing any underwear!

Arthur can clearly see Merlin's manhood up and straining. Merlin smirked at the sight of Arthur's drooling face and grabbed hold of his hand, pulling it around his body and placing it right smack on his ass cheek before sliding it closer to his crack. Arthur gulped loudly, feeling his groin harden at the feel of the Merlin's body. He was turned on so much from the unusually aggressive behaviour of Merlin and he was transfixed that he couldn't take his eyes off of Merlin's face. He felt Merlin arranged his legs to open wider and his hand guiding a finger tip to dip into his hot and warm hole, pushing it inside.

"You're slick!" Arthur blurted out, his finger pushing inside, Merlin's hole loosen but still tight around it.

Merlin wantonly moaned above him and slump his body around his, his hand letting Arthur go and grabbing hold of his shoulder. Arthur was too stunned to move and just continued to stare at Merlin.

Merlin frown at that and started to push against Arthur's finger, trying to push it in and out of him.

"Arthur!" Merlin yelled in frustration when Arthur was still not moving.

"You minx!" Arthur exclaimed, Merlin's throaty moaned bringing him out of his stupor. He started thrusting his finger in and out, kissing Merlin's neck at the same time.

"Yes, Arthur. Oooh, I miss this. I miss you," Merlin started blabbering, moaning as Arthur lavished his body with his attention.

"I bet you do. Look at you, so wanton for me. You're even slick and ready for me. I bet I can shove three fingers inside you and you will accept it easily," Arthur growled, satisfied at the glaring hickey on Merlin's collarbone. He moved on to proceed on the other collarbone, entering two fingers inside Merlin this time, causing Merlin to arch up from the pleasure.

"Yes, I'm ready for you. I have been since I arrived. I – I – "


"I fingered myself before coming here," Merlin whispered, suddenly turning red from his confession. Arthur's eyes grew big at that, his action stopping.

"Arthur?" Merlin asked meekly, reverting back to the shy Merlin.

Arthur didn't answer. Instead, he pulled his fingers out and stood up, causing Merlin to yelp in surprise and wrapping his arms around Arthur to prevent from falling. Arthur stride quickly, his hands squeezing Merlin's arse as he walk. He quickly reached his – or now their bedroom in a few second and let Merlin go.

Merlin watched in confusion as he stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, his hand gripping his pants up. Arthur still continued to say nothing, disappearing inside the bathroom and then returning. He placed the lube beside the night table, got rid of his clothes in one go and sat back on the bed, his legs open and manhood hard at attention. He smirked at his lover and beckoned him.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Arthur asked, eyeing Merlin. "Seduce me."

Merlin look unsure for a while before he got Arthur's message and quickly stripped his clothes off, Arthur enjoying the show, eyeing Merlin's body with hunger. It had been such a long time since he has seen Merlin's beauty bare before him and he enjoyed the time to simply watch that lean body moved in motion.

Merlin's aggressive attitude quickly came back, walking seductively towards the bed and climbing over to straddle Arthur's lap. Both moaned at the feel of naked skin coming into contact with each other, their hard-on touch each other. The lovers stop for a minute to just savour the feeling of being intimate again, their love and need for each other heightening as the time goes by.

"I miss this, I miss touching you and being close to you," Merlin whispered, his slender, delicate fingers running all over Arthur's chest, trying to explore his partner's body again. Arthur gently smiled and kissed Merlin sweetly, pouring his feelings into the kiss. It was a kiss between two people finding each other again after a long time.

"It feels like forever since I felt you again," Arthur whispered back, gently nibbling Merlin's lips and caressing his cheeks. "I missed you so much. I can't get enough of you even if we spend every waking hour with each other."

Merlin fondly smiled at Arthur, his eyes misty, "Be careful Mr. Pendragon. You're becoming sappy."

Arthur grinned at him, kissing him one last time before leaning back against the headboard. "You love me anyway."

"Yes I do. Now, how about I seduce you to take me?"

"All talk and no work," Arthur answered, smirking at him.

