Ok people, sorry about the insanely long period of time it took me to come up with a new chapter.  Had to face a lot of facts that as much as it seemed good in my head, getting it on paper was nearly impossible for me at the moment, and I have canned the Mutants of the Corn.  I might one day go back to it, but right now I've thrown it in the for later box.  Plus, I looked back and noticed that I have more trouble finishing what I've started, so no more new things till I finish this crossover and the Toad Trip series.  Too many people have asked for a certain match up, so I'm going back, and I'm seeing if it'll mix well with the comical sense of the series along with current X-Men: Evolution events.  Well, enough with the update, I'll just warn people of one thing, I pretty forgot little things of my previous chapters, so the last puzzle piece won't be named.  Hopefully, I don't suddenly bring back dead characters…

            Jill held her standard issue berretta close to her, peeking around the corner of the kitchen.  Thankfully, all she found was the dead body of Sam.  Not that meant a thing anymore.  Jill had learned long ago, back in the Spencer Mansion, that just because a body was dead, didn't mean it wasn't threat.  She wished she could track down some kerosene and torch the body, headless or not, she felt better that way, seemed when the bodies were burnt, they stopped moving.  Though, that option was out of question even is she did track down the materials.   The girl she was with would be horrified at the thought of a friend and teammate being burnt, and that Lance kid seemed to be one of those radical mutants, the types that look for any little reason to lash out at humans.  Jill shook her head.  " Don't have time for this…You want to get as far from here and find that puzzle piece before that big thing gets up," she muttered under her breath.  She turned and nodded to the two teens following her.  They silently followed her into the dark shadow of the kitchen.  The door was wide open, and it was a wonder to all of them why the house was flooded with hordes of the walking dead.  Not that they were even the biggest threat anymore.  What ever Umbrella had done here, they weren't taking any chances anymore.  Everything Jill had encountered, or heard of, had seemed to come back from the dead and come back for a rematch, in typical T-virus fueled fashion.  Considering the files on the Xavier Institutes enrollment, and then considering the few handfuls of kids they had managed to rescue, looked like Umbrella was in a commanding lead.  Even the Brotherhood had lost ranks, the blonde girl was absent, and the silver haired teen was looking like it wouldn't be long before he'd need a hot lead shot to the head to end his nightmare.

          "Lance, you've lived here for nearly three years, did you ever notice anything odd about areas in the house?  Places that seemed just slightly out of place?"  Lance shrugged and looked around the dark, shadow filled kitchen.  "You mean other than the smell from Toad's room?  Or how the Blob was able to walk upstairs with out falling straight through to the basement?" he quipped, grinning slightly, only to get a hard slap on the arm from Kitty.  " This is serious Lance!  We need to find that puzzle piece if we're going to rescue Evan!  Not to mention cure Pietro."  Lance sighed and rubbed his arm.  " I know, I know.  It's just, so helpless, I don't know what else to say.  The only place in this house we didn't nearly tear apart looking for spare cash left by Mystique when she left was that freaky lab in the basement.  Good thing we didn't either.  The only other place that hadn't gotten the full search job was Mystique's room.  We weren't going to tear it apart when Mystique lived here, and be damned if Boom-Boom was going to let us in, mostly because of the underwear mishap…but that has nothing to do with this situation," explained Lance.  Jill raised an eyebrow and shook her head.  "I don't want to know.  Either way seems our best bet is checking Mystique's room.  Let's get going.  Guessing it was that big room at the end of the hallway, right?  The one with the scorch marks around the door?" Lance nodded, and with that, the three of them left the kitchen, crept silently through the living room, which oddly smelled of decay, but showed no signs of movement, and quickly went upstairs.

