A/N: Here we are at the end of this story and I'd like to thank you all for reading and reviewing. I really hope you enjoyed and the story delivered to your expectations. I'd also like to thank my partners in kidnapping crime *checks garage again* *swoons* - and as always ShadowSamurai83 for the beta and the bolstering of my confidence when I sat there and asked - what's the point? *tackleglomps*
And now, for the final time, enjoy.
They hadn't talked about it, but by unspoken consent they met on this bench in the park, just down the road from the house. The one facing south. It had always been their bench, ever since her father had become so ill that they needed some place to escape to. He'd liked it too, warm and bright, so she thinks it fitting to come here.
They sit down and there is silence for a while as they both soak up the sun. It isn't a strained silence, so they both close their eyes and enjoy it. An onlooker will notice in amusement just how much their positions match.
"You got in late last night."
"You weren't alone when I did."
Both statements are made in a conversational tone, but in both there is a small smirk.
It's Gina who opens her eyes first and looks at her mother. Grace smiles, her face turned up to the sun.
"Is he treating you well?" Gina doesn't answer, thus forcing her mother to face her. "Despite everything?" There's a touch of concern now, and even though her voice is still gentle, Gina realizes that the mother lion is already preparing for battle, should it become necessary.
She understands the concern, is surprised that the past, long ago and recent, has so little impact on her personal relationship with Mr. Gerald Taylor. But it's the early stages yet and they have decided to keep family stories - as far as they concern the recent crime and long ago 'incident' - to a minimum. It's a little hard and a little awkward at times, but they make the effort and find plenty to talk about in spite of it.
"Yes, he does. We had a good time."
Grace relaxes back into her former position. "Good."
That is it.
It takes a moment for Gina to realize that indeed it is. Not from lack of interest or care, but because it really is. The man she's seeing is treating her well and she enjoys it, that's really the most important thing for her mother. Maybe that's the example she should follow the other way around.
"And you?" she asks and tries to keep any negative feeling out of the question. When she got up earlier this morning, the Audi that had been parked in front of the house last night was gone. But she had gotten up fairly late and found herself alone in the house. So, it doesn't have to mean anything.
"And me what?"
A knot of annoyance forms, but dissolves quickly when she realizes that she's being teased. It's not the best feeling in the world, but she guesses that she deserves it. A little.
"Boyd. You," she elaborates, and it sounds just a tad bit impatient.
Grace chuckles for a moment and then quietly starts. "Sometimes you are so much like him..." But before things can turn unpleasant, she relents. "We are good. He's beginning to relax again."
It's on Gina to snort, because she's never seen the DSI anywhere remotely relaxed, but her mother knows that even better than she does. The levity doesn't last long, though, because it isn't just their recent ordeal, but also test results they've been waiting for.
She takes a good look at her mother, notices the healthy complexion. Grace Foley doesn't look like an ill woman and that is a real relief.
It's only been a week since... but things are returning to normal. They still haven't talked about everything and despite the fact that curiosity drives her almost mad, Gina won't ask. There is, will be, time for that. But that time is not now.
They relax against the back of the bench, feeling the sun burn just a little. It's quiet around, almost but not yet fully lunch time. The park is fairly empty and they can hear the noises of shrubbery in the wind and birds flitting around. It's a small oasis in the big city.
"What's coming next?" Gina asks lazily after a while. She doesn't really know why she asks or to which time frame she refers, it's more a question that needs to be asked and answered in whichever way necessary. It's a tactic, a psychological one to start associations, so they both recognise it for that.
Her mother's answer is a little oblique, but it goes well with the day.
"Are you cooking?"
Grace can feel her daughter's grin without seeing it, but doesn't react to the cheeky question. "No, he's taking us, if you can stomach it."
Following her mother's gesture, Gina can see Boyd slowly walking towards their bench. Somehow she isn't surprised that he knows it. It is a little more unusual to see the man hesitating in his approach. He crosses the distance, his sheepish smile turning into full-toothed charm, and then into something infinitely warmer.
Though she wants to scoff at it on principle, Gina swallows the idea as she rises. That final smile isn't for her.
"Ready for lunch?" Boyd asks. Both women nod and fall into step with him. It amuses Gina how the older two try to avoid obvious displays of affection and she has to look away to hide her grin. When she looks again, hands have been circumspectly clasped.
She doesn't comment on it.
"Where are we going?"
"Your choice. My shout."
She smirks speculatively and earns a mocking slap from her mother. "Behave!"
They chuckle for a moment.
It's good, Gina decides. It is, indeed, good.
Thank you for reading. Comments would be greatly appreciated.