Hey there!

One more chapter to go!

Are you excited? I know I am!

Here's oneshot Y, which was given to me by the amazing AntoRodriguez7

"Young Love"

They say that you make the most regretful mistakes when you're young.

You got that tattoo when you were eighteen and now that you're thirty you hate it.

You look back at pictures when you were young and cringe at not only the clothes you wore but how you acted toward others.

You started smoking when you were sixteen and can't quit.

For the most part, I agree with that stereotype: Most of the stupid decisions you make happen when you're young.

But the best decision I made happened when I was young; the year after I graduated from Monster High, I married the man of my dreams, Deuce Gorgon.

Ever since the beginning, no one ever thought we would make it that far.

"Just watch, he's gonna be gone like her last year's shoe collection," whispered the students of Monster High.

"Ok, well don't come crying to me when it doesn't work out," said my stupid sister, Nefera.

"Cleo, you're a De Nile. You have royal blood coursing through your veins; you deserve much better," said my prim and proper father.

At first, it bothered me how everyone was saying all this stuff about us; who were they to judge wither me and Deuce were a good couple or not?

Who were they to have a say in true love?

"And do you believe their options?" Deuce asked me the one time I brought it up.

"No," I replied "it's just the fact that they're wrong that bothers me."

"Hey, let them have their options, they are entitled to them after all. Hey," even though I couldn't see my boy's eyes I knew they just fluttered with an idea "I have something for my princess."

Deuce told me to close my eyes, which I did.

I felt something being sided onto my finger.

When he told me to open them, I saw he had slipped a ring onto my finger.

"What's this?" I asked.

"A promise ring," comes the reply "it symbols my promise that I'll always love and remain loyal to you."

And Deuce Gorgon kept that promise to me.

He stayed by my side no matter what.

And it's because of that promise that we've been married for seventeen years and have three beautiful children.

So it was me out of most monsters that was shocked when Deuce told our oldest daughter- whom was fourteen- that she couldn't date.

Now I would understand my husband's answer if the boy our daughter wanted to date was bad but… he wasn't.

In fact he was Clawdeen's son, we- along with our kids- have known him forever and he was a good boy.

This was what caused Ruby and Deuce to get into a fight.


"But Dad why won't you let me date Klaus!"

"Don't talk back to me young lady!"

"You know him, he's no criminal for crying out loud so why can't I?!"

"You're too young!"

"Soooooo? You married Mom when you were nineteen!"

"I said no and that's final!"


End of flashback….

And then Ruby ran upstairs to her room, slamming the door.

As much as I love my Deucey, he was being kinda hypocritical, after all me and him started dating when he was fifteen.

It had been two hours since my husband and daughter quarreled; that was more than enough time for them to have settled down.

I went up into our room, Deuce was sitting there on our bed watching T.V.

"Hey," I said, closing the door and sitting next to him.

"Hey," Deuce gave me that stunning smile of his and kissed my cheek.

His arms wrapped around me, I snuggled myself close to him and rested my head upon his chest, making sure that I could hear and feel his heart beating.

Deuce started to kiss me tenderly, whispering in my ear how much he loved me after each one.

I was tempted to just fall asleep, his kisses combined with his heart beat were so soothing, but I then remembered why I came to him in the first place and got up.

"Is everything ok?" Deuce asked me.

"We need to talk about Ruby." I replied

"What about her."

"She's a responsible ghoul, the most responsible of our kids in my option. And Klaus is a good boy. What is the problem with them dating?"

"Ruby's too young."

"She's fourteen."

"That's young."

"Soooo? We started dating when you were fifteen."

"Well fifteen year old boys are smarter than fourteen year old girls."

"Says the boy who when he was fifteen called everyone dude and lived by the rule of Yolo."

"Says the girl who when she was fifteen said the most important thing to her was her wedges."

"I was stupid back then," I replied.

"So was I," Deuce agreed.

"But…" I took his hands "we weren't that stupid as to the point where we couldn't recognize true love."


"Do you think our daughter is incapable of recognizing it for herself?"

There was a silence as I looked down and played with Deuce's fingers.

I knew that would get him.

I then looked up when I heard some sniffling.

Load and behold my eyes, my husband Deuce Gorgon was starting to cry.

"Deuce, why are crying?!"

Deuce rarely ever cried about anything.

"Cause, you're right and you being right means that I'll have to let Ruby start dating which is just another step she'll take into adulthood. And I don't want her to grow up."

Oh so this was why he didn't want Ruby to date, he didn't want her to grow up.

"There there Daddy," I hugged him back "we still have a couple more years with her."

"A couple years too little for us to be fighting."

Deuce then got up and told me that he had to go talk with Ruby.

As I watched him, my love for him only grew.

They say you make the dumbest mistakes when you're young; if that's so then marrying Deuce Gorgon was best mistake I've ever made.

I could now only hope that Ruby would make that mistake with Klaus.