Hey Readers!

Sorry, this is not a new chapter, BUUT, I do have some exciting news for you all! I'm looking for an EDITOR, as well as a PROOF READER! I'm about to start a big, BIG project.

I know, I know, you can't stand the suspense.

Alright, I'll tell you!

I'll be writing a full version of the Hunger Games from Peeta's POV!

Exciting, right?

Anywho , I need an editor and a proof reader on my side to help keep me in line so that I don't leave you all hanging for a month or two before the next chapter. So, there are two applications for these positions:


How often are you on FF?:

Have you done editing before?:

Why do you want this position?:

Why do you think you deserve this position?:


How often are you on FF?:

Have you done proof reading before?:

Why do you want this position?:

Why do you think you deserve this position?:

Basically, I know, proofreader isn't a real position, but I want someone who isn't an editor to read it, so like, a first-look reader. So that they can tell me if it's too boring or something, or too slow or not enough Mph in the chapter ;)

Thanks for all your patience! Send me your applications in a PM. If you send it to me in a review I WILL NOT look at your application.

Also, if you read all the way down to the bottom, please, at the end of your application write the words "morning star".

That way I know if you read all of it :D

