This story is in response to a challenge made by BrightHyaki, for a Blazblue X Naruto fanfic, so here's my go at it. This story is set after the end of the Dark War; only Terumi doesn't have his Hazama/Kazama body. And if any of the heroes seem out of character, I apologize. At first I wanted to make a story that followed closer to cannon, but I still can't find an entirely translated version of Phase 0 or that Phase Shift 1. Oh well the hell with it! Its just one of the many possibilities of the Continuum Shift!

To all reading I hope you enjoy.

I do not own Blazblue or Naruto.

The Tale of a Gutsy Swordsman

Chapter one: The Baby and the Beast

It lay dead. Is it really possible! Is this actually happening! The scourge of this earth the black beast, was no more! There it was though, the evaporating carcass of the monster, and six silhouettes standing above it. The men whom had followed them to the final battle gave a cheer that could be heard echoing through the countryside. The legend of the Six Heroes would be born today.

Their leader, Hakumen, calmly sheathed his sword Ookami. Glowing as he sunlight hit his silver armor. A hooded witch by the name of Trinity held her bell in a tight grip. A tanned man known as Valkenhayn with spiky gray hair crossed his arms and looked on at the others. A cat named Jubei sighed in disappointment. His lover, a beautiful witch named Nine, approached him. The sixth and final hero, if you could call him that, Terumi turned his back on the six heroes.

"The Beast is no more…" He said to his comrades.

"What a relief that is…" Trinity said with a sigh of relief.

"It's been a long time coming, to be sure…" The cat spoke up. "But…we can't forget the sacrifices lat lead us here…"

"Oh yes right…" Terumi added. "Bloodedge, blah, blah, heroic sacrifice, blah, and a sad little kitty and his girl friend…Oh we must never forget all that. And how could we? Not with you here to remind us all the time fur ball!"

"Watch your tongue Terumi, your gonna lose it…" Jubei added. Terumi turned his attention back to the cat. His golden eyes, glaring at the cat.

"Don'tcha mean, or I'll lose it kitty-cat?"

"It's your fault that this whole mess started Terumi, so I'd watch what you say…" Nine told him. "Now that it's gone, punishing you should take first priority anyway."

"Now, now hold it. Let's not for get that I helped finish the Black Beast off as well now." He told her. "Not to mention let in on my research on the Original Units, so you could create your precocious Nox Nyctores, and such. So my little lab project kills a few hundred people and consumes their souls, but hey I'd say all that makes us even."

"Only scum such as you could think in such a way…" Valkenhayn said.

"Hey now besides, why be all gloomy here kiddies?" Terumi told them as he motioned to the crowed that was now cheering each of their names. "He just saved the world, your all going to be treated as heroes for the rest of your lives. There will be parades, books, movie deals! Ok so a few people won't be there to share in the celebration…but hey what can you do!"

"That doses it! Your head will be rolling on the ground in a matter of minutes!" Jubei shouted.

"Enough of your squabbling..." Hakumen told them. He looked down at the Black Beast's remains. "Do none of you sense it to?"

There in the deepest part of the beast was a floating sphere of seithr. It was about as a half a meter in diameter and was a black as the beast itself. Jubei and the other heroes looked on to the sphere.

"Something about that doesn't smell right…" Jubei said. "What do you say we go have a looksy?"

The six heroes gathered in front of the sphere. The dense seithr was utterly sickening. Only Hakuman and Jubei could stand next to it.

"Grimalkin…" Hukumen motioned to the cat.

"Gatcha…" Jubei added as he drew his weapons, the Nox Nyctores Musashi, and cut away the dark seithr.

Softly as if the seithr carried it the ground, a small baby boy lay on the ground. It's little hair was a sun yellow blond. Around it's left wrist was a metal chain. It's cheeks each had whisker like lines that made him look like a fox. As the light touched it's eyes the babe gave out a cry. The others moved closer.

"An infant?" Valkenhayn asked.

"How'd he get in there!" Jubei questioned. They all looked at Terumi.

"Hey now I'm just as surprised as the lot of you!" He told them. "It's not like I put a baby in the damn thing…" Nine moved closer and lifted the baby from the ground.

"Hush now…shush…" She said. Nine removed her cape to wrap the baby.

"What are you doing! That thing came from the Black Beast!" Hakumen told her.

"This thing is a baby…" She told him.

"Oh yes of course any babe could simply exist in such dense seithr!" He added. "I don't know what this child is, but if it came from the Beast then it can not be good."