          Leon and Claire spook to Carlos from with in a military style jeep.  Luckily it was big enough to fit the three of them, along with Todd and Fred, including an arsenal of weapons to fight a small army.  Too bad they were facing a large army.  While Carlos filled in Leon and Claire about how his team had entered Bayville not long ago and that he had lost contact with the rest of his team when they ran into a large mob of the undead, Toad just sat in the back, lost in thought.  If what his dream had been had any truth, then he was nothing more than one of those monster freaks.  More than likely to end up like Sabertooth and Juggernaut.  "Uh, you ok buddy?"  Asked Blob, surprised at the silence from his friend.  The beating the two of them had taken before the newly powered team of Magneto's had been taken down was more than enough to lay Todd out for weeks.  "I'll be fine, just, got a lot to think about, yo."  Fred nodded and looked out the window of the jeep, looking into the woods, and was greeted with a flash of orange and black, along with a loud thump against the Jeep, sending it into a spin.  Carlos quickly compensated, bringing the vehicle to a stop.  "What the fuck was that?" he yelled.  "It's that Wolverine guy!  He looks like he got his rear handed to him on a platter," exclaimed Toad, sticking his head out the window.  "Yeah, but what could of done that to him?" muttered Leon, pulling out his shotgun, having a sinking feeling he'll need it.  Claire like wise pulled out the grenade launcher, with Carlos bringing out his semi-automatic machine gun.  Fred and Todd moved out of the Jeep, tensing up.  This wasn't good.  They'd seen Wolverine in battles take blows that would cripple most men, but he always shrugged it off.  This time, he wasn't even getting up.  His uniform was torn wide open, huge bloody gashes along his sides and chest, though they were slowly closing.  That's when they heard that roar.  It was feral, but also alien.  Like something never meant to exist in this plane of existence.  Which, it didn't.  They watched as Sabertooth, or what used to be Sabertooth, emerge from the woods.  He had grown to nearly eleven feet tall, his already large muscles bulging obscenely large, twitching as if alive, along with his arms being covered in large, sharp spikes.  The claws on his hands had nearly taken over, his large hands now nothing more than giant sharp bone claws.  The real odd thing was he chest, his head seemed to have sunk into his chest, dead eyes staring blankly ahead, the face pulsing as if to a heart beat.  That's when the eyes opened.  Not the ones on his head, but two large, blood shot red eyes opened on the biceps of both his arms, and a large, tooth filled mouth appeared from seemingly nowhere on his stomach.  This is where the unearthly cry came from. 

          "Shit, it should be in phase three by now, but look at it, it still has most of its original form!" cried Claire.  This mutation was familiar, as it resembled the horrible mutation of Dr. William Birkin, infected by his own G-virus.  "So what, let's blow this piece of shit away, phase two or not!" yelled Carlos, and he opened fire on Sabertooth.  He might as well have been using a fire hose on the Empire State Building.  The bullets hit into the flesh of the monster, filling the air with a spray of blood and tissue.  But these did nothing more than anger the beast.   It let out another horrible cry, then lunged toward Carlos.  "SHIT!" he cried, rolling to the left, as Sabertooth swung out with a claw, missing Carlos, but easily ripping the Jeep in half.  Leon turned and opened fire with the shot gun, opening large bloody craters in the creatures back, but not even showing signs of hurting it.  "Claire, use flame rounds!" Leon cried, turning to face here.  This proved to be a bad move, as at the moment, Sabertooth swung with a powerful backhand, sending Leon flying yards away, landing roughly onto the pavement of the highway.  Claire gasped, and backed away slowly, terrified, as Sabertooth advanced on her.  Suddenly, a glob of something red splattered onto the eye on Sabertooth's right bicep, and the sound of sizzling flesh could be heard.  This instantly brought a cry of pain from the beast.  "That's it! Aim for the eyes!" cried Toad… mere seconds before Sabertooth went barreling towards him, enraged and in pain.  Toad jumped to the side, but it wasn't enough, Sabertooth's left claw caught him by the back of the uniform, leaving him unharmed, but caught on the massive claws, getting jerked backwards with the enraged beast.  It didn't take Sabertooth long, monster or not, to realize his prey was caught.  It started to raise it other clawed hand, ready to deliver a fatal blow, when it was hit with a blow equivalent with being hit by a train.  The Blob rammed his entire body into the monster, using as much speed and force as he could.  Luckily, it was enough.  The force sent Sabertooth flying one way, and Todd flying another.  Unfortunately, Sabertooth was back on his feet fast, and soon was dashing towards Blob.  That's when the world exploded.  One minute, Blob saw the monster running towards him, then next, all he saw was a flash and flames, getting hit by the force of a large explosion.  He felt flaming bits of charred flesh bounce off him.  "What in the heck?" he cried, taking a few steps back, smoke billowing in the dead night, the smell of burnt flesh heavy in the air.  "Good thing this baby made it out of the jeep ok," cheered Carlos, holding a mobile rocket launcher tightly, smoke drafting from the barrel.  Fred looked over to Todd, who was sitting up, wide eyed.  Leon and Claire limped up next to Carlos.  " We need to get the puzzle piece back to the boarding house.  No telling what else they have after us," moaned Claire, leaning against Leon.  Carlos nodded.  " You got that right, but we're on foot the rest of the way it seems, so we better get going."  With that, the small team of survivors made their way back to the source of the evil. 

