Chapter 1 Not what you think

Raven made her way up the familiar steps to her father's back door, she had no idea how he was going to react but she would rather go to her father than her sister. Drawing a deep breath she tapped on the door. Instantly he answered it and drew in a gasp.

"Raven my girl what happened?" He just looked at her heartbroken, her eye was a deep shade of black while her lip was swollen and cut, in fact Shawn could already see the bruise appearing down one side of her face, someone had hit her good.

"Hey Dad, can I stay with you a few nights?" She asked surprisenly cheerful, well cheerful despite the look of her face. Shawn pulled her inside

"I will kill him for doing this to you"

She just looked at him "Oh the face! Before you even think it Randy didn't do this to me. I got into a fight with one of my bounties"

Shawn wasn't sure he believed her "Really?"

"Yes really, I swear on Jamie's life that Randy didn't do this"


"Anyways" Raven continued "I need to crash her for a few nights, my house is bein fumagated and I need somewhere to crash. Its ok for Randy cause he's on the road but I've been ordered not to come back until my face heals so I need somewhere to stay"

"Why not your sisters?"

Raven let out a laugh "Because she would be hunting down my boyfriend at this moment because she would think he's been beating me"

"Has he? Because you come here with your face all puffy and bruised with some story about fumagation, can you understand how it looks?"

"Yes I can but I swear Randy didn't do this to me, it was one of my bounties. Fucker didn't want to go to jail" Raven answered as her cell phone went off. "Excuse me, hello?" "Hey Randy, yeah he already jumped to that conclusion, the face is fine by the way" "Thats mean and he will kill you, seriously he would" "Ok love you too, bye"

"I suppose he thought it was funny that your face is all bruised"

"No he didn't and when he saw it he wanted to kill the guy that did it, he wanted beat him into submission or into an apology"

Shawn sighed wanting to get off the topic of her swollen face "Sure you can stay here for a couple of days"

"Sweet now I'll have my breakfast at nine and I want the pancakes smothered in syrup"

"Well you've still got your sense of humor" Shawn laughed before turning serious "How are things going with Randy?"

She just looked at him "We're on the verge of breaking up because we're both so unhappy"

"Must everything be a fight with you?"

"Thats what you wanted to hear wasn't it?"

"I want to hear the truth because depsite what you think I do care about your happiness"

"Me and Randy are fine, we're now living together just so you know"

Shawn let out a puff of air "You know I hate it when we fight"

"Well you started it when you told me basically to stop seeing Randy or you would never be happy"

"Yeah I know, so does he make you happy"

Raven looked at him for a full minute before letting the smile come on her face "More than you will ever know"

"How did you even meet him anyways?" Shawn asked as she took a seat at the table, Shawn made them a hot drink each. Taking it over to her he couldn't help but notice the change in her silver eyes when she mentioned Randy.

"I was getting some work down in St Loius and we started chatting, next thing I know he asks for my number and went on his way. A few days later he had some time off and we met up for coffee, we started texting and chatting and the next thing I know we're dating" Raven shrugged twiddling with her cup handle.

"And when you say work I assume you mean you were getting more tattoos?"

Raven laughed "Why else would I be in St Louis?"

"Catching a bounty maybe"

"Nah they prefer seedy undergrounds or the racetrack" Raven laughed "Why the sudden interest anyways?"

"He makes you happy so I might as well accept it before Jamie realises whats going on and starts to hate me as well for being mean to you besides I gotta admit Randy makes your eyes light up like no other"

Raven laughed again "He's become very special to me and so help me whoever gets in the way of that"

"Just promise me something if he ever hurts you, IF he does will you please let me kill him. I've lost my chance of scaring him but I will not lose my chance at killing him if he fucks up"

"Sure hell if he does something that bad I won't care what happens to him"

"Such a nice girl you are"

"What? I've told him that straight to his face just like he said it to mine"

"Ok maybe you two are perfect for each other after all"

"See thats my logic" Raven smiled drinking her drink very carefully, because of her lip she sorta had to tilt the cup a little and drink from a weird angle, it just hurt otherwise. "So when does Jamie come home?"

"A few days I think, shes having fun travelling the world." Shawn patted her hand "It was a very nice thing you did for your sister"

Raven just shrugged "I've seen the world, I just wonder how her heart is"

"You did the right thing Raven, for both of them. Jamie sees that deep down"

"Well according to Randy John wasn't doing that well in the beginning but he's adjusted now"

Shawn raised an eyebrow "You have some sort of devious scheme in mind, I can tell"

Raven shook her head, small pains lightening down her face "No I don't. I think I've done enough damage to her"

For the second time tonight Shawn wasn't sure he believed her but not having any proof he let it go.

"Anyways I might head to bed. I'm tired and sore"

"Well your room is just how you left it and there are some painkillers in the cabnet if you need 'em"

"Nah thats ok" Raven kissed his cheek "Good night oldman"

"Night darling"

As Raven got ready for bed she couldn't help but think about what her father had said. He knew her too well because she did have a devious scheme in mind, one that she felt would make up for breaking Jamies heart. Flipping on the small light she went to her old desk and pulled out some papers, drawing up an official letter she enclosed it in an envelope. Flipping up her cellphone she text her cousin Storm.

Wanna help me un break Jam's hart?

Sure, whats the plan cheif?

I may need your law skillz, would you be my lawyer?

lol do u even need 2 ask course i will

thanx Storm

can i know the plan cheif?

With a little bit of difficulty she sent Storm her plan, it was simple and effective and no doubt would work because Raven's plans rarely failed.

Soundz good cheif and we'll keep izzy outta it?

oh hell yeah lol i'll text Harm now and tell her the plan hopefully she'll agree night stormy-storm

Good luck xoxo & night Rae

Raven quickly sent the same thing to Harmoni hoping that wherever she was she got the text and more importantly agreed.

soundz good Rae, we won't tell Jamie either let it be a surprise!

lol ok but your happy 2 come home tomorry?

yeah ill tell jam im missin my hubby 2 much i think she ready to come home anyways

thanx again harm and not a word to Izzy!

lips are sealed cap'n goodnight


Putting her cellphone away she stripped down to her bra and boxers and got into bed. Raven just hoped that this made up for what she did to her three years ago.