Sakura headed to the Hokage's Mansion. She thought to herself, "Lady Tsunade wants to
see me. I wonder why." She arrived at the mansion, and headed to the office. Sakura
knocked on the door and she went into the office. Tsunade explained, "Sakura, I have a
mission for you. There's a shrine in Haruka Forest. It wasn't there before. I think you
should investigate it." Sakura replied, "Yes, Lady Tsunade. However, I only know
healing jutsu. Can I bring scrolls of elemental jutsu?" Tsunade replied, "No. If you bring
those, they may end up in the wrong hands." Sakura asked, "What do you mean?"
Tsunade explained, "If you were to encounter any rogue ninja, then they would take your
scrolls. They would use the scrolls for their own personal gain." Sakura said, "Fine. I'll
go to Haruka Forest." Sakura left Konoha, and she went to Haruka Forest. She thought to
herself, "This forest is really dark. I hope that shrine is a bright color." As she was
walking, Sakura noticed that all of the trees had paper bombs on them. To make matters
worse, they started exploding! Sakura ran away fast. She pulled out a kunai knife. A
voice said, "Foolish girl. You really think a simple kunai knife can protect you?" Sakura
yelled, "Who are you? Show yourself!" The person jumped out of a tree. It was a female
kunoichi from Otokagure. She had beautiful brown hair, blue eyes, and she was sexy. The
sound ninja told her, "My name is Kasumi. I can manipulate water to make sound
waves." Sakura commented, "There's no water around. You're out of luck." Kasumi
pulled out a water scroll. Sakura asked, "How did you get that?" Kasumi explained, "I
stole it from the Land of Water. Let's see if you can handle this attack." Kasumi opened
up the scroll, made hand signs, then the attacks happened. Water was on the ground.
Kasumi used a sound-amplifying device! She shouted, "Slicing Sound Wave!" The giant
wave of sound destroyed the trees. Sakura ran away. She thought to herself, "Kasumi's
probably coming after me! I'll use the Clone Jutsu!" Sakura made two clones of herself.
The three of them ran in different directions. Sakura noticed the shrine that Tsunade was
talking about. Kasumi hid in a tree. She whispered, "A clever move, but you're not the
only one who can do the Clone Jutsu." She made two clones of herself. Sakura opened
the shrine's front door. No one was inside, but there was a purple scroll. Kasumi's clones
caught up to Sakura's, and easily defeated them. Kasumi had a sinister smile. She saw the
shrine, and she got there quickly. Sakura opened up the purple scroll. Kasumi yelled,
"Don't touch that scroll!" The purple scroll began to glow, and Sakura disappeared into a
vortex! Kasumi shouted, "No! I'll get you, kunoichi from Konoha!"
Meanwhile, in an alternate universeā¦..
Chris Mclean yelled, "Welcome to Total Drama Cruise Ship! 16 contestants will travel
around the world on the S.S. Chris Mclean! They'll be competing for 30 million dollars!
