Chapter Five: Game Over

"But we're still having a Siesta duel!" Antonio pouted as Julchen insisted that he accept her challenge. She never even told him what the challenge was! She simply ran up to him and shouted, "I challenge you!"

In the end, the Spaniard agreed. It was in the rules that they could decline, but she was being too pushy! He was still behind Feliciano by one game, but he'll beat him someday.

"You're not telling him, right?" Lovino sheepishly tugged on his wife's shirt, and tugged on it harder when she ignored him, "Don't tell him!"

"I will tell the whole world if you keep on nagging me every 5 minutes!" The restless Lovino kept on asking the same question over, and over again. Julchen refused to answer. "Go challenge your brother, eat a tomato, sleep, do something, anything!"

Julchen huffed as he left the poor man wishing he never told her anything. The only reason why he told her was because he thought she knew! And he got paranoid each time she teased him or made indications. Maybe it was all in his head.

"So what's our game Signorita Julchen~" Antonio teased her by taking a lock of her hair and kissing it, "Please go easy on me!" Julchen stepped on his foot, and he quickly backed away, both hands now in his pockets, "Sorry~ Sorry~"

"An acting game." She took out two pieces of paper, both folded neatly. "You get to choose who acts as who, I'm so nice~"

Antonio stared at the folded paper, they looked similar. There's no way he can find an easy way to know what was inside, so he chose the one on the right. Afterall, when in doubt, choose right! Right?

"I'm going to be a tomato?" Antonio tilted his head as he stared at an image of a tomato. How can he act like one? Wear all red and dye his hair green? Camouflage with a whole bunch of tomatoes?

Julchen shook her head and showed him what was left in her hand. An image of pasta. Now Antonio was even more confused, she was going to be pasta and he was going to be a tomato? "What if we get eaten?"

"You're not going to be a tomato!" She crumpled the piece of paper and pointed at the Italy Brothers who were currently in the middle of a rock-paper-scissors match, "You're going to be Lovi and I'll be Feli."

"Fratello, Julchen is scaring me!" Feliciano clung to his brother as though his life depended on it. Julchen on the other hand was running around the place; a plate of pasta in her right hand and a left hand that kept on flailing. "Ve~ Who wants some pasta~!"

Lovino walked up to her and gave her a huge smack in the arm, "Stop scaring Feliciano!" Now teary eyed, Julchen too clung to Lovino, the pasta magically transferred to Feliciano. Sneaky Italian. "Fratello! Why did you hit me? Do you hate me now, fratello?"

With a heavy sigh, Lovino pushed Julchen away. When she refused to stop pestering him with endless 'Fratello!"'s, he gave her a huge plate of pasta. It was super effective.

"Fratello, since when did Julchen call you fratello?" Feliciano wiped the pasta sauce on his cheek with his fist as he looked at his brother, confused. "It's a game; the tomato bastard is suppose to act as me, and the potato bastard is you." Lovino responded calmly he still thought the game was stupid though. And for some strange reason, he can't find Antonio. He had to admit, he was curious to see him 'act' as him.

"Move it bastards."

Prayers answered.

"Can you believe it? We ran out of tomatoes!" Antonio stormed in, with the biggest pout. His arms were crossed, and he even crafted a curl using wire. The curl bounced all around the place, but it was getting misplaced, so it was now at the far right side of his face. Good try nonetheless. Julchen was still deciding whether or not she needs a curl.

"Ah, Fratello! I have an idea!"

With confused eyes, Lovino looked at his brother, not saying a single word. He wanted to guess what his idea is, and from past experiences, it meant trouble for him. "What now?"

"I'm a bastard, a potato bastard! I like all things gross and I love tormenting my husband!" Lovino ran around the house, shouting about how awesome he was, and how he loved beer. He might also have mentioned how he loved harassing everything small and cute. Who knew this game could actually be fun?

"Julchen, why are you dressed like my DEAR fratello? I have some dresses that will suit you and your beautiful legs~" Julchen on the other hand refused to be mocked and prepared dresses for her dear husband to wear. "I also have ribbons to tie your hair with~"

The two ran around the house, Julchen had a short, black, strapless dress in her hands while Lovino just kept yelling, "I'm a whore! I'm a whore!" Feliciano and Antonio on the other hand were out in the yard, tomato-picking.

Be it through magic or through the divine powers from up above, Lovino ended up wearing a dress that Julchen suggested, his legs were showing which made his wife laugh at him each time she sees it. It wasn't completely hairy, but it was still hilarious! His face was as red as can be; a clear mix of embarrassment and anger. "I'm abolished but I'm still around since I'm so awesome! Did you know I was awesome? I bet you don't 'cause I'm not awesome!"

"Hey that's not in character! Why in the world would I say I'm not awesome?!" SMACK. Julchen gave him a huge slap in the face, causing Lovino to fall flat on the ground. "Heh, Feliciano would never have done that too, you lose."

Feeling victorious, Lovino savored every moment as he looked at Julchen's face once she realized he was right. Tricky as always, she'll have to think of some other way to get back.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny, at least I'm not the one in a dress," She finally remarked as she threw the short lived artificial curl on her hair. "Hurry up and change, who knows what those two are doing."

