Title: Romantic Little Stories (No Matter What Dr. Reid Said)
Author: Bow (bowie28 )
Pairing: Hotch/Reid
Rating: PG to NC-17
Beta: kuriadalmatia
Warning : fluff, silliness
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plots.
Word count: ~2,000
Author Notes: This is just an excuse to post all my silly drabbles and ficlets in one place. I posted a couple of them on richtweet but these are the final versions. Enjoy.
Spencer Reid killed two men in his life. Once to save Aaron Hotchner's life, the other to salvage what was left of his own. It was years later that he realized what was left of himself on that cold Georgian night had never really left Aaron Hotchner's arms. When he mumbled 'I knew you'd understand' into Hotch's warm neck, it was him who understood what it meant to put one's trust in someone else's hands entirely.
So when Aaron pressed him against the sink with their hands still wet from dish washing and said 'Marry me?' like it was ever a question, Spencer could only arch his brows and felt slightly offended because seriously! Spencer Reid had chosen Aaron Hotchner long before Tobias Hankel pulled the trigger in his face three times. He had chosen Aaron Hotchner the minute Hotch had decided to put his life in Reid's hands in that emergency room and started kicking the daylights out of him. That day Aaron Hotchner had chosen Spencer Reid. Every day since was just Reid returning the favor.