Okay everyone, i hate to do this to you, but still no update. (Yes, I hate it too when someone updates to say they're not updating ;/ but it's true.)

I AM SO SO SO SORRY! I haven't updated in weeks, I apologize! I've be so so busy at school and I just have zero time to write.

I will update AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! But that may not be until May... :/ So sorry! Know that if I could be writing, I SO WOULD!

But school has to be priority right now.

ENJOY THE LAST TWO EPISODES OF ONE TREE HILL EVER! I know I will, but it is definately bittersweet. This show got me through my teens entirely, and more. Whoa. That makes me feel old. Where has the last nine years gone? I will definately cry and be super depressed when it's over for good...

Sorry again! And thank you for your support :)

~Haley :)