Pairing Gray x Lucy

Disclaimer Do not own

Part Three

It was quite lively at the guild. Everyone was there except Lucy. Gray was awaiting her arrival; the two were going to go on a mission. The mission was 200,000 Jewels. Perfect for the both of them, they had to capture a couple of grouped bandits. They were terrorising some of the towns in Fiore.

Natsu was already off on a mission with Erza and Happy. They had left a few days ago, so they'd probably be back in two days.


"GRAY-SAMA!" Juvia wailed. She was flooding the whole guild with her tears. When she heard from Mirajane that Gray was going on a mission with Lucy she just burst.

Everyone was drenched in her tears. "Ah Gray do something!" Wakaba yelled.

"Why me!" Gray sulked while floating around.

Outside of the guild Lucy came running. 'Hopefully I'm not too late.'

"Water? Why's there water?" Lucy said confused, she saw a bit of water coming out from the bottom of the guild doors.

Lucy shrugged and opened up the doors. Her eyes widen and her jaw dropped at the tidal wave lurching to her.

"Wha- Kya!" Lucy gurgled as the wave drenched her and her bag.

Everyone else was holding onto things. They saw Lucy on the ground soaking wet. Gray was first to break the silence.

"Ah Lucy! Are you okay?" Gray picked her up. He studied her to see if she was hurt.

"I-I'm f-fine…" Lucy sneezed.

"Are you sick? Come on let's get you back home before you get a cold." Gray pulled her.

Lucy nodded and let Gray drag her back home.

After changing the wet clothes; the two headed off to Magnolia station. They bought two tickets and boarded the train to the first town Hargeon.

Lucy sat close to the window with Gray beside her. "I'm guessing it was Juvia who started the flood." Lucy said as she stared out of the window.

"Huh?" Gray turned to her. "Oh yeah. She heard off Mira that we were going on a mission, just the two of us and she just burst."

"She still hasn't got over you…" Lucy murmured to herself.

"You say something?" Gray asked moving closer to her.

"No." Lucy whispered. She felt Gray's arm around her waist, pulling her closer. She smiled and laid her head onto his shoulders.

"I feel tired for some reason." she whispered. Gray looked down to her face.

"Why don't you get some shut eye then? We won't be there until awhile." Lucy nodded at let her eyes drop. Before long Lucy was fast asleep.

Gray moved her onto his lap. He had his legs on the chair with Lucy in between his legs. He leaned his head onto the wall.

Gray sighed and started to play with Lucy's hair.

'Her hair is so soft. She's pretty damn cute when she's asleep.' Gray chuckled. "Nah. She's always cute."

Awhile later the train came to a stop.

"Attention passengers. You may now exit the train." the Conductor said into the microphone.

Gray looked up and back down to Lucy. "Hey Luce, come on let's go. We're here."

Lucy opened her eyes a bit, her mind was still hazy. Gray noticed she was still sleepy so he kissed her, a bit too much for her comfort. She pushed him back. "Gray!" he just laughed.

When they got off the train they started walking into the town of Hargeon. They strolled around before going to see the mayor. They both noticed that the town's people were still fixing the half destroyed harbour; sincerely Natsu.

"What fun we had. The first time I met Natsu and Happy was here in Hargeon," Lucy closed her eyes to see the memory, she laughed quietly to herself.

Gray turned his gaze to his girlfriend. Was it worry or jealousy creeping to his face?

"Ah Gray we're here." Lucy broke him out of his thoughts but not his gaze. Lucy stared at him weirdly. "Hey you okay?" she waved a hand over his face.

"Huh? What? Yeah I'm f-fine. Let's go see the mayor," Gray quickly walked into the big building with Lucy behind him, wondering what's got into him.

"May I help you?" the receptionist asked sourly.

The sourness didn't go unnoticed with Lucy. 'Rude much!' She crossed her arms over her big chest.

"Uh yeah. We're from Fairy Tail. We're here to capture those bandits that's terrorising your town." Gray told the lady.

"Oh yes! Follow me." A voice came out of nowhere. They turned to see the mayor. He was wearing quite the fancy suit. Lucy snickered a bit at the sight.

I know right so not lady-like for Lucy, but the princess-like Lucy had disappeared ever since she joined Fairy Tail. With Gray and Nastu always around she's picked up some of their antics.

"Well here is the map of the whole town. There's a warehouse near the harbour. It's been abandoned for years now but I'm guessing that they use it. They come here at around 9 at night to gear up and then they set out. Do whatever you can to capture them and in the morning come by the Town Hall to pick up your reward." the mayor explained.

Lucy nodded and took the map. Gray followed beside her.

"Well should we get a hotel then?" Lucy asked taking Gray's hand and lacing it with hers.

"Hmm? Um yeah, yeah we should." Gray turned his face away from Lucy's.

'What's wrong with you, Gray? Did I do something?' Lucy thought as she stared at Gray.

They went to the hotel and got a room. Too bad for Lucy was that the room had only one bed.

"What? Um okay, so Gray you can sleep on the couch okay." Gray just nodded. He knew Lucy always wanted privacy when it came to things like this.

Gray kept silent while Lucy was just about to go crazy with this silence. Was Gray avoiding her or something?

