Jack has signed in

Owen has signed in

Gwen has signed in

Owen says: jack I need something to wear for the fancy dress party!

Jack says: You do realise we only have until tonight to get ready?

Owen says: I know! Just help me!

Jack says: alright I'm sure I can find you something in my walk in wardrobe

Owen says: …..are you sure you're a man?

Jack says: ask my boyfriend, he will tell you I'm all man! ;)

Owen says: …..eeeww

Jack says: haha! Come to my office later I will find you something.

Owen says: cheers mate

Owen has signed out

Gwen says: I need to talk to you.

Jack says: sure what's up?

Gwen says: I spoke to your boyfriend last night…I don't think you should date him

Jack says: yeah thanks "mum" what makes you say that? You don't even know him!

Gwen says: he was very patronising and nasty when I spoke to him, I'm just trying to look out for you.

Jack says: you got any proof of that?

Gwen says: what? I'm not lying!

Jack says: really because I know his not like that

Gwen says: Jack! I'm telling the truth! And that's not all

Jack says: oh really! What else are you going to accuse him of then?

Gwen says: I'm not accusing him of anything! And what he said really worried me!

Jack says: bye gwen

Jack has signed out

Jack couldn't keep the grin off his face as he walked into the hospital room.

"Hey" he pressed a chaste kiss to the young man's cheek. "Hey, I thought you were at work?" Jack climbed into the bed next to him careful not to shake the bed too much. "Yeah I came here for lunch" there was a cry from the crib next to the bed "Hey Nicky" Jack cooed as he scooped the gurgling baby into his arms.

The young man watched fondly as his lover babbled away to his baby.

"you know sometimes I think you like Nicky more than me" he pouted, Jack grinned "that's not true, I'm pretty fond of his daddy too" he pulled the man into his arms as he kissed him.

Suddenly Jacks phone rang "hey…yeah…I went out, I'll be back soon…ok I won't forget…bye"

He shut the phone "who was that?" "Owen, from work, he wanted to make sure I could find him a costume for the party" "oh, well you better get going" Jack pouted "but I only just got here" the young man would have kissed him if it wasn't for the baby hanging onto Jacks nose. "you need to get back to work, and I'm going to see you at the party anyway" they kissed again before Jack walked out and headed for the front door of the hospital