A/N: Hi everyone!
Thanks for reading so far! It means a lot to me :)
Thanks for all the reviews too!
This is the last chapter, so I hope you enjoy!
When I woke up, I was lying on my desk.
"Uh..." I groaned, rubbing my neck. I was all sore.
I looked up at the time. "Oh shit!" I swore. "I'm late!"
I got up, changed into my robes, and cleaned myself up. I hurried to gather my books and stuff before running out the door.
My morning was hectic. I had 5 minutes of breakfast, and then I realized that I forgot my potions book, so I had to run back up and get it, causing me to be late for Potions, not like Snape cared, but I was.
Finally, I ran up to Muggle Studies, making it before the bell rang to signal the start of class.
"Hey mate. Did ya finish your assignment?" asked Blaise, coming up to my desk.
"Yeah." I panted. I took it out and handed it to him.
He skimmed through the paper, and his confused expression turned to shock, and then sly.
"Wow, I didn't know you were that romantic, Malfoy." he grinned.
"What?" I asked. I was confused. What did I write on that piece of parchment?
"Well, I just didn't know you were in love...with Hermione Granger." he smiled, evilly. Before I could grab it back, he hurriedly ran up to Burbage and turned in my paper. I vaguely remembered what I had written on that paper, and my face reddened as soon as I did.
"Boys! Calm down! I would be appreciated if you didn't fight." said Burbage. I glared at Blaise, but he just laughed.
"Damn you." I muttered.
"You're gonna thank me for it in a little while." he grinned.
As soon as class started, Burbage began grading papers. We just sat there and chatted. Well, I quietly kicked Blaise in the shin over, and over again.
"Alright class! Back into your own seats!" called Burbage. We all sat back down. I nodded a "hello" to Hermione, which she returned with a smile.
"Now, your papers were very good, but only two people got full marks-Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy." she announced.
"See? I told you I'd get full marks. And you doubted me." I teased her. She stuck out her tongue at me.
"Now, I would like to invite Mr. Malfoy up in front of the class to read his out loud."
"WHAT?" I screamed, standing up. "NO WAY, WOMAN!"
"Very well," she sighed. "I'll read it then."
She cleared her throat, and I miserably sat down and gave in. I didn't look at Hermione, though.
She read every single one of my freaking answers, and bursts of giggles were heard as she read every single one. I didn't dare look up. How the hell was I supposed to face Hermione now?
Finally, she was at the last answer, where she clearly read: "What I feel about Hermione Granger."
The class exploded in giggles, and my face turned as red as Weasley's hair. I couldn't look at her. I stood up, got all my stuff, and ran out of the room.
I found a nice place in the halls to sit down and kick stuff.
"Damn Blaise. Damn teacher. Damn Hermione for making me like her." I mumbled.
"Draco?" came a soft voice. I looked up to see Hermione.
"Uh...Uh...I-I can explain." I blushed, standing up.
"What you wrote...was that all true?" she asked.
"Well, maybe! I dunno! Yeah..." I said, giving in. She was going to laugh at me now, for being so stupid.
Instead, she breathed out a sigh of relief. "Good." she said, and she handed me the parchment in her hand.
I read it out loud:
"1-Valentine's Day: A day to spend with your lover.
2- Courage: Something I'm building up, so I can tell him
3-Happiness: Whenever I'm with him.
4-Dates: Something I wish we could go on...
5-Caramel: The color of my hair, so he tells me, which I love because he notices it.
6-Chocolate: His favorite flavor.
7 -Perfect: Him, of course.
8-Stupid: Me. Why can't I ask him out, already?
9-Irritating: My friends who don't understand that I love him. (cough, cough, Ron)
10-Heart: I don't know. He has mine.
11-Butterfly: A beautiful little creature.
12-Best Friends: Are true when they support you.
13-Red: The color his beautiful white face turns when he talks to me. Good sign?
14-Flowers: He likes them, I think. I see him always going to the flower shop in Hogsmeade.
15-Dances: I did get to dance with him once! It was so sweet.
16-Peace: Something I feel when I'm with him.
17-Forever: In his arms.
18-Uncertainty: What'll happen if I confess to him?
19-Treasure: Him.
20- Wo Ai Ni, Ti Amo, Je T'aime, and Salang are all words in different languages that mean the same thing. What does it mean?
It means love. Everything about him, from his golden-white hair to his laid-back attitude-" I stopped. I swallowed in shock. I couldn't read that last part.
"-because I love Draco Malfoy." she finished. She smiled, and I kissed her.
"I guess it was a good thing, that you Infiltrated My Mind." I chuckled.
She laughed. "I did? Well, isn't that weird. You 'Infiltrated My Mind' too."
I stood up and took her hand. "Come on. Let's get back to class." I laughed.
I took her back in, and the class burst into applause as they saw us holding hands.
"Don't need to thank me, brother! Actually, please do, because I told you you would thank me in a little while!" exclaimed Blaise, coming to pat me on the shoulder. I kicked him again, and smiled at Hermione.
Infiltrating The Mind? Turns out it was definitely a good thing.
A/N: And there's the happily ever after :) LOL
So I hope you liked it! Review!