Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

A/N: Warning there is a few curse words in this chapter.

Hermione looked at the talisman in her neck, she found it in the attic while it may not be beautiful it belongs to her family and something she will never let go of. She looked at herself in the mirror trying to calm her nerves to go to Mystic Grill something was telling her that something bad might happen tonight.

She really needed to go to the bar to get a drink, she doesn't know whether to tell Harry where she is. She sighed when she heard the phone ringing, she knows that she can't keep avoiding her grandmother forever and that she has to confront her eventually. She flipped open her cellphone and answer it.

"Hello Grandmother," said Hermione sourly. She can hear her grandmother sighing in relief which made her wonder what was her grandmother was worried about? She hadn't met any vampires in Mystic Falls as of yet. She knew that vampires were here from the animal attacks. Never cover their trail thought Hermione disapprovingly as she thought about what she heard from the news.

"Why haven't you been answering my calls Hermione Jean Granger!" shouted Catherine. Hermione winced at her grandmother shouting, she should have answered the first call that she made a few days ago. She twirled her hair as she listen to her grandmother scolding.

"Why didn't you tell me that I am a Wiccan Witch?" asked Hermione. She heard her grandmother sighed at her question that was always something she hated the sigh because her grandmother seems to think that she is still the little girl afraid of the dark.

"You weren't ready at the time Hermione," admitted Catherine. Hermione snorted and then reminded her that she had fought in a war, her parents had been brutally murdered so why wasn't she ready to hear that she is a Wiccan witch.

"By the way sweetheart me and your Grandfather are coming to Mystic Falls," said Catherine happily. Hermione eyes widen at that news, she needed to get a drink before they come. She hang up the phone while what she did to her grandmother was rude it was highly justified after all she wasn't going to have much freedom in there.

"One shot of Tequila," said Hermione, she saw the bartender hesitating when he saw her puppy dog look but gave in to her order. The man beside her also ordered another shot of the drink, she will admit that he was hot but there was something about him that screams danger. She drank her shot knowing this might be her last shot in a while, her grandparents coming means they will butt in on her sadly nonexistent love life and telling her not to drink.

"I have never seen you around here," said the man beside her. Hermione smirked at him, she had only been here for one week and for that one week she has been cleaning her family's manor. She ordered her second shot before telling the man beside her that he doesn't need to know every person in the whole god damn town.

"Well, I want to know why I never seen a beautiful girl like you around here?" asked the man, his blue eyes staring deeply at her brown eyes as if he was forcing the answer from her just by staring at her. Hermione blushed at the compliment but didn't tell him the reason. I am not going to be the same boring me thought Hermione before giving him a smile.

"I just move here," explained Hermione, that can be acceptable answer. She ordered her third shot if her parents were alive they will disapprove of her drinking but as her Uncle would tell them, it is her life not theirs. Maybe she should stop drinking, she didn't want to go back home drunk when her grandmother called and find out that she drank some alcohol.

"Why move to this town not some city like New York or Chicago?" asked the man staring at her. Hermione shrugged her shoulders at that question that man was becoming a pain in the neck, she smiled when she saw the frustration in his eyes of her lack of answer. If anything she has to ask him why he wanted to know so much about a stranger.

"Why are you interested in strangers that just move to town?" asked Hermione. He was surprise as if he was expecting her to tell him, her reasons of moving to Mystic Falls which made her wonder if there was something that the town was hiding from the residents. No, I am just being silly thought Hermione ordering her last shot of tequila.

"May I ask, who are you? After all you been asking me personal questions so it is just as fair to tell me your name," asked Hermione. He drank his bourbon before answering her question with another.

"Damon Salvatore now that I tell you my name, you tell me yours?" asked Damon. Hermione didn't show the surprise or fright at hearing his name if she was right then this is a vampire that her mother had written down. I am screwed thought Hermione realizing what he was doing staring at her.

"My name is Hermione Granger," answered Hermione. She drank her shot, this must be her fourth shot and she wasn't drunk yet. She was getting drunk because of her best friend telling her that she was endanger from Bellatrix and Dolohov. He wants to protect me isn't that sweet thought Hermione angrily, her best friend can't protect her from everything.

"So Hermione, where did you get the necklace from?" asked Damon eyeing her talisman. She raised her eyebrows at him, wondering why he is so interested in her family's talisman. Hermione glanced at the ring in his hand wondering where did she seen the ring from before.

"Why do you want to know? Give me a good reason on why I should tell you where I got it?" asked Hermione. He didn't answer which made her smirked which made him look at her in anger. He looked at her glass then to her before deciding to ask her the one question that she knew was coming eventually.

"Aren't you too young to drink?" asked Damon. She raised her eyebrows at him that was a good way to change the subject talking about her age and her drinking.

"I earn it bucko if you been what I been through then you can talk to me about it," snapped Hermione. She ordered one more shot of Tequila, she wanted the pain of her parents and friends death to go away just for a while. It wouldn't hurt to ask him thought Hermione but thought better of it, she didn't want a vampire to kill her or watch what she was doing because she knows what he is.

"Can't she give me a break," complained Hermione as her phone rang. She drank her shot and went outside, she didn't want anyone to hear her conversation with her grandmother. She needed to calm down if she doesn't something bad will happen because she couldn't control her temper. The past week she had been learning new spells, some of which she found very useful.

