A Goodbye and Seven Words

-May 25, 2011-


That was the last word Dan had said to me before he left for Japan.

I was really happy for him- getting a job in Japan was his dream job. His only one, though.

I remembered the first time he discovered ninjas. He first saw them in a TV show.

Dan was sitting around on the couch, bored. There was nothing else to do but watch some TV. He took hold of the black remote and switched on the medium-sized television.

A ninja show was on.

Dan was about to switch it to some other channel when... he saw that monkeys, er, 'ninja' monkeys were fighting.

Then it started.

I stifled a laugh at the memory. From then on, he was the ninja obsessed dweeb that I knew and loved.

I also remembered the time when he was asked by Auntie Beth what his dream job was.

Dan laughed, "I want to be a ninja and work in Japan, Auntie."

Auntie Beth clapped her hands and continued laughing. "Oh, Daniel, you will get your wish. You just have to work hard for it."

And Auntie Beth was right. We do have to work hard to achieve our dreams. I've done my hard work and am now a librarian. Also, the job pays a lot, so I never get worried of finances.

Next, there was the Clue hunt. I remember he tried wearing his ninja costume to Grace's funeral. The annoying dweeb...

"You can't wear that dreadful costume, Daniel!" Beatrice screamed, "Get your tie and suit."

Dan tried to explain, "But Aunt – "

"No, no, no, CHANGE!" Beatrice pointed her wrinkly finger to Dan's room.

Dan sighed. "All right..."

I was there when that happened. I was laughing my head off... on the inside, though.

There was also after the Clue hunt. Dan was fairly mature by then, but was still obsessed with ninjas. It happened right after we read Grace's letter.

"Can we go to Japan again?" a hopeful Dan asked. I rolled my eyes.

"No we can't, Dan," I said to him for the sixteenth time. "We have school, you know."

Dan sighed. "Party pooper..."

I just noticed – he got turned down in 'fulfilling' his dream. That's sad. Maybe I should have been on his side... nah.

Next, Dan became a college student – very ironic, right? He actually passed the entrance exam.

Let me tell you what happened.

I was really pissed off with Dan because he brought his shurikens.

"Why, would you bring shurikens in a college entrance exam?" I asked.

"Oh, for protection, dear sister," Dan replied, shining his shurikens.

I did a face palm.

Wow, I've seen actors and actresses do face palms in similar situations as that, and it actually kind of relieves me. Weird...

Anyway, some miracle came and Dan passed his entrance exam. Almost all the questions given were "SUPER DUPER EASY!" as Dan would say. So, if it were really that easy and was true (or if this really happened), I'm just going to ignore it and let Dan continue on with his life.

Let's fast forward to the day he graduated college.

"Daniel Cahill?" a mysterious middle-aged girl asked.

"That's me," Dan replied.

"We would like to give you a job in Japan," she said.

Dan's eyes widened; those circular whites landed on me. I nodded and gestured him to reply.

"YES! YES! YES!" Dan jumped for joy. "Uh, I mean, of course."

Well, we know the rest. Dan went off to Japan to pursue his dream job as an overseas worker in Japan and left me here in Boston to pursue mine. It's all good. But I miss him terribly.

We both chatted once in a while and exchange letters at times. Sharpies and sticky-notes made up our last memories. I remembered the first one: It was… laughable, I think.

Hi Amy!

It's your brother, Dan, here. Well, things here in Japan are going great! I really have to make this quick.

So, bye!

-Ninja Lord Dan

That didn't really give anything but at least, I can see to it- he's alright. I would really miss talking with the real Dan.

But I would really like to give him a hand on this. He actually got a job. In another country, far away from America and its pay was high.

Just seven words to tell Dan:

"I am so proud of you, Dan."

A/N: This is for Another Artist's challenge. [I am not a well-known author/I am a rookie. :p] I am competing. :)

*Total Words: 734

*I have replaced this chapter after some pointers from Another Artist. Thanks! :)

The reason my date is: 'May 25th' instead of 'May 24th' is that, my time zone is, I think, GMT +8.

*The genre would be changed every drabble. So, this drabble's genre is: Humor/Family. I tried putting minimal humor for this and more of the Family genre.

Betaed by: rainingtearsofchocolate. Thanks! :)

Hope you all enjoyed! ^^
