Sorry this took so long for me to do – I've been working on an original piece, and it's kind of all I can work on. Sorry. :) But here's chapter two, I hope you like it, it's short because a – where I live it's after midnight right now and I'm tired, and b – my brain is clogged from my original piece. :) Thanks and enjoy.

Chapter Two

Rachel Berry was not Wendla Bergmann.

Rachel Berry was independent. Rachel Berry was outgoing. Rachel Berry was always in the spotlight. Rachel Berry was strong. Rachel Berry was fearless

So why was Wendla so nervous?

"Hey," called a voice. Wendla looked around the main office. It was the assistant behind the desk who called for her. The woman's nameplate read Mrs. Bauer, and Wendla smiled at the woman's last name. Bauer was German for farmer, peasant, or beggar. "Are you waiting for Principle Figgions?"

"Uh – " Wendla's mouth opened, but all she could do was stutter. Stop it! She told herself. This isn't who you are anymore! "Yes, Mrs. Bauer," she said, adjusting her voice, holding her head a little higher. "It's protocol here, I suppose…I'm new here!" As if she didn't already know that! Say something else! "I'm Rachel!"

"Well, Rachel," Mrs. Bauer almost chuckled. "Welcome to McKinley High. Principle Figgions will be with you in a moment."

"Okay, thanks, I – "

But Wendla was interrupted by banging, seemingly coming from the Principle's office. A woman in a bright-red tracksuit with short blonde hair came storming out of the office.

"Sue!" Figgions yelled from the doorframe of his office. "This is insanity!" Wendla raised an eyebrow as 'Sue' stormed off. Figgions shook his head and disappeared into his office, slamming the little door behind him, his actions indicating his anger. Mrs. Bauer nodded towards Wendla, then towards the door.

"Principle Figgions?" she asked, knocking on the now slammed-shut door. It cracked open. "Hi," she smiled at him, seeing he was upset. "I'm Rachel Berry. I'm new here and I…"

"Yes, Rachel," he said in his heavy accent. "I have your file right here…" he pulled out a manila folder with Berry, Rachel on the tab. "This should give you everything you need to get along for the day. There's a map, your locker combination, everything." He handed the file to her.

"Thank you, Principle Figgions," she said, walking out of the office.

"Welcome to McKinley!"

As she followed the tiny, black-and-white print map, Wendla was relatively proud of herself that she was able to navigate so well – everything was written in her second language here. She had walked down the hall, turned right, made two lefts and another right down another three halls, and now she was facing her locker, just as the map had said.

"3…17…25…11…" she mumbled her locker combination, considering writing it down on her hand as she twisted the tiny lock carefully.

"And who are you?" Wendla shot up at the sound of the boy's soft voice, startled. "Hey, I won't bite!" He smiled at Wendla, and she liked it. It felt…genuine. Real. "I'm Kurt Hummel," he said, extending a hand.

"I'm W – I-I'm Rachel!" Smooth, she thought sarcastically as she shook the well-dressed boy's hand. Really smooth, Wendla…

"Hey, Tina!" 'Kurt' called to a smaller Asian girl who walked by. "This is Rachel. She's new here."

"Oh hi!" she said. "I'm T-T-T-Tina!" The goth-looking girl stuttered. "H-have you th-thought about joining g-g-glee club?"

"Glee club?" Wendla asked. "What's that?" Kurt handed her a flyer.

"You should join," he said. "We only have four members right now, and well, we're going no where. Could you stay after school until four? You could audition…if you wanted…"

I'd never have the confidence to…but Rachel Berry sure would…

"I'd love to."

Next chapter = Wendla/Rachel's audition and meeting everyone!
