I do not own Axis Powers Hetalia or Harry Potter. Please Review and Thank You.

Gilbert Kirkland And The Diary

By waterrain

Gilbert Kirkland decided to remain silent as the old man was going on and on about something. The red eyed boy yawned sleepily and he was starting to fall asleep, but someone hit him on the back of the head with a book. Ron and Harry were still there, but Gilbert didn't care about them.

"What the fuck?" Gilbert asked loudly and he noticed that the one who smacked him was an adult with black hair. His question was ignored by everyone inside of Dumbledore's office for some reason and to be honest Gilbert was getting annoyed, but he came up with an idea and forced himself to think if he was born unawesome. It would be such a tragedy, the world would be missing out on his awesomeness, and those red eyes started to fill up with tears at the thought of being unawesome.

"Why is everyone ignoring me?" Gilbert asked in a pitiful voice, tears were falling down his flushed cheeks, and he hiccupped. "I just want some attention. My dad ignores me and I think he bloody hates me. I hate myself a lot for being so loud and annoying, but I just can't stop myself."

Needless to say Gilbert Kirkland had their attention and it took a lot of effort for him not to smirk for his plan had worked. The red eyed boy made sure not to cackle and laugh loudly for then it would be ruined.

'I'm such an awesome actor.' Gilbert thought as he hiccupped and made himself appear so pitiful. He was looking down at his hands, tears kept on falling, and it was difficult to keep himself from cackling for everyone in the room was buying it.

"I will send a letter to your father and tomorrow all three of us shall talk about your behavior, Mister Kirkland. You may leave my office now." Dumbledore commented calmly and Gilbert resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the old wizard.

'Finally, I can leave.' Gilbert briefly thought as he walked out and mentally flipped off Dumbledore. 'His voice is so dull and boring that it ought to be a fucking crime.'

"Alright, Where the hell am I suppose to go?" Gilbert wondered out loud, arms crossed, and cheeks puffed out in annoyance.

"Hello, Gilbert." Cedric commented calmly and his arms were crossed. "I decided to wait for you due to the fact you are new and have no idea where the dormitories are located."

"I was going to be resourceful and find it on my own awesome wit. Not to mention my epic skill." Gilbert stated causally and he smirked at Cedric's faintly annoyed expression. "By the looks of you, Cedric. I would guess the Hufflepuff dormitories to be located near the kitchens."

"What do you mean by the looks of me?" Cedric managed to ask calmly and it is a good thing he's a rather patient person.

"Well, You look as if you are well-fed and stuff." Gilbert commented cheerfully and he had a faint smirk on his lips. "Plus you have a bit of food on your right cheek, Cedric. I'm awesome at guessing and normally I'm right on target."

Gilbert couldn't hold it in anymore and he started to cackle loudly, but alas Cedric was quick to cover up the boy's mouth with his hand and looked down at him while sighing deeply.

"What was the sorting hat thinking when it placed you in Hufflepuff." Cedric muttered under his breath and he uncovered Gilbert's mouth. "No more cackling and it is getting close to bedtime. So we have to be going now, Gilbert."

However Gilbert had fallen asleep on Cedric's arm after his mouth had been covered, he was snoring quietly in his sleep, and the older Hufflepuff shook his head.

"Best not to wake him up for then he would be loud again." Cedric commented to himself and with ease picked up the smaller Hufflepuff. "Hopefully, He will be calm and less loony in the morning."

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