Well, well, well, looks who's made a return to fanfiction! So here's the thing, over the weekend I fell in love with the Klaus/Elena pairing. So what better way to express my love by writing a fanfic! So here it is...

Sorry it's a short chapter, it's not really a chapter but kinda an introduction. I had planned to upload the first two chapters together but after I finished the first chapter I was just too darn excited. And besides you guys give me the motivation to keep going.

And for readers of Moving On I have extremely sad news. Due to technical difficulties (e.g.- my computer breaking and me loosing all my files ): ) Moving On, I'm afraid, has been marked as discontinued. It was rather upsetting for me to let go of something I was so passionate about and I'm sorry if it upsets anyone else. I hope to make it up to all of you with future stories I have planned.

So any way on with the story.

Songs I listened to whilst writing this chapter are as followed:

Promise This (Not the crappy, meaningless original version by Cheryl Cole but the emotional and heartfelt Adele cover. It's also the song for the whole story.)
Your Guardian Angel-Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. (God, I love that song.)
Skinny Love-Birdy

Enjoy :)

Chapter 1

Elena's POV

I tried my hardest to hold back tears as I crept into Damon's bedroom. It became even harder to do so when I saw Stefan clutching a sweaty Damon in his arms, not a sound was made. Was I too late? A lump formed in my throat at the thought and tears threatened to stream down my eyes. Stefan's head whipped round in my direction when he heard me let out an almost silent whimper. He looked at me with furrowed brows.

"Am I...too late...?" I hardly managed to say.

From behind Stefan I saw Damon's eyes flutter open at the sound of my voice. I sighed in relief.

"Elena..." he choked. Stefan saw it as his queue to leave and got off the bed and left the room, thinking it was my turn to say goodbye. In a way, it was.

I quickly walked over to him and gently clutched his face, gazing at his perfect pale blue eyes. He weakly brought a hand to my face, caressing my cheek.

"I'm here," I said, a single tear escape and running down my cheek. "Damon, I have a cure." I then revealed the small glass vile that contained Klaus' blood. I took out the cork and tilted the vile to his lips, letting him drink. I caressed his face. I could already see colour and life slowly returning to his face.

"How did you..." he asked, sitting up.

I gulped. This was when I had to tell him. "I got it from Klaus, Damon. Klaus' blood is the cure."

Damon suddenly became more alert. A gleam of hope in his eye. "You're meaning to tell me, he simply handed this over to you..." all hope suddenly vanished as he spoke.

I bit my bottom lip to stop me from crying. I slowly shook my head. "We made a deal."

His eyes widened. "What kind of deal?" I didn't immediately answer him; instead I avoided his gaze and stared at the ground. "Elena, what. Kind of. Deal?" he grew impatient and snapped at me.

"He's leaving Mystic Falls," I snapped back at him. "And I have to go with him."

Damon's face became absorbed with fury. "No, no I refuse! I refuse to let you throw your life away for me! No!"

"Damon please, it's my decision. Klaus will kill you if you intervene..."

"Then let me be killed!" Damon yelled grabbing my wrists.

I couldn't help but beginning to cry. "Please don't let this be our goodbye, Damon."

Sadness flashed across Damon's face. "It shouldn't be goodbye." I then began to see tears form in Damon's eyes.

I held back a cry. "It has to be."

Damon rested his forehead against mine and let out a defeated and saddened cry. "I can't loose you," he paused. "I love you, you have to know that."

"I do," I let tears fall.

He pulled away from me and looked me in the eyes; I then noticed tears streaming down his own face. "I will find a way to save you, I promise," he whispered.

I shook my head. "At least for now, let's pretend we'll never see each other again." I let more tears run realising the reality in my words. I knew that this was real, that it wasn't pretend. But in order for Damon to say goodbye, he needed to at least act like it was true. That he was never going to see me again.

Before I knew it, Damon was kissing me in the softest, most delicate and fragile I ever thought was possible. I kissed him back for the short while that the kiss lasted. It wasn't a moment of lust or desire, it was a moment of heartache and passion and...love.

"You have been the most amazing thing in my entire life. You make me human, Elena. You have always brought out the good in me and I shall love you until the day I die. Don't ever forget that," he kissed me one last time, a simple peck. And then he was gone.

I wiped back a tear and headed out the room. I didn't jump when I noticed Stefan waiting outside the door to Damon's door.

He simply stared at me, hurt, love, sadness clouded his emerald eyes and he pulled me into his embrace.

"We will find you, I give you my word," he said, stroking my hair.

"Will you tell them, Jeremy, Bonnie, Caroline and Ric that I love them so much? And I will miss them everyday for the rest of my life." He simply nodded twice.

"I love you, Elena," he whispered.

I caressed his face. "Close your eyes," I whispered back.

Similar to what he had done three days ago, he closed them. I laid a gentle kiss on his lips before whispering in his ear that I love him too. And then I left. As I exited the boarding house I saw him waiting for me in the car.

I wiped the tears away as I climbed into the passenger seat.

"Are you ready my lovely?" Klaus said in his cold, seductive voice, sending a shiver up my spine.

"Can you please just let me say goodbye to Jeremy," I whispered.

He thought for a moment. "Hmmm, no. Too much depression is ruining my rather cheerful mood."

I turned and faced him. "You bastard."

He simply smirked at me. I felt the urge to slap him but fought it, knowing it would only make things worse.

He judged from my silence that I was ready to go. "Shall we go then?"

I nodded. And with that, he drove off into the dark. Not looking back once.

Duh duh dunn! What does Klaus want with Elena? Will the Salvatores ever see her again? So many questions!

I really hope you liked this cause this is just a simple introduction, there is much more yet to come!

Please review! Because like I said, your reviews motivate me :)