A/N: Hi there!
I was reading some of the stories that are in my favorites, and I came along one called "Meaning of Words" by anime16, which inspired me to write this. This chapter is in Draco's perspective, so I hope you enjoy!
Quick note: The characters will probably be OC, so sorry if you don't like it. :P
Many thanks to anime16 and books13!
DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of the characters in this chapter. But I really wish I owned Draco Malfoy!
"Up, up, up, Draco! Rise and shine!" shouted an annoyingly loud voice. Obviously, it was Blaise.
"Go away, Zabini. I wanna sleep. Don't make me rip your head off." I mumbled, turning away from him.
I heard a faint shuffling, and then, "Aguamenti."
Water shot out of his wand and sprayed all over me. I was completely drenched with water, and I shot up, wide awake. "Blaise, you bastard!" I yelled, smacking him up top his head.
He calmly put his wand away, and with a slight smirk on his face, walked out of the room. I cussed to myself and got up. I got dried myself off, got dressed and began heading down to the Great Hall for breakfast.
I got down there and punched Blaise in the stomach. Then, I settled down at my seat.
"Attention! I have an announcement for all of the seventh year students! The year is halfway done, and it's time to explore the chances! For the next couple of weeks, it is required that you spend a week at every class that you're not already taking. Only one class will be changed per week, meaning, you will mostly still be taking your usual classes, but one hour of each day will be changed to a different class for that week. New schedules will be passed out during your first hour!" called Dumbledore.
Murmurs were heard throughout the hall.
"I don't see what all the commotion is for." I scoffed. "Everyone's making a big deal out of nothing."
I spoke too soon.
Once I got my schedule in first hour-Potions, I groaned.
"C'mon mate. It won't be that bad." coaxed Blaise, trying to pull me out of my seat in Potions.
"Yes it will! That old coot. Dumbledore is crazy, making us have to take one week of every class! Especially Muggle Studies. It's the stupidest class in the world. Like we need to learn about muggles." I muttered. "The school's gone to the dogs."
"One week. It won't be so bad. At least you won't have to be with Potter or Weasley." said Blaise.
"True, but still! And-wait. What about Granger?" I asked.
"I heard she's taking that class." shrugged Blaise.
"Figures." I scoffed. Secretly, I was possibly a little bit happy...
"Come on!" he urged, and I growled. I stood up and unwillingly followed him to Burbage's classroom.
"Come in, everyone! Oh, my more students...uh, Mr. Zabini, next to Miss Chart if you will. Mr. Macmillan, next to Miss Abbott, and Mr. Malfoy...let's see...next to Miss Granger, if you please." directed Professor Burbage.
I stiffened, I thought I saw her do the same. I slowly and hesitantly walked to the seat next to Granger, and set my things down on the table.
"Granger." I nodded.
"Merlin's beard, Malfoy. You're not being hostile!" she mock gasped.
"Don't worry, I won't make a habit of it." I smirked.
"Alright class! As you all know, Valentine's Day is coming up soon. To muggles, this is a very big event. Today, for your assignment, I have some terms-some about the occasion, and others not so much, that I'd like you to define. But the thing is, I do not want to know what muggles define these things to be, I want to know what you would define them as." said Burbage.
"That sounds stupid." I snorted.
"If it's so stupid, I'm assuming you'll get full marks on it." said Granger, flipping her hair over her shoulder. As much as I hated to admit it, Granger got prettier. Her used-to-be bushy hair was transformed into long, caramel, straight hair. She got taller and her teeth had evened out, giving her a very, I mean less torturing smile.
I ran my fingers through my silvery-blonde hair. It was also quite annoying because my bangs kept falling into my eyes.
Papers were handed out, and I looked over the words.
"What? These are dumb!" I said.
"Do you always need to be so pessimistic, Malfoy?" asked Granger.
"Yes. That's why I'm a Slytherin." I said. She smiled, and despite myself, my face heated up.
"True." she smiled.
I sat in front of my desk, and I sighed. I had had a really busy day. The moon was out, shining brightly, and according to my clock, it was around midnight. I was way too tired. I was half asleep, and there wasn't anything I wanted to do more than fall into my bed and sleep. The bad thing was that I had to finish my assignment. I pulled out the sheet of words, a blank parchment, and a quill and some ink.
"Here we go." I muttered.
1-Valentine's Day. I thought about it for a while, and then I wrote my definition.
1-Valentine's Day: A time to celebrate love, or if you don't have a lover, a time that annoys the crap out of you because everyone else is so happy and sunshine-y.
I felt like I was drunk. I just wrote down everything that came into my mind. I yawned and looked at the next one, and filled it in.
2- Courage: The feeling inside you that comes up when you do something you do something unordinary. Like asking that certain brown-eyed beauty, sitting next to you, out.
If I was "sober" or awake, I wouldn't have written that, but my hand wrote down everything that went on in my mind.
3-Happiness: The warm feeling inside you when something happens that you enjoy, like talking to her.
There was this one time, where Hermione and I had bumped into each other at the library, and started talking about, nothing really. It was a nice moment, especially since we were both being civilized, and possibly even friendly to each other.
4-Dates: A type of fruit, I think, a day, or a time to spend time with that special someone in your life.
I smiled. This was going rather well.
5-Caramel: The color of her silky hair, of course.
6-Chocolate: A sweet that is colored brown, as well as the color of HER eyes.
7-Perfect: Everything about her.
8-Stupid: Me. Well, the younger me, for not realizing that she was going to end up catching my eye, and not already trying to make good friends with her.
I yawned again. Man, I had a feeling I was gonna fall asleep at my desk.
9-Irritating: Ronald Weasley. Nothing else is needed to define this word.
10-Heart: A shape, an organ, and something that she stole from me.
11-Butterfly: The tiny little insects that flutter around in my stomach when I talk to her.
12-Best Friends: As annoying as hell.
13-Red: The color that my cheeks get when I see her (sadly).
My eyes were already starting to close on me. Come on, Draco. Few more!
14-Flowers: Beautiful little things. A delight to give to a female.
15-Dances: A time to hold her close and let the music take over.
16-Peace: A calm moment.
17-Forever: A time I want to spend with her, and hopefully she feels the same?
18-Uncertainty: Do I like her? Does she like me back?
19-Treasure: Something to protect. Like her.
I looked at the bottom. It was the final question.
20- Wo Ai Ni, Ti Amo, Je T'aime, and Salang are all words in different languages that mean the same thing. What does it mean?
I wrote in my final answer before I lost consciousness, falling asleep on my desk.
20- Wo Ai Ni, Ti Amo, Je T'aime, and Salang are all words in different languages that mean the same thing. What does it mean?: What I feel about Hermione Granger.
A/N: So there is chapter one! What'd y'all think?
I know, it sounds really cheesy and un-Draco-like, but come on. Draco's half-asleep and in love. Even the dragon's gotta have a soft spot. :)
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I know I had a lot of fun writing it!
Please review! And no flames please!
Thanks a bunch!
PS: If some of you don't know, the MTV awards are coming up (June 5th) and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows have been nominated for quite a few things! Can we get them to win? Please go to http:/ www. mtv. com / ontv / movieawards / 2011 / categories . jhtml (without spaces, obviously).
Another big one is that Tom Felton (the guy who plays Draco Malfoy) has been nominated for Best Villian. Please please please help him win!