AN: Sorry for the wait, hope you guys had a good Memorial Day weekend. The reviews and favs are appreciated as always. Bxbyaoifan kindly informed me that I have had my Anon filter on that has been turned off now, sorry about that. I hope you have as much fun reading this chapter as I had writing it. As always any spelling mistakes are mine.

Chapter 4: Tea is better with friends around.

Harry's island adventure was nonexistent due to the fact that his little swim in the ocean left him sick the next day. He spent all Saturday in bed when his illness had been discovered by the others. He even got moved from the regular hotel room he had before into a much larger room. It was practically an apartment with a combined sitting room/kitchen area and a bedroom. Nursing staff had been invited by Kyoya to take care of him during the duration of his illness but Harry found been coddled by nursing staff was more annoying than anything.

Sunday morning when it was scheduled for everyone to return to the mainland Harry was still stuck in bed with his cold. Tagomi stood before his bed her bags already packed and on the ship.

"Harry-kun it is such a shame that you caught a cold. I hope you feel better soon."

"Why do I have to stay here again, wouldn't it be faster if I just went home with you guys." Harry asked wondering why he was being left behind on the island.

"Harry-kun we're only about an hour away from the shoreline. Don't worry you can commute to school from here if you had too. Its better if you just stay in bed and rest."

"This is not how I thought this trip was going to turn out." He groaned sinking into the bed annoyed that he was stuck there. Reaching over to the bedside table he grabbed a key before passing it to Tagomi.

"Thanks for agreeing to check on my owls. Just slip the key into the mail box on your way out."

"No need to thank me, I know you would do the same for me. I have the map you gave me yesterday and written instructions, what could go wrong."

Meanwhile with the Host Club:

Tamaki had called them together saying he had an announcement to make. A funeral shrine was set up next to him covered in candles.

"I've been informed that due to our Titanic finale Potter Harry-san has fallen ill." Tamaki said slapping a picture frame on top of the shrine. It had a picture of Harry taken while he was walking down the halls of a random part of Ouran Academy looking completely lost. "Huni-senpai has kindly supplied us with a picture, now then. Let us pray for his soul." They clapped their hands and bowed saying a small pray. When Haruhi realized what they were actually performing she rushed to the front stealing the picture from the shrine.

"He's not dead you guys!" she cried in anger annoyed that she fallen into the flow of their madness.

"Of course you're right Haruhi." Tamaki said in his appeasing tone. "But I feel we must do something for Potter-san, it only right since he got caught up in my karaoke finale like that."

"We agree. It was an awful plan sinking the ship like that senpai." The twins said sliding up next to Tamaki.

"You're the ones who came up with the idea." Tamaki cried as the twins started to mercilessly taunting him.

While she was distracted watching them Huni skipped forward taking the picture from her hand before rushing to couch and sitting down next to Takashi. Haruhi followed not wanting to be a part of twin's antics.

"Huni-senpai? Why do you have a picture of Potter-senpai?" She asked sitting down beside him.

"Ya know, because we needed one for the shrine." Huni said his eyes peeking up at her from behind the picture.

"Right…" Haruhi said deciding it would be safer not to know.

"Potter-san is still on the island. We could just pay him a visit." Kyoya said from the other couch across from them.

"Kyoya is right. Everyone, we will cure Potter-san of the common cold." Tamaki announced changing what Kyoya had said. But it didn't matter the host club was now on a mission.

Harry's Room:

Harry had just got done watching a rather strange cartoon about a family that turned into what appeared to be random animals. He only started watching because a blonde boy that reminded him of Huni had changed into a bunny rabbit when hugged by a brown haired girl. He grown more curious to what the show was about from there. He just turned the T.V. off as the credits played when the door was suddenly thrown open.

"Good Morning." Tamaki cried as he pranced into the room the others following in behind.

"Hi." Harry said not sure what else he could say to the parade of people entering the room.