Merlin glared at him, taking the lube and smearing it on his hands. He quickly wrapped his hands around Arthur's manhood, him hissing at the cold feeling. Merlin set a slow motion, those delicate fingers moving up and down slowly.

Arthur closed his eyes, his teeth biting his lips to keep himself from moaning out loud. To distract himself, he started to fondle Merlin's arse and entered two fingers inside Merlin, causing his love to buck into him.

"Like that?" Arthur whispered into Merlin's ears, licking those adorable big ears. Merlin moaned his answer, his hold on him faltering. The two kissed deeply, bodies moving back and forth as they pleasure each other; feeling each other's bodies after a long time.

"Please, Arthur, I can't wait," Merlin moaned as Arthur's fingers brush his prostrate, his hand tightening on Arthur's manhood causing Arthur to moan with him. "Merlin, wait, I have only two fingers in. I have to stretch you further. You're still tight."

"No, I can't wait. I can take it. Please." Merlin practically begged, wanting to be connected with him in the most intimate way.

"Okay, okay," Arthur conceded quickly, the urge to couple with Merlin filling his entire being. "How do you want it?"

"I want to ride you. I want to see your face," Merlin answered, kissing him all over his face.

"Yes, oh God Merlin, yes," Arthur exclaimed. He removed his fingers and placed them on Merlin's hips. "Whenever you're ready."

They kissed one last time before Merlin lifted himself, one hand on Arthur's shoulder and the other still on Arthur's manhood, steadying it as he aligned his hole to it and push down the mushroom tip inside. Both groaned at the feel, Merlin stopping as the large tip breeched him, his head slump on Arthur's shoulder. Arthur felt hot from Merlin's insides. He was straining himself not to plunge up and just take Merlin. Instead, his hands shake as he steadied Merlin, whispering to him, "Love, are you okay?"

"Ahh...Just a minute. Uhh, feels like – Arthur, haaaa," Merlin brokenly answered, moving again and pushing down and down until finally, he is sitting on Arthur's lap, his entire length inside him.

"Arthur. Arthur. Arthur," Merlin whispered, feeling his emotions overwhelming him, his eyes tearing up.

"Baby, what is it? Did I hurt you?" Arthur whispered back, his concern for Merlin overriding the intense emotions of that hot and silky cavern almost squeezing the life out of him.

"No, it's just, ahh..., please...I feel, I feel," Merlin tried to answer him back couldn't, his mind blank from intense pleasure and emotions he is feeling. Arthur kissed his temple, silently conveying that he understands him. Arthur was feeling overwhelm as well, like he has come home now and he is where he is suppose to be. They had sex before and it was always pleasurable and intense but this, this was something different. It's like they are connecting in a deeper sense, like their soul has found each other after a long time.

Arthur hadn't felt this intense since the first time they made love.

They stayed in the same position for awhile, savouring the feeling of being close to each other, wrap in each other's arms.

Then, after what seemed like a long time, Merlin started to wiggle causing Arthur to tighten his hold on him. "Love?"

Merlin wiggled some more, as if trying to find a good position when he gasped out loud feeling Arthur grow bigger and harder inside him. He moaned again when Arthur's tip brushed against his prostrate, his insides tighten around Arthur's manhood.

"Love, please don't move about so much," Arthur gritted out.

"I'm ready." Merlin whispered. Arthur looked deep into his eyes and saw that Merlin was ready for him in every aspect. Their lips met and they gently kiss each other.

Merlin separated his lips from Arthur, resting his hands on his chest and shoulder and started to lift himself, slowly, feeling the ridges and contours of Arthur's organ inside as it leaves, stopping till the tip then pushing down hard fast. Arthur's hands tighten their grip on Merlin's hips, at that, feeling colours and lights explored in his vision. Both started to pant hard, Merlin going up and down as Arthur started to assist him to make Merlin go faster. The bed started to shake from their actions as Arthur started to thrust up as Merlin goes down.

The room started to fill with harsh breathing, skin smacking against each other and the wet squelch sound as Merlin continues to take Arthur's organ in and out of his body.

Arthur gave one hard thrust up and stuck gold, hitting Merlin's prostrate with dead accuracy, causing Merlin to cry out from pleasure.