Let's welcome Ezekiel, Noah, Tyler, Cody, Courtney, Harold, Bridgette, Lindsay, DJ,
Izzy, Leshawna, Duncan, Heather, Owen, and Gwen!" Bridgette asked, "Where is the
16th competitor?" Suddenly, a strange vortex appeared! Sakura fell out of it. Duncan
yelled, "What the heck just happened?" Sakura asked, "Where am I?" Chris Mclean told
her, "Are you serious? You've never seen this show?" Sakura replied, "No. I've never
heard of it." Chris groaned, "Fine. I'll explain the rules. You're on television. You'll be
competing for 30 million dollars. See those people standing over there? They will end up
being your roommates, your competition, and maybe even your friends. You'll be on this
cruise ship. By the way, here's some advice. Don't say a lot, and try not to get kicked off
early in the season." Sakura asked, "What episode is this?" Heather told her, "Listen, new
girl. This is the first episode." Chris got everyone onto the cruise ship. When they
reached the lobby, he stopped. Chris explained, "This is the lobby. It's not really that
important. The west side is for the losing team. It has a confessional, a dining area, the
control room, and the bedrooms. Noah asked, "You're saying that it's like economy class
from last season?" Chris replied, "Exactly. The east side is for the winning team. It has a
confessional, a cool dining area, nice bedrooms, and the cargo hold." Courtney asked,
"It'll be like first class, right?" Gwen answered, "That's the idea, genius." Chris took the
contestants to the northern part of the ship. He announced, "This is where elimination
ceremonies take place. The loser has to get onto another boat, and leave." Sakura asked,
"Will we be able to come back?" Gwen told her, "Once you leave, you can never come
back. Don't worry, though. Chris lies a lot." Cody used the confessional. He yelled,
"There's a new girl! She's really pretty. I hope she's on the rebound. That way, I can buy
her a soda!" Duncan said, "Let me guess. In the southern part of the ship, that's where
you'll be staying. It's nice and it has a hot tub, doesn't it?" Chris told him, "Yeah. Thanks
for spoiling the last part of the tour, Duncan." The punk asked, "What will the sleeping
arrangements be? I'd like to request a bunk under the girl with pink hair." Chris told him,
"It depends if you're on the same team as Sakura. By the way, here's a twist. Sakura, you
get to decide the teams!" Courtney shrieked, "What? That's not right!" Chris handed her
a sheet of paper with everyone's names. Sakura said, "Let's see. I choose Noah, Cody,
Izzy, Heather, Gwen, Ezekiel, Duncan, and myself." Bridgette commented, "That means
the other team is Harold, Leshawna, Lindsay, DJ, Tyler, Owen, Courtney, and me." Chris
exclaimed, "Sweet! Now that we have our two teams, we can start the first challenge!
Chef Hatchet shouted over the intercom, "We have arrived in the desert lands! Everyone,
please exit the cruise ship!" Cody asked Sakura, "Are you nervous?" She replied, "No.
I've done missions in Sunagakure. It's the Sand Village, plus it's hidden in the Land of
Wind. They have desert terrain and very harsh sandstorms." Cody commented, "You're
really beautiful, Sakura. Anyway, I'm Cody Anderson. Do I seem like a tech-geek?"
Sakura muttered, "You seem like another Naruto." Cody asked, "What?" Sakura replied,
"I didn't say anything." Courtney yelled, "Hey, new girl! Why did you put Duncan on the
same team as Gwen? You're such an idiot!" Sakura retaliated and screamed, "CHA! I'M
NOT AN IDIOT! YOU'RE SO ANNOYING!" Sakura punched Courtney so hard, and
she was sent flying! Bridgette was amazed. She asked, "Where did she go?" Leshawna
commented, "I don't know, but I do not want to get on that new girl's nerves." Tyler
added, "Yeah. She's scary, but at least Lindsay and I are together." Chris shouted,
"Listen, guys! Your first challenge starts in the Desert Palace! You have to find an Earth
Scroll! The first team to find it, wins today's challenge! The palace has sand traps, so be
careful!" Sakura remembered something that happened back in her universe.
Three hours earlierā¦.
Tsunade replied, "No. If you bring those, they may end up in the wrong hands." Sakura
left Tsunade's office. She thought to herself, "I need to be prepared. Danger can strike at
any time. I realized that, when Team 7 got attacked repeatedly in the Forest of Death."
Sakura headed to the room with weapons. She took some shuriken, kunai knives, scrolls
on ninjutsu and genjutsu, flash bombs, fire scrolls, water scrolls, wind scrolls, earth
scrolls, ice scrolls, psychic scrolls, steel scrolls, dark scrolls, and senbon needles. Sakura
put all of the tools in her bag, and left the mansion. Then, she headed to Haruka Forest.