"Harry, may we call you Harry?" Tamaki asked throwing his arms out as if emphasize the fact he was asking on behalf of the whole club. Huni waved at him excitedly from his perch on Takashi's shoulder.

"That's fine." He said as he waved back at Huni.

"Then Harry, we, the Ouran Host club have come to cure you of the common cold."

"You what!" Harry said stunned by the claim.

"As we all know commoners have the most interesting methods for curing such colds. So I give you Haruhi." Tamaki stepped aside as Haruhi moved closer to his bed.

"Drink lots of fluids and you'll be better in no time." She said awkwardly.

"Hmm, That wasn't cute at all. Come Haruhi we must work on your nursing skills, we will let Kyoya go first since he has the most medical knowledge." Tamaki announced as they pushed her from the room leaving only Kyoya behind.

"Harry-san." Kyoya greeted in his hands was a rather large stack of paperwork.

"Kyoya-san, is this suppose to help me feel better?" The Giant stack of papers was placed in front of him along with a pen.

"I thought it would be more productive to have you fill out admission forms for the VIP membership club."

"You mean I wasn't a member before?" He signed his name as Kyoya pointed out the lines that needed his signature.

"Not just anyone can be in the VIP club. They have to meet certain requirements."

"So what got me the seal of approval?"

"The fact that you are a complete enigma. I've run ever check possible and only thing I've discover is that you're rather well invested and you moved here from England. Anything else was sealed away."

"Bet there are not a lot of members who met that requirement." Harry laughed nervously as Kyoya pinned him with a curious stare. Suddenly a nurse entered the room handing Harry a cup of tea breaking the tension in the room.

"Honey tea. I believe you have a fondness for it. I hope with this we will become a lot closer Harry-san." Kyoya explained holding up his membership papers before leaving the room. Harry sighed leaning back into his bed. There was only one thing he gotten from that whole event. Kyoya was type of person he had to be cautious around.

By the time Harry had finished his tea the Twins descended upon him next. They easily picked him up by the arms dragging him out of the bed. Taking him into the next room they deposited him under a kotatsu with a heater.

"We've come to play with you Harry-senpai" Kaoru pulling out a stack of random games while Hikaru started setting up a board game. They spent the rest of the day playing many of the board games and finished up with a game of poker. Halfway through the game Harry was beginning to suspect that the twins were somehow cheating. It was the first time he ever played the game but he appeared to be winning every time. 'Maybe they have some kind of twin link, like Fred and George' he thought looking at them fondly.

"You win again Harry-senpai." They recited together laying their cards down. "But we have to be going now."

"This was really nice of you. I had a lot of fun." Harry said sad to see them go.

"We had."

"Fun too."

As they left Takashi came in with two trays of food Huni trailing behind with his own tray.

"Waah Harry-chan, I'm sorry you got sick." The little blonde cried placing the tray he was carrying in front of Harry before crawling under the kotatsu next to him.

"You have nothing to be sorry about Huni-chan. I was just unlucky. If anything I should be thanking you. I am very grateful for what you did yesterday." Huni smiled happily up at him as Takashi set down on Harry other side placing the other two trays on the table.

"We brought you dinner." Takashi said and it was the most words Harry had heard him say so far.

"Takashi made the herbal tea and it was my ideal to include the soup and pudding because I always eat it when I'm sick. Do you like it?" Huni said as he pointed out each item on the three trays.

"I'm feeling better already." He said taking a sip of the tea and eating some of the pudding.

Tamaki never returned from giving Haruhi nursing lesson so after his meal with Huni and Takashi he went to bed. When Harry got up the next morning he was no longer sick. 'Maybe the host club really is the cure for the common cold.' He thought as he stared at the school uniform hanging on a clothing rack that being wheeled into his room by a nurse.

AN: Kotatsu is a small Japanese table that lowers to the ground. Most come with a blanket and heater. Huni is a little stalkerish. Sorry for such short chapter I'll try to make the next one longer.