Angel- None of the content in this story belongs to PrincessSeddiePaws : )

Theodore- None of the eyelashes on angels face belong to Angel : )

Angel- A lil mascara never hurt anyone! 38


P.S The dreams are NOT strong. Just kissing and such, nothing more than that. If I must bump it up to M I shall though…

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Chapter one- Eyes Wide Open.

Dreams of Destiny.

There's a saying, if you stare someone's eyes for five minutes, you fall in love. In a Seattle blizzard, Sam thinks its rubbish and try's it with Freddie. As predicted, nothing happened. But what happens when she starts having certain dreams that not even she expected? …

Obviously takes place before iOmg ^_^

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It was absolutely freezing. For the first time in gosh knows how long, Seattle was having a blizzard.

The snow kept tumbling down, the pace quickening by the minute, no one could drive their cars, and you were basically stuck where ever you were right now.

Carly gently stepped down the stairs of her apartment one by one, making a creaking noise with each step she took.

Creak THUMP creak THUMP

Her brown locks swayed over her face as she tightly held the pink dressing gown around her body. Her petite frame shaking from the temperature.

Sam's icy blue eyes shot up at her best friend as she lay on the sofa spared out with a red snuggie around her.

''Have a nice bath Cupcake?'' she said with a soft mellow tone with a happy ring to it, as she sat there cosy, toasting herself with a portable fireplace in front of her.

''Not really, it was nice when I was in it, so lovely and warm, but once you're out,…not a nice temperature'' Carly replied her words flowing wobbly due to her shaking body.

''Awe, my poor cupcake'' Sam started her sentence with her eyes closed and a big smile on her face.

''My poor, shaky, cold, wet Cupcake'' she said as she stretched in her comfortable red snuggie.

''You sure seem like your happy with that portable fireplace spencer got'' Carly said as her dark coffee coloured eyes gazed at the fireplace on wheels.

Sam nodded as she rested her neck on the sofa. She lay so peaceful and calm. If a stranger came through that door right now, who never met Sam Puckett before, they would have stereotyped her as a sweet, innocent angel who loved everyone and everything.

There was a hallow knock at the shays door

''hay hay hay'' a familiar voice said through the door.

Carly smiled ''Come in Freddie''

Freddie hopped in the Shays apartment with his blue snuggie on.

Sam's eyes fluttered open so the piercing blue eyes complimented her face. They set dead on Freddie . ''Ugh'' Sam moaned, as she turned round in her snuggie so she wouldn't face him.

''No need to be vicious'' Freddie said as he hopped towards the portable fireplace.

Freddie put his arms out towards the fireplace as his light auburn eyes basked in its warm dancing glow. ''It's so warm…'' his mouth managed to mutter from the pure pleasure he was feeling.

The feeling didn't last for long. Sam's foot sprang from nowhere and kicked him. The push of the kick was so hard it knocked him right down to the floor

Freddie fell like a plank of wood.

''OW, SAM!'' he exclaimed as he lay there hurting.

''This is, myheat Benson. You want to borrow it? You have to ask mama'' She said as she put her hands in front of the heater to enjoy the warmth.

Freddie dusted himself of the floor and looked at Sam. ''Can I please enjoy the heat too?'' He asked

''mmm…No'' She said as she smirked and continued to hold her arms out towards the twirling amber flames.

''SAM-'' Freddie started.

Sam's sapphire orbs challenged Freddie with a death glare.

''What Freddie!'' she continued.

Before long Sam and Freddie were in an argument.

Carlotta rolled her auburn eyes at the both of them. They were behaving like there shoe sizes, not their age. She opened her mouth and realised a soft roar.

''While you five year olds argue over the purple crayon, I'm going put the tv on'' She might as well have been talking to the wall.

She switched the television on, a blonde girl was tidying papers up on her desk. ''In other news, a blizzard hits Seattle…''The girl started

''THIS IS MY HEAT'' Sam's voice boomed

''SPENCERS FIREPLACE'' Freddie challenged.

Sam put her hands on her hips and she loudly spat out ''SHHHHHH'' Her finger pointed directly on the television screen.

''We advise you to stay indoors, all roads are driveable . All jobs have been put on halt until further notice-'' The power went out.

''Oh no…'' Carly said as her eyes tried to see through the pitch black. The only thing lighting the room up was the fireplace.

''See what you did?'' Sam said as she glared at Freddie.

Freddie was speechless.

''Oh yeah…because I turned off the power…'' He responded.

Sam rolled her eyes.

There was an eerie awkward silence for around 10 minutes.

