Stain Glass

By; Mystery

Okay children, I made this up and I only OWN THIS. Not the show D:


She had lost her good friend for a stupid cup.

She had lost the love of her life.

She had been backstabbed and kidnapped.

She had been in great danger.

But no one knew her true self.

All of these things were on Patricia's list to put in the stain glass. The list to put on the house's window.

Trudy knew her work with glass, is breathtaking. So Trudy asked Patricia if she could make the house a window. By the end of the year she decided to do it. So Trudy cleaned out the cellar for her every night to make it.

Patricia said she would stay the summer to make it. So the window can have sun shine through it every day. A promise is a promise. She would never let the house down.

Everyone left, on day one of summer. She knew how it would look. First it would have a golden cup in the middle, and a person over it alone. Above would be a broken heart and a stabbed back. Followed by hands with ropes on them. A shadowy figure would be in the corner with red eyes. To top it off is the eye of Horus.

This is an intro… I will get more of the characters in later. And the talking more, so please click the review button!