Threats, Laughs and an Unexpected turn of events.

"I won't destroy this city on one condition, you two kiss." She pointed to Robin and Kid Flash. "You want us to want?" [Oneshot]





"Come on Prime, just give up," Robin shouted, taking control of the current situation.

"And why would I do that little birdy?" Prime replied, a 16-year-old teenager girl who had never been heard of before this moment in time. "After all I am the one with the power to destroy the whole city. You touch me and boom," she explained, gesturing her hands like an explosion.

"What are we going to do?" Kid Flash asked, unsure whether to move forward and attack or not.

"Stay back for now and try to talk her out of it," Aqualad suggested. "Why are you doing this?"

"Wow, cliché. Shall I give you my little backstory then?" She asked. With the lack of response she continued. "I don't come from this world, I come from a world in which this is a cartoon, an amazing cartoon. Please don't get me wrong, I love all of you guys, but there is a reason I came here." She looked around at the confused expressions on the hero's faces. "I won't destroy this city on one condition, you two kiss." She pointed to Robin and Kid Flash.

"You want us to want?" They replied in unison.

"You crossed a different world to get those two to kiss?" Aqualad questioned. Prime replied by nodded her head franticly.

"You two are meant to be together! Do you know how much fanfiction there is pairing you two? It's so cute!" She squealed. "You will make me a happy fangirl if you just kiss."

"Er, no," Robin replied bluntly. "We don't like each other."

Prime's expression then went dark. "You two will kiss and enjoy it, otherwise I will blow up this city. Now." Her voice echoed her expression.

"Um, guys. I don't think we have much of a choice here." Robin and Kid Flash sighed. They looked at each other and shared the same look of horror and shock.

"As long as everyone forgets and never speaks a word of this," Robin explained as he moved over to Kid Flash. Kid Flash then grabbed the back of Robin's neck and pushed him into a really quick kiss on the lips. They broke apart when they heard a very loud, happy screech.

"Oh my god! That was amazing! I love you guys!" Prime yelled as she suddenly disappeared.

"Well that was just weird," Kid Flash commented.

"Say that again," Robin replied.

"Let's go," Aqualad ordered, walking out and leaving Kid Flash and Robin alone. Some time passed before Robin turned to Kid Flash.

"Not your best kiss." Robin smirked. Kid Flash then frowned in disappoint.

"Well sorry. I was under pressure. Do you think Aqualad worked out we're in a relationship?"

"Who cares." Robin smirked again, walking out of the building.