You all have the right to shoot me now. I am a horrible horrible author who can't even finish writing one darned chapter of a fanfic she promised to finish. OTL
In other news, crap drabble while I stare at the computer screen and will Aki's chapter to write itself.
Disclaimer: Persona 3/ Portable, its characters and terms (c) Atlus
Endgame of the Kingly Queens
In this game, the queens were the ones at stake.
On the white, me.
On the black, Nyx.
We had taken out her rooks and bishops, one month at a time.
We'd pounded her pawns into mulch every other day of the week.
One of her knights took out my king.
We were going to win. We'd just taken down her king, and she, the queen, was going to be next.
And in a single move, she wiped out everyone.
My knights, my bishops, my rooks. They fought so hard, but she just cleaned the floor with them.
And now, it was endgame.
Just me, and her.
One move at a time.
Repetitive. Routine.
But in this endgame, no move was redundant.
She checked me several times.
I lifted my finger to the sky, and made my move across the board.
"Messiah! Great Seal!"