E P I L O G U E – One Year Later
Birds chirped outside the window of Yuuki Cross's bedroom as sun shone through her curtains. In an attempt to shoo the sun's rays, the twenty-one year old rolled over in her bed, her hair matted to her face from the summer heat and her thin linen sheets clung to her petite form. With a soft moan of displeasure, the chocolate-haired former Guardian opened her eyes, crimson staring at the calm expression of her sleeping vampire.
This is the calmest I've seen him in a long time, thought Yuuki as she moved closer to press her forehead under his chin, and she felt his arm snake around her waist and hug her to him. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she felt his chest fall with a sigh. "You're awake."
"Just woke up. Good morning," he said softly, moving his face down a bit so his lips pressed against her forehead. He took in her unique, sweet scent mixed with sweat from the heat, and found himself mesmerized.
"Hmph. Morning, Zero," Yuuki reached a hand up to press it against his cheek and swing under his ear to play with his hair.
Ever since a year ago, they'd woken up like this every morning when Zero didn't have a local assignment from the Association. She would wake up wrapped in his arms, either on her side or lying right on top of him. As both a young woman and his lover, she found herself craving the kind of attention he started giving her. Every morning, every brush of the fingers, every embrace.
Every kiss… it was all almost a fantasy.
And she was glad it was with her best friend.
But just when her eyes had started to close again, the morning sun forgotten, Zero pushed himself up in bed as he let out a loud yawn. Disgruntled, Yuuki sat up as well, a slight frown dragging her usual cheery smile downward. "Today's the day, isn't it…?"
"It is," was her response, and she nodded and pushed herself off the bed, walking toward the window to close the shades. The silver-haired Level D followed suit, standing beside her; he was only clothed in a pair of cotton pajama pants with an elastic waistband that reached just under his belly button. His hair was mussed about from sleep and his eyes were shaded by his bangs. "We've talked about this, Yuuki. I have to go."
"I know," her quiet voice masked the beating of her heart, and she looked down at the floor. "I just wish… it didn't have to take place at the Association, where I can't be there to help if you need me."
There were so many meanings behind her words; she was his strength, his life, his hope, his everything. To have to leave her behind while he went to be evaluated as all Hunters have to do, was almost like tearing a bit of his life away. I guess if I thought of it that way… Zero wrapped an arm around her and pulled the back of her head to his chest, placing a kiss on the crown of chocolate-brown hair.
"Even if I were allowed to bring you, you wouldn't be able to help me. The Hunter's Association will be testing my abilities after the event six years ago, and no one is allowed to interfere."
The way he said it was slightly menacing, but to make up for it, he spun her around and placed a passionate kiss on her lips. As was expected, her lips responded and kissed back as her arms wrapped around his neck. His arms wrapped around her waist and he backed her up to stand against the window, her head leaning against the glass. His fingers worked their way through her hair, now shoulder-length, and he said against her lips, "You should keep… your hair… like this…"
Breathless, she replied, "You think so?"
Her response was a low moan and he pulled his lips away, nodding as he rested his forehead on hers and held her close to him. "It makes you look more mature."
When he pulled his head away from hers, she let out a grunt and crossed her arms over her chest. A somewhat triumphant smirk graced his features; only he had the opportunity – and permission, he further pat himself on the back – to hold and kiss her like he did every morning, and then the next second make her huff at him for more. As much as he wanted to spin on his heel, however, he took control and went to the door, looking at the knob in mock-interest. "Are you going to see me off like always?"
Yuuki's features softened and she uncrossed her arms. "Of course I am. I'd never miss the opportunity for anything."
With a final nod, he opened the door and was graced with the air-conditioned hallway. Yuuki, meanwhile, went to the dresser to fish out clothes for the day.
"Yuuki, can you go into town for me?"
Yuuki came into the living area, towel drying her hair and dressed in a lacey-pink camisole and gray and pink plaid skirt. She draped the white towel over her forearm and gave her father a small smile before nodding at him. "What is it?"
With an innocent smile, Kaien fished out a grocery list from his pocket and held it out towards her. She gracefully took it, looking at it only a minute before nodding and flashing a slightly bigger grin. "Sure, I haven't been to town in a while. It'll probably be good to get out of the house."
