Chapter One – Pilot

"Look at her! Just look at her. Why does she have to get it?" Draco was pissed. He was sitting at the Slytherin table with all his friends, stressed enough as it was, he didn't need to added this stress to him now. He knew she was going to get it but that didn't make it any more pleasant to find out. Every year at sorting feast the headmaster always announced who the new head boy and girl would be. He knew he had got it. He received the owl two weeks ago with his book list, and he knew before that to anyways. How better to show and "force" house unity on the students then to have one of the heads to be a Slytherin. And of course who else to be head girl then that "goody-two shoes I'm better than everybody else" Granger.

"Oh come on Draco, everyone knew it was going to be her. Even Crabbe and Goyle." Said Blaise.

Blaise was sitting next to Pansy at the table. And the flirt that she was , Pansy was talking to Nott. But upon over hearing Blaises' comment, looked towards Draco and Blaise.

"What Blaise said is right Draco, the obvious choice for head girl was Granger, and due to that oafs old belief with trying to force house unity on us all, the next obvious choice for head boy would be someone out of Slytherin. I was honestly surprised that it was YOU that got head boy Draco. You know, with your track record and all. I figured it would have been Nott or even Blaise." Pansy comment.

He looked at her, getting even more pissed. "Track record Pansy? Oh yes, and you would know ALL about track records Pansy wouldn't you….with yours and everything too. What is it now Pansy? All of Slytherin and even some of the Ravenclaws isn't it?"

Everyone looked shocked and appalled at him.

"Well thanks Draco…but I didn't see you complaining on my track record. Actually as I recall, you were very happy with … what did you call it? Oh yea my "experience"...and what else was it you said? OH YEA…'that I was the best you ever had'…but I could be wrong…you now with my HUGE track record."

Great now just one more stress added…Pansy was pissed at him. He knew he shouldn't of said it. He knew he was just upset and taking it out on people but seriously no one asked for her opinion. Why wouldn't of he of gotten the position? He had the grades….yea true it was right after "hers"…but still.

"Well back to the umm other topic at hand. Draco it won't be that bad…just stay away from her as much as possible. Do head duties with her and then go your separate ways. And any ways…it could be worse!" Blaise was trying to calm his friend down. He knew what happened when he got totally stressed and he really didn't want to have to deal with another love sick female that Draco decided to screw then ditch. There were too many of them as it was. And anyways Draco wasn't to pleasant to talk to when he was pissed.

"NOT THAT BAD BLAISE! NOT THAT BAD! I have to live the entire term with her! A ENTIRE term! The damn mudblood bitch will probably have all her damn friends over all the damn time…and that damn red hair dunce over at night. I really don't want to hear that shit at night. Seriously! It's going to create bad images in my head, and as much as I LOVE porn going on in my head…I DON'T want Weaslebee and Mudblood porn in my head!"

"Actually they aren't dating….I heard she told him no when he asked her out…something about him being too much of a brother to her. And I am sure that she hasn't even done anything like that with any boy, and trust me I would know….you know with my "track record" I can tell if someone is or has had sex before…and I highly doubt she has."

Again with her unwanted comments. Ugg. Blaise looked at Pansy and rolled his eyes, laughing at her while doing so.

"Either way, even if she hadn't had sex or not…Draco you can't deny that she has definitely become more appealing to the eyes now. I mean come on, almost every guy in here did a double take when she entered the dining hall. Hell even I did…and fuck Draco I would do her…she is hot as hell now. And you know how high my expectations are on looks. So like I said Draco. It could be a lot WORSE, at least she not ugly! And who knows you may even "accidently" catch a glimpse of her when she leaves the loo or something." Blaise was laughing now, I was making faces as if I was vomiting into my cup. "Oh and Draco, if you do happen to catch a glimpse of her…you better let do a picture charm…cause I wanna see!"

God was I hearing this. Great Blaise, my best friend, has the hots for my new "headache".

"Blaise is right Drake, sorry, but I have to admit it myself. She definitely got hot. I thought she got hot in fourth year, mmm gosh that Yule Ball, that dress…. I was having wet dreams for days thinking about her, most of the wet dreams didn't involve the dress though." Nott said. Surprising us all at his sudden enterance into the conversation. I didn't even know he was really listening. Blaise just laughing at Nott now, who is waggling his eyebrows. Could this get anyworse.

Draco just goes back to eating, dreading the moment he knew was coming…and coming soon.


"Oh Ron give it a rest, I am sure they are just trying to form house unity." Hermione said.

"Ehh, yeah Hermione but still, there are other Slytherins; like Nott, or Zabini. I don't understand how Albus could have choosen him. Its obvious that he is going to abuse his title. Shit look at how he reacted with Umbrige."

"Yes but still Harry, which Slytherin would make the most sense. Everyone knows that everyone in Slytherin basically follows Draco. So it makes common sense that if they force Draco to get along with a Gryffindor, then everyone else will follow suit." Hermione said this as if it was common sense.

"That is assuming Draco will even try to get along Hermione. And you know Draco wont. Exspecially not with you. No offense Hermione but you know what he always calls you. Too him you are nothing but a Mudblood." She gave him a agaust look. "NOT saying that we think of you like that, come on Hermione you know we don't. I am just simply stating that we all know that that is all he sees you as. Hell says it almost every chance he gets. It's not like he trys to hide how he feels."

"I just swear if he trys to do anything funny Hermione, ill string him up by his perfectly tailored colar" Ron commented all gruffly.

"No you will not Ronald, you will leave him alone. This is for me to deal with and I won't disappoint the headmaster. He obviously thinks me and Draco can get along and I will try. Now I have to go. I need to go with McGonagall. She has the password for my new room."

"Yea….not too happy about that either." Ron mumbled so Hermione couldn't hear him. Harry just laughed at him.

"Bye guys. Ill see you guys later."


Hermione got up and turned to leave, she saw Draco already up and following McGonagall out into the hall. "Oh this year is going to suck" she muttered to herself, walking quickly to catch up to her professor.

So tell me what to think. This is seriously my first Fanfiction and I'm kind of worried. I just read so many of the Draco Hermione fanfictions and I just can't find one that fits my taste to a Tee….So I figured…WTH…why not make one of my own to fit my fancy. I have no beta so if anyone wants to help me then just email. Same with any banners….I really not sure at how to do all this stuff so just tell me what to do =] and review. =]