"I'll admit the circumcises are strange, but this child is harmless." She added. "For all we know this child could have even been dying in there before Jubei freed it."

"Hakumen, this child doesn't seem to give off a presence like the Black Beast or seemed to have been corrupted by the seithr." Trinity told him. "I don't see how it could cause any problems…"

"Still, we can't take this kind of chance." He told them. Hakumen griped his sword.

"Hold It!" Nine shouted. "Your Willing To Kill A Child! Even If It Did Come From The Black Beast, You Have No Right To End A Life Before It Can Start!"

"Back Down Nine!" He told her. "I'm not afraid of facing you if I have to." Nine raised her right arm. A small sun formed above her.

"A moment please…" Valkenhayn said. "Surely you can find a solution without nearly killing yourselves."

"There is, Nine backing down…" Hakumen added.

"I don't care what sick justice you claim to have, I'm not going to kill a child!" She told him, ready to throw her spell at him.

"Wait just a moment." Jubei said. All the heroes' attention turned to the cat. "I think you need to stand down Hakumen."

"You whish to interfere as well, grimalkin?" He asked.

"Hump figures the cat would agree with his boo…" Terumi thought. "Just when I though I'd get to see these lunks start to tear each other apart."

"Will you listen! I hear you when you say that the kid could be dangerous…" Jubei explained. "But, still I don't think any of, well almost none of us could live with letting you kill a babe."

"So what do you propose?" Hakumen asked.

"Me and Nine can look after it." Jubei told him. "As long as we have are eyes on him the kid won't cause any harm."

"If you raise it, you will treat it as your own child. And what happens if it becomes a danger when it is grown? Will you be able to kill your child Grimalkin!" Hakumen asked.

"…" Jubei thought to himself. "If it came to that…I wouldn't let a child of mine walk down a path of darkness like this…"

"You say such things now…but if the situation where to occur then you'd hesitate in acting." Hakumen readied his blade. As he did Jubei held his own weapons fully drawn.

"If that's your choice Hakumen then I'll make sure you don't take this child's life." Jubei told him.

At that moment Trinity and Valkenhayn each moved to Nine's side. Hakumen looked on to his comrades. They each seemed ready to stop him.

"Do you all desire to stand in my way?" Hakumen asked.

"Looks like they do Haku." Terumi added. "Hell even I think you're being a bit harsh here, and that's coming form ME! Though I won't stand in the way if ya want to gut the little tike. So what's your move gonna be?"

"Hump it appears I'm out numbered." Hakumen said as he sheath his sword. "Fine…I wash my hands of the child…but I shall hold you to your word Grimalkin."

"Thank you…" Jubei told him as he put away his weapons.

"Oh! And here I was expecting a little bloodshed. Oh well…" Terumi added.

"What a relief that that's over…" Trinity said.

"Thank you for standing by me Jubei…" Nine added.

"Twus nothing…" he told her. "Hell I've always wanted a son anyway…"

"So what shall you call the boy?" Valkenhayn asked.

"Don't right know this sec…hum?" Jubei looked to the metal bracelet around the babe's wrist. A name was written on it. "…humm…na…Naruto? Is that his name…"

"If I'm not mistaken that is a ramen topping? Odd for a name isn't it…? Surely you can think of a better one?" Valkenhayn added.

"No way! We can't change his name, it would dishonor his deceased parents." Trinity added.

"We don't know that they are dead…" Valkenhayn told her.

"Besides I kinda like it…" Nine said. She looked at the child. "And what about you…? Do you like your name?" The child smiled at the witch. She kneeled down so Jubei could also see his face.

"It looks like Naruto it is then…" He said with a smile. The baby reached up and gripped the cat by the whiskers. Tears formed as Naruto pulled down on the cat's sensitive whiskers. "Ah! Argh! Awwoh! Raaaow!"

As the other heroes laughed, both Hakumen and Terumi looked on in silence.

"Humph! Mark my words…nothing good will come of that child…" Hakumen said as he walked away.

Terumi's glowing yellow eyes stared at the child.

"Oh Haku, your to quick to judge." He thought as a twisted smile stretched across his face. "I only see good things in store…"

Well there's chapter one for you. I'm sure you've all got a few questions. And I'm be happy to answer them if you ask. Just no one ase the big question "What The Hell Is Naruto Doing There!" since it will be explained in the plot. Once again I also apologize if some of the characters seem ooc. As I haven't seen or read how they acted.

That's all for now. Please Read and Review.