All these questions bombarded Lucy-

Is he avoiding me? Did I do something wrong? Does he want to break up with me? What did I do to him? Is he angry at me? He probably doesn't like me anymore? But I don't wanna break up! I really like you Gray, I really do!

Lucy was just about to pull her hair out because of the stress Gray was giving her with his silence and avoiding. Though she stopped herself and went to where Gray was on the couch. She sat beside him. Gray still didn't do anything.

"Ne, Gray. Did I do something? Are you angry at me? Tell me…" Tears were about to form in Lucy's chocolate eyes.

Gray's eyes widen at her words and he turned to her with full force, making Lucy fall back onto the couch. He saw her face as he hovered above her. Tears, tears were starting to form. Gray turned his face away with embarrassment.

"I'm not angry Luce. Just something on my mind." he whispered. "I'm sorry if I made you worry." He leaned his head to her neck, his breath hot on her ears.

"I'm sorry… It's just when you said that you had fun with Natsu, I guess I got jealous." he chuckled at his jealousy.

Lucy just stared at Gray's head, blushing. 'Gray… Gray was jealous of Natsu.'

"I'm glad it wasn't anything bad. But why would you be jealous Gray? Natsu and I are just best friends nothing more. I love Natsu as a friend, but I love you more than you know." she smiled putting her hands through Gray's black hair.

Gray pulled away from her and looked into her chocolate orbs, then smiled. He kissed her gently.

"It's nearly time." Gray said as he turned to the clock. It was 20:30.

"Gray, you can get off me now," Lucy struggled.

Gray was still hovering over her, "Uh right sorry."

Before 9 the two were already at the warehouse waiting for the bandits to arrive. Right on queue about ten guys walked in. Gray and Lucy were hiding behind some of the cargo they had inside already.

While they were discussing things Gray and Lucy jumped into action.

"Gate of the Golden Bull, I open thee! Taurus!" Lucy yelled as she opened the gate.

"Moo~! I'll protect Lucy's hot body!" Taurus yelled.

Lucy sighed. "Whatever just defeat those bandits."

"As you wish Lucy! Moo~!" Taurus charged to the bandits and took them out with his axe.

"Ice Make: Lance!" Gray yelled. The icicle lances coming out of Gray's magical circle and hitted the bandits.

Not too long they were already done. Lucy hi-fived her spirit and he disappeared with a poof.

Gray smiled at Lucy. "Well that's one town down. Four more to go."

By morning Gray had awakened and so was Lucy. Gray had to freeze the bandits so they couldn't escape, plus because they were frozen in the living room Gray had to sleep with Lucy on the bed. Gray didn't mind at all. Lucy was a bit timid to do so.

They took them to the Town Hall and collected there reward and they were off to the next town.

Technically it was the same thing that they had to do, but I won't go into those. Next town that they went to was Shirotsume, then Oshibana, Hosenka and last was Onibus.

Each town giving them a reward of 40,000 Jewels. They had finished the mission in about a week and were now on their way back to Magnolia. Lucy was in a great mood as they rode the train to Magnolia.

For once she got a full payment. She was able to pay this month's rent and do a bit of shopping for herself as well. Gray saw how happy she was and just laughed at her mood.

When they got off the train they walked back to the guild. They saw the guild and someone with pink hair running this way. Someone with pink hair? Natsu of course with Happy flying beside him.

"LUCY!" Natsu pounced onto her - yes pounced - this made Gray blow his top off. Gray subconsciously took his shirt off.

"I finally know what it is!" he cackled. "Aye!" Happy flew above them doing circles.

"Get off her!" Gray punched Natsu in the face with full force, making Natsu tumbled down hitting a tree. Lucy dropped to the floor. Her face flushed from the close contact with Natsu.

"You okay?" Gray caresses her cheek. Lucy just nodded putting a hand onto Gray's toned chest.

Natsu had gotten up and was already on his way to Gray. "GRAY! You're gonna pay for that!" Natsu took in a heap of air. "Roar of the Fire Dragon!"

Gray quickly picked up Lucy bridal style and leaped to safety. "Natsu, don't kill Lucy!" Happy cried.

Gray put Lucy down and kissed her lips before going into a fight with the mighty Salamander.

"Ice Make: Arrows!" High speed arrows came out of Gray's magical circle and shot towards Natsu. Nastu dodged them all but the last one hit his stomach.

Natsu got back up, pumping up his hands into fists. "Claw of the-"

"Nastu!" An angry Titania charged at him with a sword in hand. "E-Er…za!" Natsu yelped. Erza grabbed his scarf quickly stopping him from running away.

"How dare you nearly kill Lucy!" she yelled into his ears. She gave him a punch in the stomach and one on the head making him go unconscious.

"That's what you get Natsu." Happy patted the unconscious dragon slayer.

Gray was already running back to Lucy. She was watching the whole fighting scene. "Are you okay?" Gray comforted her with an embrace.

Lucy let out a laugh. Gray pulled back to study her face and raised a brow. Erza and Happy across from them just looked at her weirdly.

She laughed a bit more, than stopped. "You guys are such idiots," she started to laugh again. The others just gave her confused looks.

Happy was first to speak "Ne, Lucy's a weirdo!" he snickered with his paws on his mouth.

"Shut it cat!"