She didn't have to remind him twice, the Italian hurried to change, removing the horrendous dress that he had to wear. What's left of his manliness went down the drain that day. Stupid game, stupid wife, stupid everything!

Changing into more comfortable clothes, he went back to where Julchen was, shocked to see her missing. Impatient as always. She could have at least waited; it only took him a few minutes to change!

"Stupid." Lovino grumbled as he made his way to the kitchen. When looking for a certain german wife, always look at the kitchen first. That was one of the things he learned as he tried to survive with Julchen. If you wake up in the middle of the night and find out she's missing, she's probably eating the night away downstairs. Loudly too. If she says she's moving out since her husband is too much of a potty mouthed jerk, she's somewhere under the sink; fully-prepared with beer and junk food.

Lovino squinted, trying to make sure what he was seeing was right; Julchen was so focused as she stared outside the window, she was almost glued to it! At first Lovino thought it was funny, but as he looked at her, Julchen continuously made weird faces, a mix between laughing and …being disgusted?

His curiosity couldn't contain itself much longer, he walked over and stood beside her, glancing outside the window too, "What the fuck are you loo- WHAT THE?!"

Tomato picking aside, Feliciano and Antonio were busy doing other things. Things that should not have been seen. Julchen and Lovino took turns in covering each other's eyes, both unsure whether to run outside and stop the monstrosity that is Feliciano making out with Antonio.

"Please tell me we did NOT just see them…doing…AAAAAAAAAAAH!" Julchen accidentally peeped through a small hole in between Lovino's hands, just in time to see the other two getting even more into it. Feliciano was already placing his hands inside Antonio's pants, and right there and then, Julchen ran outside, unable to take it anymore.

"S-STOP!" Both of her hands were stretched right in front of her, lost on what else to do or say. "What the fuck are you both doing?!"

"F-fuck off, the tomato bastard and I weren't doing anything." Antonio looked away, blushing, leaving Julchen even more confused. Did he just call Feli a tomato bastard?

Lovino joined them quickly, still in shock but managed to keep calm. "IF YOU'RE PLANNING ON DOING SHIT LIKE THAT, AT LEAST DO IT SOMEWHERE NO ONE CAN SEE." That was the calmest that he could get.

"Wait!" Julchen jumped and down, with both arms flailing to catch their attention. She suddenly realized something. Antonio was acting differently, and so was Feliciano. He didn't even say 'Ve~?' or something! And from the looks of how things were going, he was definitely dominating. Which could only mean one thing, "Were you two…acting as Tonio and Lovi?"

Now even more shocked, Lovino eyed Julchen. Unwilling to believe in something like that, "You have to be kidding right? Right? She's wrong, RIGHT?" He then looked at his brother and former caretaker, horrified when they both just looked away and nodded.




"OH FOR THE LOVE OF-" Restraining himself from cursing till he couldn't curse anymore, Lovino was able to calm down. Ignoring his want to just SNAP. "Inside. Living room. NOW."

Antonio and Feliciano couldn't even respond and just agreed. They both couldn't understand why the couple was flipping out when they weren't doing anything wrong. Well, for them they weren't.

The four gathered in the dining table. Antonio and Feliciano were fixing their clothes and Julchen kept looking at the two of them. Lovino on the other hand was trying his best to keep calm. After a few seconds of silence, he finally spoke, "Game over."

"Julchen and I already lost, so that means the game was already over. Which also means it wasn't me who was making out with the tomato bastard, therefore it really was my brother and him- Wait- that's still wro-"

"Love is never wrong. Which just means love making isn't wrong too." Antonio nodded to himself as he interrupted Lovino. Feliciano nodded vigorously too. "And besides, fratello, we were just acting! Trying to stay in character is part of acting~!"


"Wrong." Antonio suddenly stopped nodding and looked at Lovino with a bit of sadness. "I might have been out of character, but Feli wasn't."

Feliciano nodded again, as if not getting what Antonio meant. Lovino never replied and before anybody else could the Spaniard stood up, gave a half-hearted smile, "If my math is right your team wins, Signora Julchen~"

That was the last thing he said before leaving.

"I can fix this."

"You can't."



"Trust me!"


"You don't have a choice!"


After 3 awkward days, Julchen finally convinced Lovino that she could 'fix' everything. It was just a friendly game, really. Only problem was, she never expected the end result, even if she did win.



So this is the end. It's been a while, huh? If you're wondering why this chapter is sho short, it's because I already stopped continuing it around a few months back. I just opened the file and though 'Hey, might as well add this here and officially end it.'

Yup. I'm abandoning Awesomeness and Blasphemy. It's summer again and instead of being an incoming college student, I'm already an incoming Junior. The story is still clear in my head but as I reread the whole thing it just seemed so off.


Since I love this pairing so much, I decided to rewrite it. This time, in the form of a Human Au! I already posted 2 chapters, short ones, but I wrote around ungodly hours so it's very horrible ahaha! I promise it'll get better after chapter 3.

If you're still interested in following the misadventures of Lovino and Julchen in their loveless and forced marriage, follow my other story, Happily Not Inlove

Thanks for reading 23k worth of words full of this fangirl's fantasies about these two. Hopefully you'll take interest in my other take in their relationship!