Even if he'd wanted to, Kaien wasn't going to suggest that Zero go with her. The reason why she was leaving was so Zero could use the house for the night so he could spend quality time with Yuuki. With his excuse of "the Association needs me to look at some documents", he was going to get out of the house as well and most likely rent out a room at the inn in town.
After all, an evening to themselves before he left for months on end was probably what they needed.
"Splendid," her father smiled back and ruffled her hair as he walked past, headed toward his bedroom to pack a suitcase of a day's worth of clothes and accessories. Yuuki, meanwhile, stared at the list for a moment later before voicing her goodbye, spinning on her heel and slipping on Zero's trench coat, headed out the door.
The walk to town was relaxing and quiet, something Yuuki never really remembered when she went into town. At least without Zero. A cool breeze blowing her hair from her face was just what she needed to coax her aching heart as Zero's departure got closer. This evening, she and the Headmaster – allegedly – were going to walk him to the train station, say their goodbyes, and they were going to depart as he did. Now, unbeknownst to her, the Headmaster was going to leave before she got back from the store and the day was going to be whatever the Guardians made it.
"Let's see…" Yuuki peeked at the list in her hand, running a hand through her brunette strands. "First thing is… fresh rolls from the bakery. I wonder what Father is going to do with those. Then, to the General Store for some potatoes and carrots. And after that…" her voice drifted off as her imagination started to wander, and she looked up to see she'd walked herself right up to the Bakery. With a grin, she pushed the door open.
A heavy man waddled through a glass door, balancing a pad of paper on one arm and the telephone in the other. "Yes, yes, can I help you, miss?"
Jeez… Yuuki wrinkled her nose as she smelled the warm smell of bread and sour smell of body odor, and nodded, "Um, one dozen sweet rolls, please!"
As the man grumbled and went to the back to fill her order, the brunette found herself looking around as if she'd never been here before. She used to drag Zero here every once in a while during their shopping trips to get a pastry or coffee before continuing to shop, and it wasn't until her order came and she paid the man that she realized the interior was entirely new. In a desperate attempt to be kind, Yuuki called out "Have a nice day!" before pushing through the door and walking in the direction of the General Store.
If I keep moving at this pace, Yuuki thought, holding the bag of sweet rolls close to her and inhaling deeply. "I'll be done before I know it!"
However, when she reached the General Store entrance, she realized she couldn't just walk inside with a bag of rolls, and she sweat-dropped. I… probably should've gotten the groceries first…
Yuuki returned to her adoptive father's villa in the early afternoon. It wouldn't have taken so long if she had just gone to the General Store first, then stopped at the Bakery, and then came home. Instead, she'd gone to the Bakery, then to the General Store (where she'd left the rolls outside in a supposedly secret place under the bushes. When she got back someone had taken them), back to the Bakery, and then home. Of course, it had started to downpour by the time she'd gotten home, so she was sure the rolls had become soggy, or at least the first layer.
As she opened the door, she let out a fierce, aggravated groan before setting the bags of possibly-soiled food onto the carpet to remove her – Zero's – jacket, hang it up, and squeeze her hair of the unwanted rain. Picking the bags back up, she started into the kitchen, where the strong smell of stew entered her nostrils and she let out a small sigh. "Smells good, Father!"
When she turned the corner, her face couldn't have been more priceless: it was a mix between embarrassed and humored. Her cheeks were flushed due to her error, as Zero was a much better cook than her father, but her expression was as if she'd just seen her love do a backflip. "You… are definitely not my father."
"That would be weird, wouldn't it?" Zero turned to look at her, his usual bored expression back on his face. Yuuki put the bags onto the counter and fished through one of the bags to pull out a bag of potatoes and a couple carrots. She handed them to him, and he nodded. "Thanks. Looks like you got stuck in the rain, huh? Don't worry, it won't last much longer."
