Fiction B 1.2.1

A/N Ok so 'episode' two of the series. I hope you enjoy. I've got an interesting story arc in mind for this 'series'. All right please review.

Finished Date: May 19, 2011

Release Date: May 22, 2011

Disclaimer: I do not own DW. I do not own MBS.

The first part of "Eye of the Tiger"

The thing moved its paw to keep its balance. The hand was completely covered in orange and black fur. It climbed the staircase as quickly as it could, which was very fast. It walked into its private chambers and growled. Across from it was mirror. The creature was covered in fur, and it was obviously a female. It looked like a tiger, but stood on two legs. Her whiskers were kept trim, as well as the fur.

She grabbed a talk radio from a desk like furniture peace and dashed out the door of her private chambers. The female tiger walked through the building and into a room that had many controlling buttons and items. Several other tiger things were working on the controls; it looked as if they were on a boat. But out from them stretched an entire planet.. The tiger looked out over the planet and into space. "Is the Eye working now?" she asked one of the controller tigers.

"Yes my commander," he said, "the eye is running again and we should start moving shortly."

"Very good," she said.

"But there is one problem," he said hesitantly.

"Yes?" she asked sounding very annoyed.

"The shields are down so unauthorized teleportation devices may be able to enter."

"Well stop it! We can't have any intergalactic fools trying to stop us. Full speed ahead, we have to destroy that rubbish planet."

"We'll have to wait till the shields are back. The eye is not ready!"

"Well get it ready!" she said impatiently looking at one of her claws and then muttered, "Next stop: earth."

Ok, part one is done. It is like the pre title sequence. Almost like a teaser for the episode.