''I'm bored'' Sam said breaking it, like a hammer on glass.

''Let's play a game'' Carly said.

Freddie's eyes lit up, if they were made of light, his eyes would have lit up the whole room.

''I know, ill describe a piece of technology, and you have to try and guess what it is!'' He said excitedly.

''I know, let's do anything but that'' Sam said, in an exited way, mocking him.

Freddie rolled his eyes.

Carly was lost in a trance, she quickly snapped out of it and asked- ''Do you think that five minute love stare works?'' she asked warmly.

''What that old myth? It's a load of rubbish'' Sam replied.

Freddie looked more confused than a curious Labrador.

Sam looked at him waiting for the light to come on. The penny to drop. The brain to realise.

Nothing happened.

''You know? The whole thing about the five minute stare?'' Sam said.

Freddie looked blankly.

Sam rolled her eyes. ''Doesn't this work know anything?''

Sam went on to clarify.

''There's a saying, that if you stare into someone's eyes for five whole minutes, you will fall in love with them'' She explained.

''Oh.'' he said blankly.

''Yeah it's a load of nonsense'' Sam said.

''You don't know that'' Carly shot back.

''Oh trust me, I know'' Sam told her.

''It needs to be proven that it doesn't work though'' Carly stated.

''Ok then, no time like the present'' Sam said as she got up and stretched off the sofa.

''Come here Benson'' She said as she sat on the floor and pointed to the space in front of her.

''Hu'' Freddie said again with another confused look on his face, this time, Carly joined in.

''Me and Freddork hate each other right? What a good way to prove this whole thing is garbage'' she stated as she pointed towards the floor. As if she was saying ''sit boy.''

''Ooo, I like it'' Carly said as she sat down on the floor also, waiting for Freddie to sit down so they should observe.

Freddie Blinked.




''SIT BOY'' Sam bellowed.

Freddie quickly followed orders.

After 5? Freddie said.

''In five…Four …Three Two…'' He said before they were off.

Her eyes watched his like a hawk,

His eyes watched deeply into hers.

And there was silence.

Tick…Tock…Tick Tock…

Sapphire eyes, challenging Chocolate eyes.

Silence deafening.

Time slowing.

Eyes watching.

And then it was over.

A silence approached like the one earlier.

''Well?...' Carly broke it like a knife through butter.

Sam's eyes looked as though they were in a trance.

Her lips leaned in, Approaching Freddie.

Carly's eyes widened.

Freddie was in a state of utter shock.

As she crept closer,

And closer,

And closer,



She flicked his head.

''OW!'' Freddie said holding his head in pain.

''Oh Sam'' Carly said in a ''that's so typical'' tone.

''What? You really think id fall in love with THIS dork? It's LAUGHABLE. I don't have feelings for you dork, do you have feelings for me?''

Freddie's eyes stared at her blankly. As he shook he's head as a ''no'' response.

''I guess we are done here then'' Sam said as she got up from the floor and stretched.

''But-'' Carly protested

''Done. Finished. Over. The lame thing doesn't work''

Carly looked kind of sulky ''ok'' she responded lightly.

''I'm tired, whose joining me for sleep? '' She asked as she let out a yawn.

''me'' Carly said as she got up from the floor.

''I better be going'' Freddie said as he also arose. He swiftly moved to the door as he said ''Bye all''

''Bye'' ''Cya'' they both responded.

Sam got up and crept up the creaky stairs.

She was heading towards the spare room that was put in just for her.

Spender just decided to do so, she was living there anyway.

She snuck into the room, and took off her slippers she was wearing, along with her snuggie and crept into her covers.

''mmm, just like momma likes it'' She said as she pulled the covers over her and got comfy.

The bed felt like a piece of heaven that somehow, made it onto earth. Softer then a cloud, comfy as a bed of roses.

Sam's eyes drooped lower, and lower, and lower, until they were closed…

And then slumber took her…

And she began to dream…

She was in a room somewhere, a house that looked Simmiler to Carly's.

Her lips were on someone else's, as her blond curls tangled together over his sholder,

Sam moaned as he kissed her neck.

''I love you'' She mumbled too him.

The figure pulled back, becoming more focused now.

''I love you too Sam''.

The figure replied.

Sam woke up screaming.

The scream rippled through the whole house.

It was the most alarming sound you would have ever heard coming from anywhere on that street.

Her body was shaking, but not because of the temperature.

Because the boy she was kissing,

Was a Mr. Fredward Benson.

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Angel- : ) I hope you enjoyed.

Theodore- pokes angel in the ribs

Angel- OW!