          Jill sighed, having knocked on every wall in the room.  Wherever they were hiding the last puzzle piece, it was extremely hard to find.  "Are you sure this is the only place the puzzle piece could be?" grumbled Jill, slamming a fist against the wall in frustration.  Kitty peeked her head out from inside the wall just next to Jill's fist.  "Hey, careful.  The walls here have feelings too you know," she cried, before disappearing back into the wall.  Jill blinked and shook her head.  It was bad enough spending years now killing genetic mistakes, but now throwing mutants in the mix was just too much.  Lance growled and shoved a dresser over, spilling clothes over the floor.  " It has to be.  We tore the rest of this place apart months ago; we would have noticed a puzzle piece like that.  Heck, we would of even have tried to pawn it for food money."  The two looked around the room.  It looked like a tornado had gone through it.  The bed was tipped on its side, carpet torn up, dressers tipped and chairs flipped.  The closet had been completely torn open.  Yet, still no sign of a puzzle piece.  Lance had even gone as far to break open anything hollow.  Broken and shattered pots and lamps covered the ground.  Kitty finally emerged from the walls.  "Well, there's no hidden rooms, so if the piece is here, it's out in the open."  Lance growl and stamped his foot on the ground, letting lose a small tremor, shaking the entire room.  "Just great…, now what?" he cried, letting out another tremor, more plaster and dust falling from the ceiling.  That's when something large feel from the ceiling, smacking right on top of his helmet, falling at his feet.  The three of them blinked, and couldn't believe it.  It was the last puzzle piece.  "Way to go kid, now all we need to do is wait for the others, and we're out of here," Jill cheered, picking up the piece.  Though, just as she picked it up, the entire floor shook, nearly tossing Jill on her ass.  "Hey, enough already kid, we got the piece," she snapped, turning towards Lance.  "Hey, that wasn't me!" he cried.  The next they heard was the sound of cracking wood, as a giant fist suddenly emerged from the middle of the floor.  "OH SHIT!" Jill cried…but those were all the words she could utter before the world beneath her disappeared, and it suddenly filled with sounds of crashing wood, dust, and a pair of bright, blood shot, red eyes….

          Chris and Rogue were speeding down the highway on a borrowed cop cruiser from the station, when they saw the wreckage of the jeep, and the smoking crater.  "Looks like we're a little late for the party," muttered Rogue, as she stared out into the night.  "I wouldn't count on it, if I've learned one thing about these things it's no matter how many times you think you got them all, there's always more," commented Chris and with that, he pressed down on the gas, speeding up, sensing he needed to get back to the mansion, and fast.

          "I can't believe I'm doing this," yelled Barry as he grasped onto the shoulders of Iceman.  "Hey, this is a lot faster than walking," Bobby yelled back, as he continued making a path of ice, using it to travel, sliding across the highway, heading towards the mansion, the light dust in the air hinting that they were tailing one of the others, at least, hopefully they were.  "We gotta get this puzzle piece to them and fast.  It's too strange to not be important, but this is just insane," cried Barry, as he held tightly.  Traveling by ice sled was not an experience he ever thought his life would involve, but at least the were making distance… maybe this time he won't be too late.

            Well, there you go guys.  Been a hella long time since I updated, and I did intend to write more, but since this was taking longer than I thought ( been busy graduating outta highschool )  but I should be back on track….unless im forced to get a job *shivers*  well, im trying to look back on my past Toad Trip chapters and see what I can do to satisfy past out cries for Toad and Amara to hook up.  I'm working on it, but im trying to find that magical comedy/romance thing….that our I'll have it work out like most my relationships and let alcohol do the magic for me….