A/N: Okay, so this is my first ever Sanctuary fic. I tried really really hard to keep everyone in character, but i apologize for any OOC-ness.

Disclaimer: I only own Alouetta and The Vegrandis Pennae.

White light filtered in between my closed eyelids. Noting this, I attemped to move. No dice. Pins and needles covered my arms and legs, and I could hear a steady beeping coming from somewhere to my left. Finally locating my eyelids, they fluttered open.

I was lying in a white room. My wrists and ankles were tied down, and there was this huge man fiddling with the machine emitting the beeping. This was most definitely not my apartment in Salt Lake. Panic began to set in. Adrenaline pumped through my limbs, freeing them of their asleep-ness. My pulse quickened, and the nurse man whirled around.

I screamed.

I mean, can you blame me? I'm sure you would've screamed too if you were tied to a bed in the same room as a frigging Neanderthal. I struggled in the bindings fiercely as the big hairy guy walked over and pressed a white call-button set into the wall.

"Magnus? She's awake."

At this point, I was full out hyperventilating. My vision flashed in and out of focus and the room seemed to spin. Through the whirling of white and grey, I saw a rather beautiful woman walk in. She had long, dark brown hair and was dressed in a white lab coat.

"No," I begged. The last time I was in the present of a "doctor" he had tried to cut me up into itty bitty little pieces. "P-please. Please don't hurt me. I'll- I'll give you blood, feathers, anything. Just- p- please don't," tears welled out of my eyes and the doctor grimaced. Setting a gently hand on my forearm, she spoke quietly.

"My dear, you have nothing to fear here. We will protect you. Those other doctors won't ever get their hands on you. I promise."

Against my will, my body began to relax. Her voice was soothing and kind. I nodded hesitantly and she smiled.

"Wonderful. Now, do you feel up to eating? We can let you out of the restraints now that we know that you are sane."

Nodding again, I said, "Yes ma'am. Thanks." She smiled again and proceeded to remove the thick Velcro cuffs from my wrist and legs. Drawing my legs up, I sat forward until I was sitting cross-legged. The doctor handed me a little tub of pudding. Figures.

"Okay," she said, pulling up a chair and sitting beside my bed, "I just have a few questions."

Swallowing a mouthful of pudding, I nodded.

Still smiling, she asked, "What is your name?"

"Alouetta Davis. Lou for short."

"How old are you?"

"Twenty four."

"Do you know what you are?"

Sighing, I leaned back against the familiar cushioning of my abnormal appendages. "Uhm… a birdy?"

Setting down her clipboard, she leaned forward. "We've actually categorized you as a creature called a Vegrandis Pennae. I know this might seem very personal… but… may I see them?"

Even though I felt like I could trust her, I was cautious. I always was. Ever since I was kidnapped by the first lab. Sighing, I shuffled until I was facing away from her, made sure my butt was covered by the flimsy hospital gown I wore, and sat.

"May I- may I touch them?"

I nodded. Then I felt fingers gently touch feathers. A shiver wracked my body and I fought the urge to launch myself off the table and fight my way out.

"Stretch them out please?"

And I did. I stretched out the two things that had caused me to be hunted and tested on since I was a teenager. Two large, brown and black speckled wings.


When the doc had finished her examination and a long list of questions, she brought me a bundle of fabric in her arms.

"I hope this will fit… it was the only thing I could find without a back." Taking the bundle, it fell apart in my arms to reveal a soft cotton tank dress.

"Thank you, ma'am," I said, smiling softly.

"You don't need to call me ma'am. Magnus will do." She smiled gently and stepped out to give me privacy.

Carefully removing the hospital gown, I dressed in my underwear and then pulled the white dress over my head. I had to carefully maneuver my wings, but eventually the dress fell around my knees and I zip up the back. Shaking my wings out I fold them gently against my back. Careful to avoid the expensive-looking machinery, I leaned over and press the call-button. "Uhm… Dr. Magnus?"

"Yes, Dear?"

"I don't know where to go now."

"Oh! How silly of me. I'll send Henry right up. He'll be able to take you to my office."

I sat on the bed, my wings shuffling restlessly behind me, and ran my fingers through my unruly, curly brown hair. Why couldn't I remember what happened right before I came here? Sighing, I let my wings relax and drape down the other side of the bed.

A beep and the sound of the airlock door opening made my head shoot up, meeting some of the loveliest grey-blue eyes I've ever seen. I let my eyes wander down to observe muscular arms and a long-sleeved grey t-shirt, ending in calloused hands clutching a tablet. Realizing that I'm totally checking him out, I shot my eyes back up to meet his.

"Uh- hi," he says. "You- you uh…"

Cocking an eyebrow at his awkwardness, I finished for him, a laugh coloring my voice, "Lou. My name's Lou. You're Henry?"

He nodded, relaxing slightly, "Yup. Well… C'mon, Lou. Doc wants a word with you about your lodging."

Smiling, I pushed myself and dropped the few inches down to the cold tile flooring. I shook out my wings before folding them against my back, relaxed, and sighed when I saw Henry's eyes widen at the abnormality. Padding barefoot to the door, I clasped my hands together.

"Uhm… Henry? I don't know where I'm going…"

"Oh!" my reminder seemed to wake him from his daze, and he half-jogged out the door and nodded to me before we started our way down the corridor.

I hate awkward silences. "So, Henry… what is this place? Doctor Magnus said that it's a sanctuary for… for abnormals?"

A small smile graced his lovely lips and he said, "Yeah. Abormals are anyone or anything that's… different. Like you for instance, or me, or Big Guy. You er… Met him. Big, hairy cave man?"

I smirked and nodded. "Yeah. He uh… startled me when I first woke up." He grinned and sauntered on. Then I realized what he'd said. "Wait. You? You're an abnormal? You don't look like one."

His smile turned slightly bitter. "Yeah, well, you can't always see it in how people look." He walked a few more paces. "I'm a HAP. A hyper-accelerated protean life form." At my blank look, he continued, "it's like a werewolf."

At that I grinned. I mean, come on. A werewolf? How much cooler can you get? "Okay," I said simply, and he paused. "That's pretty damn awesome," I finished, my face stretched in a huge smile.

He chuckled. "Yeah, sometimes it is."

Okay. So... Should I continue? I am a TOTAL romantic. and I actually have a kinda-sorta plot idea! :D Yes!