"For fuck's sake Irons, have you got Nottingham hanging out of a window opposite?" Fuelled by stress, her words sizzled out between her lips in a rush of heat. Sara could barely tolerate the man at the best of times, but at this hour in the morning it was all she could do to not hang up the phone. Before her, Alexa stirred, her eyelids fluttering as though caught in the throes of a dream.

"No Sara," Calm as always, Irons accepted her usual abuse with a touch of reproach. "I merely wondered why the blade was sending me warnings." Sara did not answer, she was too focused on staying calm and ignoring her qualms about talking about the blade. Reaching down, she shook Alexa's shoulder again.

"Sara?" Irons' voice hissed down the phone, dragging her attention away. "I may be able to help."

"I seriously doubt that you'd be able to help." Sara snapped back, reaching up to snag a cushion from the window. "From what I've seen of you Irons, half the crap that goes wrong in this city is your fault so why would I think you can solve problems."

Irons sighed, his aristocratic voice packing volumes of meaning into that one sound. "Sara it's very late and I'm not about to argue with you. If you persist in bull headedly ignoring the blade, then on your own head be it, but this woman is ignorant of your distaste." He paused and Sara could hear a catch in his voice, almost as though he had feelings. "She needs help and I can offer it. Let me."

"Let him Sara," Pez turned in shock as Danny's voice sounded across the plush room. She glared at him and mouthed why. Smiling a little sadly, Danny approached the sofa and stared down at the prone Alexa. "He has to Pez, let him in." Pez shook her head vehemently, unwilling to even contemplate working with Irons. "Sara,"

No. She mouthed again, conscious of Irons on the other end of the line.

"Is everything all right Sara?" Irons' icy tones echoed down the phone.

"Tell him he can help and invite him over." Danny was facing her now, his brown eyes intent. "I'm not going to take no for an answer on this one,"

Danny. An appalled, betrayed look crossed her features. Didn't Danny understand her reservations? Irons was not an ally of choice.

"Sara?" Concern now in Irons voice as the silence lengthened between them. Sara looked up and Danny nodded.

"Alright," She finally uttered, reluctantly dragging the words out. "I'll give you the address." Filling in Irons on their location, she hung up and looked at her dead partner.

"What the hell was that?" She raged, moderating her tone only slightly. "You want me to team with him? I'd bet half a years salary that he's responsible for every weird case I get."

"That may be so Pez, but he's linked to the blade and its history," Danny nodded at the unconscious Alexa. "and so's she. It's important that he gets involved."

Pez dropped the phone on one of the sofas and marched to the window. Staring out across the New York skyline, she took a deep calming breath.

"Fine," She whispered. "He's involved. But let me tell you Danny, I'm not happy about that," There was no answer and, turning back to the room, she noted that she was once again alone. "Typical." She muttered, returning to the sofa and Alexa's body.

She stood on a beach, looking out at clear blue water. In the distance, she could see the fishing boats cast their nets into the warm ocean. A light ocean breeze played with her her and drifted across her skin.

"Beautiful," She did not need to turn at the voice, she knew it better than any other. A pair of arms settled about her waist and she leant back into an embrace that was warm and strong, A pair of lips descended and gently kissed the nape of her neck and she closed her eyes, feeling pleasure and love race through her body.

"It's almost time Inyon," She whispered. "I'm scared." She turned in his embrace and buried her head in his chest. His arms wrapped about her and he held her close.

"You'll be fine, just be open." His hand brushed her face and began to turn her head upwards. "I'll be there."

Alexa woke with a jolt, a cry on her lips. Sara rushed to her side.

"Are you alright?" Sara asked, shocked to see tears flowing down the woman's face.