By Axisor & Silver Dragonfly
:: Part I ::
The time was two hours before dawn. The place was a mansion in the country some odd miles out of Tokyo. All was quiet in the lavish mansion, one of the many that were owned by the Winner Corporation. This one in particular was currently occupied by the heir and head of the huge corporation, Quatre R. Winner. Also in residence were his closest friends, the heroic and dangerous Gundam Pilots. Now most would think that all would be asleep at this early hour, yet nothing 'natural' ever held true for these particular five men, especially not for one Heero Yuy.
Ah yes the 'emotionless' Heero Yuy was up and about even at this early hour, in fact some would even wonder if he had slept at all. There he sat in his room, typing away on his faithful laptop, enjoying the peacefulness of the early morning, until it struck. Heero sat there slightly surprised, but as nothing happened he mentally shrugged it off and continued to type away. Then it happened again, and again hardly thirty seconds later. Heero frowned, this was not acceptable, the 'perfect soldier' did NOT get the hiccups.
After a quick Internet search, Heero couldn't find a specific cure for what ailed him. Oh, there were multiple suggestions, but there were so many. Finally he decided that he'd just go for the simplest one he found and go from there—after all, there was no need to sacrifice a chicken to the moon if something easier would work.
So, Heero quickly wrote a program that evaluated each cure on a scale from 10 to 1 (with 10 being the most sure-cure all) and went with the highest rating... of 4—holding his breath.
Thus began the procedure, he crossed his arms and closed his eyes and began to hold his breath, mentally ticking off the seconds as they went by. First sixty, then one twenty, one eighty, he was just about to two forty when it struck. A loud and even semi painful hiccup escaped his lips. Heero frowned.
:: First trial failure. Attempting second. ::
With that he began again, this time not even making it too one eighty when the hiccup escaped his lips.
::Second trial failure. How can this be? I cannot fail::
After the third failure, Heero began to make observations on the unruly hiccups. He noticed that with every hiccup, his back was wretched backwards and he got an idea. The next time Heero braced himself against a wall before attempting to hold his breathe again, believing if he didn't allow his back to move he could defeat this enemy.
Heero barely achieved thirty seconds before the worst hiccup yet and wrenched his back full force against the wall along with his head, leaving a slight crack in the wall.
With an inaudible groan he sank to the ground, waiting for the slight wave of dizziness to pass. This was beginning to present its self as a real problem, perhaps if he braced his legs against the desk, with his back to the wall.
:: Third Attempt. Must succeed. New Mission: Cure Hiccups. ::
Thus he shifted the desk and moved in-between it and the wall, pausing only when the 'hiccups' interrupted him. Within moments he had moved into the new position and began to hold his breath. At first it seemed to be working as he reached one eighty, two forty, three hundred… then it struck just as the last one against the wall his head jerked back with an echoing crack against the wall... a wall in which another pilot slept on the other side of.
On the other side of the wall, Wufei woke to find himself standing on his bed with his sword in hand and favorite picture at his feet. It took him a minute or two to realize why he was standing like that. A loud resounding *THUD* had stirred him from his sleep... and the *THUD* knocked his picture off the wall... and the *THUD* had come from... Heero's... room?
::What's Yuy doing to make that much racket at this un-holy time of the morning?::
Wufei stood there angrily staring at the wall until finally he had as idea of seeing if Heero was under attack... After all... if he wasn't, Wufei could always just yell at Heero, right?
With that the Dragon pilot left his own room, traveled the short distance down the hall to Heero's door. With ease that came from practice he cracked the door open soundlessly and then charged forward his katana drawn.
He skidded to a stop as the room came into view, nothing appeared out of place and no signs of attack. Yet the desk was pushed away from the wall. He moved cautiously forward to peer behind the desk, and spotted Yuy sitting there staring at nothing.
"Yuy! What in Kami's name is with the noise!!" Wufei demanded; the Dragon beginning to work up a fine rage at being woken so rudely.
"…hiccups…Yuy has HICCUPS!!!" the now outraged Dragon bellowed, and then cracked up laughing. The perfect soldier had the hiccups!!. A sudden banging of doors signified the waking of the other pilots, and running footsteps signaling their destination. Heero's bedroom.
Well that's the first part. For all you readers out there, if you'd like more about Heero's case of hiccups, and if he ever finds the cure, please send me any and all hiccup cures you know of!! ^.^ - Silver Dragonfly