Heather yelled, "Can you hear me, new girl? We have to get moving! The other team is
way ahead of us!" Sakura replied, "I know that! I've got a plan. Go inside the palace." In
the Desert Palace, Tyler bumped into the marble column. It created a domino effect, and
the other columns fell. Tyler said, "The scroll's not there." Owen opened a jar that
contained snakes. He screamed, "Great Cherry Cheesecake! The snakes are going to eat
us all alive!" Harold commented, "Actually, they might be full from eating you! Run!"
They ran to the second floor. Meanwhile, Courtney finally reached the palace. She
screamed, "Those deadbeats are probably fooling around in there!" Sakura pulled out an
Earth Scroll from her bag. She told Cody, "Pass this to Gwen." Cody told Gwen, "Give
this to Chris." Gwen said, "We found it, Chris!" Meanwhile, Courtney reached her team.
She yelled, "We have to win this challenge, and I won't let you losers keep me from
doing that!" Izzy heard slithering sounds. She shouted, "I'll stop the snakes with my
dance of the rattlesnake!" She started dancing. The snakes went back downstairs. Owen
said, "Izzy, that was amazing!" Lindsay squealed, "Look! I found some strange toilet
paper!" She unfurled the scroll. Courtney cheered, "That's it!" Suddenly, a vicious
sandstorm came along. Bridgette asked, "What's going on?" Sakura's team watched from
the cruise ship. Gwen said, "Something tells me that's karma for Courtney." Since the
Desert Palace was made from sand, the sandstorm turned it into dust. Courtney angrily
shrieked, "We lost the scroll! Lindsay, this is your fault! You never should've found that
scroll in the first place! You are going to get eliminated!" Lindsay began to cry. Chris
Mclean shouted, "Hold it! Gwen found the scroll for her team! That means Team One
wins today's challenge! Team two, see me at elimination!" Courtney glared at Sakura's
team. Ezekiel cheered, "Let's celebrate, eh! We get to cruise in first class!" He led
everyone to first class. It was very fancy, and the food was amazing. Chris called the two
teams to the lobby. He said, "Your teams need names." Sakura cheered, "We're Team
Leaf Green!" Courtney shot back with, "We're Team Water Blue!" Chris instructed,
"Team Water Blue, cast your votes in the confessional!"
After the voting was finished, Team Water Blue headed to the elimination ceremony.
Chris explained, "I shall read the votes. 1 vote for Courtney, 2 votes for Courtney, 3 votes
for Courtney, 1 vote for DJ, 2 votes for DJ, 3 votes for DJ, 4 votes for DJ, and the last
vote is for DJ. The gentle giant explained, "Thanks for voting me out, guys. I just didn't
want a curse to happen to my team this season." He got on the Boat of Losers, and left.
In first class, Sakura was telling Gwen about what happened during the Chunin Exams.
Gwen replied, "Whoa. Sasuke got bitten by an enemy and a curse mark appeared?"
Sakura kept going. She said, "After that, I had to take care of him and Naruto. Three
sound ninja tried to kill Sasuke, but my friends saved our lives." Gwen commented,
"That's cool. I'm going to get something to eat. Do you want to join me?" Sakura told
her, "Cody told me that he would bring me a food cart." He came in with it. Cody told
Sakura, "Here are some burgers with cheese. I hope you like them." Sakura told him,
"They smell great. You're really sweet, Cody." The team ate the burgers in first class.
Sakura thought to herself, "I wonder what everyone's doing in the village. I want to be
like Naruto, Sasuke, and Lee. I'll win this thing, and I won't run away like I did today."
Sakura ate her burger, and watched Noah read a book.
Did you like the 1st chapter? I'm setting up a poll on who Sakura should be dating.
Cast your votes on a poll that I'll make! I'll also make polls on who should be voted
off next and where they should go.
Team Green: Ezekiel, Noah, Cody, Izzy, Duncan, Heather, Gwen, Sakura
Team Blue: Tyler, Courtney, Harold, Bridgette, Lindsay, Leshawna, Owen
Eliminated: DJ