Saturday 31 December

129 lbs, alcohol units 5 (v.g), calories 1500, calories used by shags 2500 (rather like celery, must write book about new revolutionary sex filled diet, mmm) boyfriends for New Year's 1

2:10pm: Hurrah! Still have boyfriend, and am not in fact moving to Thailand.(Not that I wouldn't have, just prefer Thai takeaway as apposed to actual Thai country.) Mark's firm decided not to send him to Thailand.

2:11pm: Hmm. Wonder if Thailand is a state, or is it a country?

2:15pm: Mmm. Maybe Mark will go back to New York, and take me with him. Then we could be like Luke Brandon and Becky Bloomwood in that Shopahoic book. Mark in fact is v. much like Luke. Workaholic, non-shopaholic, against girl gossip. Actually there was something else...can't remember it though. Bugger.

Wonder where Mark has gone off to. Said he had to get something. That was an hour ago.

2:30pm: Oh god. What if he met Rebecca at the store? Or Natasha? Or his ex-wife? Oh god. I don't even know his ex-wife's name. What if she's really his secretary (probably had surgery done) and they've been shagging all this time? GAH! Oh, it's just the phone.

3:15pm: Was Magda calling to about the party tonight.

"I think Mark's shagging Rebecca. Or Natasha. I don't know which. "It just came out. I didn't mean for it too, obviously. It just happened. I know it's probably not true, and if it is, than he really is v. good shagging two or more girls all on the same day. Actually, when you think about it, it's not that bad. How many girls can say their boyfriends are that good in-

"Bridget, he's upstairs with Jeremy."

Oh. Oooooh. I remember now. Something about a case. Don't remember actually, as at the time my mind was a bit, erm, preoccupied?

"And no he's not shagging Rebecca, or Natasha."

"How do you know that?"

"Jeremy told me."


"We've been over this before Bridget. If he wanted to be with them, he would be."

"That's what you said last time. Then he went of with Rebecca."

"You're the one who..." she stopped. "Hold on," and I heard Jeremy yell something down the stairs.

"Bridget, Mark wants to know if you're staying at his place tonight, because if you are, he should probably call to have someone clean it up."

"SEE! He probably had Natasha there and wants to hide the evidence."

"Bridget, is it possible that perhaps this had something to do with the Christmas party you had over there last week, when the maid was let off to see her son?"

Oh. Right.

7:30pm: Am just waiting for Mark to come pick me up. He called before leaving Magda's to say he needed to pick up his clothes from his house. Didn't mind too much as needed time alone in the bathroom doing beautifying things. Mark took me last week to buy a dress for the Christmas party, and we ended up getting four or five. He seemed to have lots of fun shopping, especially picking out the knickers. Made v. sure this time though to avoid all scary pants.

Ooof. He's here. Got to run.