Tell me truthfully


Hello all! This is my first Back to the Future fan fiction, but I've been a fan of the series for years and have always wanted to give writing for the characters a go. This has been slightly inspired through me discovering the computer game not that long ago. The story has elements of the storyline of the game woven in to it, but knowledge of the game is not necessary. Hope you enjoy!

This belongs to the BTTF genre and the Telltale Game series.


October 1931, and the Doc is in trouble. Well, isn't he always? Marty stood on a street corner looking across the town square of Hill Valley. The courthouse, slowly modernising, stood proudly at its head, staring out over the rest of the province, as if the house of law was its protector. Marty's day had been a long and confusing one and the quiet of Hill Valley in 1931 was certainly a welcome sight. But his mind was on a job. Specifically the job he'd been set. The Doc had gotten himself arrested in 1931 after a speakeasy burnt down. Locked in the cells and destined for an untimely end, Marty had to help save the day.

'Marty? What in the name of Sir Isaac H Newton are you doing here?' The Doc's familiar exclamation beckoned to him as he passed by the police station's cell window. Iron bars hiding most of his old friend's face.

'Back from the Future.' Marty replied, coyly.

'Back from the….? Ah! Of course. The recall device. Nearly forgot about that. I'm glad you're here, Marty. Even though I expressly forbid you from returning for me.'

'This is heavy, Doc. Wasn't going to leave you here. Anyway, when was the last time I ever did what I was told?' Marty stared earnestly at his old friend. Marty respected Doc, but knew when he was wrong.

'I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.' Doc stared through the iron bars that kept him from freedom and at the still smouldering remains of the speakeasy.

'You always are!'

'It was one hell of a blaze. And they think I'm part of it. Now that you're here you've got to get me out of here.'

'I know, Doc. I know. But how? They're not exactly gonna let me waltz in and check you out. This isn't a hotel. This is a prison cell in 1931 and you've been accused of burning down an illegal speakeasy.'

'I'm very much aware of the situation, Marty.'

'And I know what's gonna happen if I don't get you out. But what should I do?'

'1931. I'm 17…'

'Woah, hold up Doc. Are you thinking what I think you're thinking? You can't be serious?'

'Find me. My 17 year old self. He's bound to be round here somewhere.'

'Doc, this is crazy.'

'As crazy as nearly wiping yourself out of existence?'

'Point made.' He hated it when the Doc was right.

'Just find me. I realised my passion for science barely a few months ago, I should be able to help you in some way. Sorry I can't be of anymore use to you. You're on your own, Marty.'

'Geez. Thanks Doc.'

'Great Scott!' His eyes staring right past Marty and beyond, blazing with a queer kind of worry, Doc dipped below the brim of the prison window.

'Hey, Doc…what are ya do….' And with that, Marty was knocked to the floor. Suddenly a blanket of heavy papers fell upon him and the odd 'Ouch!' could be heard coming from the person who'd knocked into him.

'Ah no! Pop's going to kill me!' Came an all too familiar voice. A little higher pitched, but a voice that Marty knew all too well. Pushing papers from his face, he picked himself up from the floor, only to see who Marty could only presume was Doc. Well, young Doc. Doc of the past. He looked so young, it was frightening. As various complaints came from the young Emmett, Marty turned back to the prison cell window. Old Doc's head could just be seen nodding and insisting upon Marty following his plan. Marty raised his eye brows to signal that if this went wrong it would be Doc's fault. The incarcerated Doc Brown nodded his understanding and mouthed the words 'Go on!' whilst Marty turned to help younger Emmett retrieve his papers. Still mumbling incomprehensibly, young Emmett noticed Marty's involvement.

'Th…Th…Thank you. Sorry, I ran in to you just now.' Emmet stuttered.

'Don't worry about it, pal. I was in your way. Where are you heading with all that?'

'Pop…I mean Judge Brown's Law firm. Just along the road' Emmett pointed to a pristine marble white building just a few steps from the outside of the police station. After a few moments of picking up what must've been a whole rainforest's worth of paper, Marty stood there carrying half of it, whilst younger Emmett stood holding the other. 'I'll take that other half now. Thanks' As Emmett reached to take Marty's half of legal documents, the time traveller stepped back, just out of Emmett's grasp.

'Oh no, I insist. Let me carry this lot to your dad's.'

'Oh alright. If you insist.' And they headed to the Law firm. Marty could feel old Doc's eyes stare into the back of his head, hoping that all would be well. All he had to do was to become friends with a past version of his mentor and then get him to help break the older Doc out of jail before some horrible catastrophe befell him and of course all without creating a massive time paradox or killing his grandfather. Or something like that. Nothing to worry about then….


Thank you for reading.