With a groan, Yuuki smacked her head on the countertop and pouted. "Guh! I swear, someone's got it out for me!" Zero let out an amused hum and started to expertly chop the carrots into round slices as he diced the potatoes into quarters. When Yuuki was done pouting, she couldn't help but watch, somewhat impressed. She went to say something but decided it was a conversation for another day, and she dug her hand into the other bag to fish out the sweet rolls. She let out a sigh of relief when she realized the rolls were in a clear plastic bag tied securely, the soft bread untouched by the rain. With a quiet hum and the spin of her heel, she began to ready the table for their dinner.
Two trips to the kitchen later, Zero called from the kitchen, "If you're hungry, the stew's done!"
And, as if he couldn't have predicted it, Yuuki came sprinting into the kitchen with her bowl in her hands, and he couldn't help but let out a small laugh as she greedily served herself. With a sigh, he walked into the dining area and followed suit, with a much calmer air about him.
Dinner was quiet and very quickly eaten on Yuuki's part, while Zero found himself watching her intently. He still couldn't figure out what exactly it was about her that he found mesmerizing; her soft skin, her intoxicating sweet scent, her deep crimson eyes… so many qualities for such a little woman. He smirked and finished his stew, pushing himself back from the table and headed back into the kitchen to pack up the last of the stew.
Dishes were forgotten when the chime echoed through the villa, and Yuuki spun her entire body to face the cuckoo clock across from her. "It… It's time…" her voice was merely a whisper, and a sad one at that. Zero finished the pot he'd been working on and put it in her hands, giving her a pat on the cheek with his sudsy, wet hand before he spun out of the room, grabbing his duffel bag of already-packed clothes. The brunette stared despairingly as he walked past, now sporting his blue jacket with the ties hanging at his sides. She immediately placed the pot on the drying rack and ran after him.
The walk, however agonizing, was very short. They'd arrived at the bus station before it was set to arrive, and Yuuki clung to Zero's hand as if it were her lifeline. He finally tore it away and ruffled her hair slightly. "No need to look so… 'scowly'. I'm coming back."
"Yeah. In another couple months…" she deadpanned, scratching at her arm to keep herself from fidgeting. So contradictive, she said to herself when she forced herself to stand still. Zero merely watched, keeping his hand on her head, his warm long fingers playing with a tress of chocolate-brown hair before the bus pulled into the station. Yuuki then snapped to attention as she ran through the checklist.
"You've packed clothes?"
"An extra jacket?"
"You remembered your comb, right? And Bloody Rose? And you have our number in case anything happens, ri-…"
Her ramblings were cut off by his lips pressed to hers in a slightly irritated kiss. She broke off and felt his lips pull away ever so slowly as he walked around her and boarded the bus. Yuuki watched him sit in a window seat and scoot his bag under his seat as another man sat behind him, older and disgruntled. He reached his hand out, which she took and placed a kiss on, and a single tear rolled over his skin as the bus revved to life.
"Yuuki, I want you to promise me something."
She nodded, and he smiled as he wrapped his fingers around hers. "Promise you'll wait… for me."
She nodded, more hurriedly, and a small smile tugged his lips. In return, his – his – Yuuki smiled in return. "Only for you, Zero. Hurry home."
With a nod, the bus pulled the two's hands apart, and Zero was off. Yuuki smiled and wiped her tears, letting a few fall on the cement before she turned and walked away with a small smile and light blush on her face.
Only for you…
Kyaaaaa! That completes this story. Of course, you can guess why I'm so excited.
In case you haven't seen my poll or read my list of upcoming fics, this is the perfect place to tell you; I'm planning a sequel to this story! I'm hoping for it to be longer, both in chapter length and chapter quantity. Saying this, I need some help with ideas and conflicts. The 'Prologue' is complete and I can send part of it to anyone who wishes to read it. I'm rather proud of it and even contemplated leaving it as a one-shot sequel. I'm so proud of this fic, I just want to do more.
I'm also wondering; would you guys like me to try a Zeki citrus scene? I've stumbled upon a few hidden among fantastic plot lines and have started writing a one-shot where a citrus scene will appear. (Citrus- Lemon or Lime= graphic/non-graphic sexual scenes) If so, let me know and you'll see it in the sequel!
I suppose that's it for now. See you upon release of my un-named sequel! (Also, in addition to help with the plot, I need a title. I'm sure I'll think up something...)
Please review and thank you for reading!