So, unfortunately this isn't an update. I'm gonna take a breather from this for a week, possibly two, just to sit back and get some perspective. It's become a strain to even think about what to put in the next chapter and I don't want that to cloud my judgement and turn it all to shit. You guys deserve better than that. That and, because I'm spending hours thinking of what to write, I'm in week two of college and already behind.

I'm gonna take a break; might work on this Klaine thing that's been in my head for a while and do a Faberrittana prompt that TrustInFaith sent me. If anyone wants to send along a prompt, I'll certainly have a shot at writing it.

The Klaine fic is a World War Two thing, but I'm giving nothing away apart from that it's a completely different style than what I'm used to. The Faberrittana is another angsty kinda thing but with a pretty serious topic, again. But if you are gonna send me prompts, and please do (cleans out the cobwebs and all that), please don't think that I'll just write angst, some fluff never goes amiss.

Sorry guys, the moment it begins to just flow from my fingertips again, I'll write, but for the next couple of weeks; there'll probably be no TNK. Hopefully you'll stick with me until then.
