I'd never been happier to be home. Oklahoma didn't seem too boring now that my life had been at risk for weeks on end. Waiting for us at the base was Dr. Grant's friend Ellie, Bianca's mom, and a few of my closest guy friends. After getting off the helicopter, Bianca's mom pulled her into a hug and they stayed like that for awhile. Dr. Grant went to speak with Ellie and thank her for saving our lives, and my friends came over to me. I got a lot of claps on the back and they checked out all the cuts and bruises. I laughed as they pointed out my clothes were a little worse for wear. Of course, they then went to the questions that I had dreaded answering.
"So, you were alone with Bianca Mallon for eight weeks? What happened out there?"
I shrugged.
"We tried to survive. Hid out in a water truck trying not to get eaten."
"Did you two…do anything?"
I turned and saw that Bianca was watching me nervously about a yard away.
"Of course not. I'm not like you guys."
They laughed.
"So, since you guys are friends and all and you didn't do anything…can you hook me up?"
I felt a little bit of outrage surge up in me. We'd just gotten back minutes ago and they already wanted to go after her. They couldn't have her. I'd never let them. I didn't want to make them mad at me or anything though.
"No, I can't. Me and her aren't that close."
I looked back and felt like an ass. Bianca seemed to deflate a little before walking off toward her mother. In my attempt to keep them from thinking me and Bianca had gotten as close as we did, I'd just told them I wasn't interested. Fabulous. The guys looked a little disappointed, but I didn't care about their feelings that much.
"Look, I have to go guys. See you guys when school starts."
I ran and tried to catch up to Bianca, but my parents stopped me. She'd already gotten into a car and left with her mom. I'd messed up. And I'd been worried about her just forgetting about me and finding another guy when we got back. I just messed up what we had with a single sentence. That wasn't fair to her. I let my parents push and pull me along wherever. I wondered if I should just let Bianca go or actually try and fix things. That is, if I could.
It took me about a week to pluck up the courage to go over to her house. I knew that each day that went by would make it harder and harder for her to forgive me. She didn't call, I hadn't called. It was as if the island was a dream. Eventually, it hurt my heart to much not to go see her. So I stood in front of her house, feeling like I was going to melt into a puddle of nervousness. I rang the doorbell and her mother answered it. She smiled at me.
"Hi, Eric. I wasn't expecting you to come over, but I'm glad you did. Bianca hasn't said anything since the first day she came back. Maybe she's just shocked to be home and completely safe."
Her mom led her into the house and pointed him up the stairs and to the second door on the right. Eric thanked her and sighed as he climbed the stairs. Reaching the specified door, he knocked before opening the door. He found Bianca lying on her bed, Dr. Grant's book open on the bed. He was slightly stunned by how girly her room actually was. The color scheme for her wall was blue with pink roses. Her dresser, bed frame, and nightstand were white. When Bianca noticed him, she dropped her book. He gave her a small wave.
"Hey, Bee."
She sat up quickly and glared at him.
"What do you want? It's not like we're friends or anything."
That hurt, but it hurt her as well. She wanted to cry, I could tell. I went over to her bed and sat down. She moved away from me.
"I'm sorry, Bee. I should have said…something different, but I didn't know what to say. I didn't want them going after you right then and there. It made me angry. And I didn't want them to know we'd…been super close on the island because they'd…go crazy. Honestly, Bee, I want to take it back. I would if I could because I really, really do care about you. A lot."
She was looking down at her bed instead of looking at me.
"I know you don't want to be mad at me," I said, sliding closer," And I don't want you to be either. I want the two of us to go to school in two weeks and I can say to my friends that I lied to them because I honestly fell in love with you on that island and that I'm proud to have you as my girlfriend. If you want that too, then please forgive me."
Bianca looked up at me, her eyes sparkling with tears.
"I love you."
I kissed her gently, trying to convey the love I felt. My heart jumped as her arms circled around my neck and she kissed me back. I felt her warm tears touch my lips and I smiled.
"I love you, too," she sniffled," I want to be your girlfriend. I really do."
And I was happy to walk into school two weeks later and see the stunned looks on my friend's faces. But I was even happier to share my memories, my feelings, and my entire life with the perfect person who I loved with all my heart.