"Gaaah! Arthur!"

Arthur grinned as he moved his hands down to grip at those round globes of flesh and rearranged himself on his knees, Merlin's legs now wrapped around his torso and arms around his neck. Arthur started to plunge inside Merlin harder and faster, his finger touching the stretch rim of Merlin's anus as he continued to hit Merlin's spot again and again. Merlin could do nothing but grabbed hold onto Arthur and screamed his pleasure.

"Faster, more! Oh, Arthur!"

"I'm going to make you come just by this alone," Arthur said, kissing him harshly on the neck, his hips smacking again and again against Merlin's globes. Merlin clawed at his back, yelling at Arthur, "Harder! OOhh, please, Arthur."

Arthur grunted his response, feeling his balls tighten as Merlin tighten around him, almost making it impossible to move out and accepting him as he continued to plunge in. He pushed Merlin's back to the bed, breathing harshly on his face as he thrust in and out, his back thighs straining from the action. Merlin removed one arm to hold onto Arthur's hand, feeling his stomach clench at his approaching orgasm. Merlin shakes his head, panting hard, feeling pleasure after pleasure stabbed inside his body.

"Arthur, I'm, I'm close."

Arthur gritted his teeth feeling Merlin unclenching and clenching around him.

"Me to, Merlin," Arthur answered, shoving his cock harder inside that nub inside Merlin, making him yell and arch up, his hole tightening around Arthur as he climax, cum after cum spurting out from the his cock, spattering it all over their stomach and chest.


Arthur gave two more thrust before he also exploded, filling Merlin with his hot seed making Merlin cry out from the feel of being filled up again and again. His clenching arse milking Arthur's cock dry of cum, some of it spilling out of his anus and dribbling down.

Arthur barely managed to fall on his side, avoiding in crushing Merlin. They were panting hard, catching their breath from the intense pleasure. He gathered Merlin in his arms, pulling out his soften cock from Merlin's hole, fingering the puffy rim with his finger making Merlin squirm a bit.

"I didn't hurt you did I?" Arthur asked, his finger rubbing the entrance with care.

"No, it's just sensitive. Now stop doing that. I don't think I can go another round," Merlin replied, removing Arthur's hands from his buttocks. Arthur cheekily smiled and kissed Merlin long and hard.

"I love you," Arthur whispered to him.

Merlin smiled and whispered back," I love you too."

Merlin took a note to thank Morgana when he sees her on Monday.


Author's Note: Okay….hope you guys enjoyed that one. Now I'm going to back to rest. Feel so tired….

Replies to Review:Thank you to everyone who reviewed, added me to their favourite list and story alert! Hope More reviews to come!

MirrorFlower and DarkWind: Thank you! I'm so happy.

momo9momo: Ooops. Sorry. Hehe I meant very cliché. Thanks! I'm glad you like it.

Helen: Haha, that's good.

Merlins hairy left testicle: Morgana is a very evil girl. Maybe I'll let Morgana have Merlin and Arthur keep the handcuffs. Heh.

Kasih1990/sweet: Cool! Thanks. Now that I have a set day I will put out the chapters, you won't have to wait long. Hehe.

BlueAvalon: Oooh, tell your brother I'm so honoured. I never expected that I would have siblings read my fic. That's so cool! Though your brother had me nervous in making a smut part. Hope this one is turned out fine. I found "music magic of The Arthur's" an inspiration from reading too many Archie comics.

Galatea87: Oooh, I'm happy to hear that the grand gesture was okay. I tried to think of a different way but I end up always going back to the song. Hmm, heh, the band name does sound funny.

Merthur Dreamer: Haha, I love your reviews! It's very inspiring and long and I enjoy reading them. I hope you continue to review for my fics, it lifts my spirits and encourage me to write. 10 Star out of 10 for one of the best reviewers I have!

sans toi: Arthur has to have one flaw. I saw seeing as one of them. He makes up for his flaw by screwing Merlin's brains out. Bwahaha!

Mikase: Haha, I thought so as well. Arthur would be lost without Morgana. =p