A/N: I hope you like this.

Disclaimer: Do you even have to ask.

If Only…

Andre POV

I'll admit, the first time I went to the Vega household, I was a little frightened to meet Tori Vega. I knew from Trina that she had a sister named Tori. Sadly I met Trina first so my fright is understood. Anyway I walked in the house and saw the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life. I remember thinking 'You're Trina's sister'. When she spoke she had the sweetest voice in the world. She told me that Trina had a swollen tongue and she couldn't sing with me. 'Yes!' So she would've be filling in for her. Then I heard her sing and it was insta-fireworks in my mind. I'm a big softy for chicks that can sing that's why I'm such good friends with Caterina (Cat) Valentine and Jadelyn (Jade) West. After her big showcase I had to get her into Hollywood Arts. I'm regretting that I didn't ask her out that day. Oh well….

"Andre, earth to Andre. Andre are you still with us?" Beck Oliver called out to me.

"Huh? What?" I hadn't realized I zoned out.

"Thinking about Tori again?" Boy are you crazy?

"Shh… She might hear you!" I whisper yell as I put a hand over his mouth.

"When are going to tell her?" Beck asked me straightout.

"Someday, never maybe" I say quietly.

"Andre you need to tell her" Beck said being the best friend that he is.

"And risk losing what I have with her, no thanks" I said looking at the piano keys. "I'm perfectly fine being best friends with her" I finish off.

"Yeah keep telling yourself that" Beck started. "When Tori goes out with yet another boy that isn't you, don't say a word" Beck said.

"I'm not going to say anything, I'm going to be happy for her, she is my best friend, ya know" I said.

After that Beck walked back over to the group, ultimately ending the conversation. After I got a text from my grandmother telling me to come on to my great-grandfather's birthday party. As I was preparing to leave I came in on the situation…

"So he was just using me to get a better grade" Tori said somberly. What?

All of us, except for Jade and I, were sorry for her. Jade just didn't care and I want to kill Ryder for hurting her.

Let me leave before I say something I regret.

"I wish I could get back at him" Tori said.

"What can we do?" Cat said sweetly.

"Oh I know" Tori jumped up excitedly. "A song that you're going to help me write, tonight" Tori said as she grabbed my arm.

"I can't" I said looking into Tori's eyes. It's so hard for me to say no to you but I just can't help you tonight.

"Come on Andre, please" Tori said deepening the look. Please don't do this to me tonight.

"Yeah Andre come on" Everyone else joined in.

"Alright, Alright. I'll just celebrate my 97 year old great grandfather's birthday with him next year. Possibly!" I yelled.

They felt kind of bad after I said it. "Well come on" I said sitting back down to the piano. What I wouldn't do for Tori Vega.

The next day….

"Yo Daniels" I yelled out to Ryder after school.

"Oh you're Vega's friend… um…" Ryder pretended to contemplate.

"Andre" I finished for him.

"Right, what do you want?" He asked like he was bored with the conversation.

"To warn you" He looked taken back.

"Warn me about what?" he asks innocently. Save the act asshole.

"You picked the wrong one when decided to mess with Tori Vega" I said with such conviction.

"Look I don't know what-"Ryder said trying to play it off. Like I said save it.

"Don't even try it I know your using her" I spat at him angrily.

"Oh I get it, you're jealous" Ryder said smirking.

"Not jealous. A concerned friend. Get it right" Truth be told, jealousy is coursing through my veins right now but anger is overpowering all of that.

"Yeah what ever, keep telling yourself that" He looked at me. "Tell you what after I get done with her, after the Full Moon Jam, you can have her. She's not even that pretty anyway" What the fuck are you talking about? She is one of the prettiest at this school.

"You're going to regret that you even said that" It took everything I had not the hit him right then and there.

"Whatever Andre, I have more important things to do, like get ready for my "Grade A" performance, if you catch my drift. So I'll catch you later" He said smugly as he turned around.

"Bye Ryder" I said as he walked away.

"Oh Andre," Ryder called as he turned around. "Jealousy is such an ugly emotion, don't use it" he said as he walked away.

"Damn it" I said to myself as I punch my locker, not too hard, but hard enough to make a loud sound.

"Woah, woah, woah" Robert (Robbie) Shapiro and Beck said as they ran up to me. "What going on?"

"Ryder Daniels that's what" I said.

"What did he do?" Robbie asked.

"I just hate his smug, cocky attitude" I said angrily.

"You didn't give away the plan did you?' Beck asked.

"No just had a little chat with him" I said.

"What did he say?" Beck asked me.

"Nothing, don't worry about it" I said walking away.

I turn around to see Beck and Robbie shrugging at each other and following me out of the school.

That night…

Sinjin VanCleef and I were checking the instruments and microphones to make sure everything worked except for one microphone.

"Hey Andre" Tori called as I was checking my guitar.

"Hey Tori, you ready for revenge" I said as I looked at her outfit. Tight jeans, sheer top, Andre please stay calm.

She laughed lightly. "Yeah. Look I want to apologize to you for making you miss you great grandfather's birthday party" she said sincerely.

"It's fine. Plus my grandmother said he had a great time and I saw him when I got home" Andre said.

"That's good" She said. "I really want to thank you for doing this for me" She finished.

"Oh no problem, anything for you" I said casually. She doesn't know just how much I really mean that.

"I see that now" She said as she walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek and hugged me. Oh no my palms are starting to sweat. I hope she doesn't notice…

gave us the cue and Tori ran back stage.

As the first act was finishing up I ran back stage to give Tori her mike and Ryder his. For a split second we shared a look, Ryder had this sly grin on his face and rolled his eyes I rolled my eyes back and walked away.

When Sickowitz introduced Tori and Ryder, I started to play. She started singing the song we wrote, Beggin' on Your Knees, and Ryder looked like a deer caught in the head lights. Perfect! Beck and Robbie were blocking the door so he couldn't get out. Meanwhile Tori was still doing her thing. Look at those moves and the way she twists that body… stay focused Andre you're going to mess up. As she went to finished the song she ran back here and hugged me again.

If only you knew how I really felt about you… if only.

Should I continue this? Keep it like it is? Hate it? Love it? Critism is appreciated in a review.

~Peace, Tandre, Strawberries~