Alright, everyone this is my first fanfiction so everyone go easy on me

All right, everyone this is my first fanfiction so everyone go easy on me! Hmmm, let's see I wasn't sure on the exact age difference between Trunks and Bra, sooo I guessed. Trunks is about 13 and Bra's about 5 in this fic.

I don't own dragon ball z or any of the characters in it, so please don't sue me!

Vegeta sat at a tiny table playing tea party with Bra. Of course he wasn't too happy about it. He had originally planned to spar with "Kakarot", but Bra had caught him before he could leave. He crossed his arms and growled at the how "soft" he had become. He could never get away with anything with this kid. She had bugged him to "play" with her all morning. I should have said no right then and there or I would have never gotten into this mess, he thought to himself. How can I get out of this.

Vegeta's thoughts were interrupted by his daughter's voice. "Daddy, Mr. Snuggles needs some more tea." She motioned to the stuffed bear that was seated next to him.

"Bra, daddy has to go train."

"DADDY, YOU SAID YOU'D PLAY WITH ME!" Bra replied in a loud whiny voice.

"I DID!"

"WE JUST SAT DOWN" Bra crossed her arms and scowled like her father. Vegeta gave a loud sigh and slumped in the tiny chair. "Now, Mr. Snuggles would like some tea." She reminded.

"He has tea already" Vegeta scoffed.

"No he doesn't"

"Why don't you give him some tea?!"

"BECAUSE, I'm getting the cookies!"


"Daddy, they're on this tray."

"There aren't any cookies there!"

"-Sigh- they're pretend." Bra replied matter-o-factly.


Bra ignored her father's fit and began serving the "pretend" cookies to Mr. Snuggles. "Mr. Snuggles would like some tea, Daddy."

"How would Mr. Snuggles like to be sent to the next dimension!"

Bra decided to give up, fighting about the tea, so she got up and poured it herself. Vegeta was about to try and sneak away when heard a "click" from behind him. He quickly spun around to see Trunks grinning ear to ear holding a camera.

"Give it to me, brat" Vegeta growled.

Trunks snickered, "What would you give me for it."

"Give me the camera and I might not blast you to ashes! Vegeta sneered. He began to get up, the vein in his forehead began to pop out. Trunks, suddenly realizing that he was serious, took a step back. "WELL… GIVE IT TO ME…NOW!" Vegeta went SS1.

"Hey Dad cool down…hey, I was just kidding…really….umm Dad?…." Vegeta went SS2. Trunks's eyes went wide."….Eeppp." He went SS1 and ran for his life. Vegeta flew after him.

Bra sat at the table, were did they go, she thought. She got up and walked upstairs. She finally found the 2 sayians in Trunk's room. She stepped over the debris and walked towards her father and brother. Trunks was in the corner expecting to be blasted to the next dimension. Vegeta was walking towards him. "GIVE ME THE CAMERA YOU LITTLE BRAT!" He thundered. He grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "I OUGHT TA –" Vegeta felt a tug on the back of his shirt. He looked down to see a miniature Bulma frowning at him.

"Daaaaaaaddyyyyy, she whined, "we didn't finish our tea party!"

"Bra, Daddy is busy-"Vegeta started. "Daddy finish playing with me, pllleeeaaassse!" Bra gave her best puppy dog face.

Vegeta let out a frustrated sighed. He quickly grabbed the camera and crushed it, while dropping Trunks on his butt. Bra grabbed his hand and dragged him back to her room, saying something about how Mr. Snuggles drank all his tea again. Vegeta let out an irritated groan.

Trunks just sat there in frozen in a state of shock.

To be Continued…

So please tell me what you thought. Don't be afraid, I can take constructive criticism, just please no flames. Remember I am new at this.