"What!" whispered Hermione angrily.

"Is that how you say hello to your friends Hermione, I am shocked!" said Harry. Hermione growled, she wanted to know how the hell he got her number when she didn't tell anyone unless her grandmother told him. Why do this to me Grandma thought Hermione knowing that her grandmother told him her number.

"Well, I thought you were my grandmother," admitted Hermione. Harry laughed at that which made her smile, at least their relationship won't change.

"Harry is there anymore news about them?" asked Hermione. She can practically see him sighing if anything that sigh made her worried about what he is going to tell her. She needed something to get her mind off things but what, she can't exactly get a drink can she?

"No but that isn't why I am calling you," admitted Harry. Hermione frowned at his response and wonder what would her friend call her about if it wasn't about the death eaters. She saw the surprise in a boy younger than her eyes as if he was seeing a ghost in front of his eyes. How many people knew about my mother thought Hermione angrily waiting for the boy to leave.

"Then why are you calling me?" asked Hermione.

"Well, can I stay with you a few days? Ginny and Ron are making me feel crazy with their questions and complaining on certain people," admitted Harry. Hermione giggled at his words before thinking about whether, she wanted her best friend to stay with her or not. Thinking about what his best friend had to deal by himself plus she needed someone to talk to, helped her decision.

"Sure, I am in Mystic Falls so I will pick you up and Harry don't tell Ron or Mrs. Weasley, you know how they get," begged Hermione. Harry told her okay, he knew very well how they get and should have known that it will be bad idea to stay with them even if it was a small time. He couldn't help but feel that there was something his best friend was hiding from him but laughed they don't keep secrets from each other.

"So how is Mystic Falls?" asked Harry.

"Honestly it is the funnest town in the whole universe," answered Hermione sarcastically.

"That bad." Said Harry chuckling. Hermione rolled her eyes at his words but a smile was playing in her lips, it was so good to talk to him without Molly and Ginny breathing down their neck.

"Yes, that bad but hey it better than being stuck back home with all those memories," said Hermione sadly. Everyone would agree that it will be good for her to get out of the country and it will be better for her best friend also to be out of country, away from the Weasley's influence for a while.

Hermione glanced at her clothes, she didn't know why but she had this feeling that something bad was going to happen tonight plus it will be a good idea for her to get out of the house and get to know everyone in the town. She touched her talisman one last time before going to her car.

"Am I crazy to do this?" asked Hermione to herself. She concentrated for her door to close, smiling to herself at her accomplishment, she locked the door and drove while thinking about what her mother had written in her book. Katherine was the reason the boys were turned in the first place which makes her a controlling selfish bitch thought Hermione angrily as she drove her car.

She parked her car wondering what she should to do first. Hermione frowned when she bumped into a girl that looked like Katherine but she notice a key difference between them in appearance, her mother had said that Katherine hair was in curls while the girl in front of her had hair that was straight. The African-American girl beside the look a like was shocked to see her talisman.

"I am sorry about that, it just me being clumsy," apologize Hermione smiling at them. They nodded at her and told her that it was okay before the two of them doing whatever their job is for the carnival. She continued to walk around to see the fun that the people were having when something caught her attention.

A boy about her age or slightly younger arm wrestling with kids and was winning as if they were so weaker than him. The next person came up, who looked like he was related to the boy started to arm wrestle him while at first the two of them were same strength but then the older man started to win.

"Who wants to go next?" asked the boy loudly. Hermione turned around to see who was stupid enough to challenge the man and soon found her answer in Damon making his brother doing it. Of course they would, the two of them are vampires thought Hermione silently wondering why would do something that might expose them.

"Who are they?" asked Hermione to Damon. He looked shocked at seeing her which made her chuckled, how many people can say that they had scared a vampire not many as far as she knows. He didn't answer her question which made her sighed.

"Why should I tell you? After all you won't tell me where you got the talisman," said Damon.

"Listen to me Damon, I know what you and your brother are so don't make me angry because I am not afraid to tell them that you are vampire, oh and if you think that you can snap my neck I will promise to haunt you in my afterlife and I swear to you that I can do that," threatened Hermione, her voice was low enough for him to hear.

"Really what makes you think that I am a vampire, I went out in the sunlight so I am not a vampire," said Damon to her, watching his brother being defeated by the older looking man. She narrowed her eyes at him then notice that ring of his that seemed familiar realizing that her mother had written about it.

"I bet that you can't walk confidently without that ring of yours, I can take that ring away from you right under your nose and you will never know, so don't piss me off," said Hermione softly. He frowned and was about to attack her when his brother came looking frustrated. Stefan glanced at her then to his angry brother which made Hermione smile.

"Remember our little talk Damon and if you want to know what the two of them are without doing digging, come to me," said Hermione smiling at him. She had figure it out from the way the man won the arm-wrestling against Stefan but she isn't too sure if her suspicions are right.

I am becoming like Harry with the impulsion thought Hermione angrily, she then notice that Damon was doing compulsion on a man but for what she needs to figure out. She started to follow the man, to see what did he do to the poor man. Her eyes widen in horror when she saw that he was getting into a fight with the younger boy.

She needed to stop them before they get hurt, she started to curse the fact that a stupid vampire would do something to harm an innocent person to know if he is a werewolf or not. Hermione was about to say a spell when she saw the older man stopping them getting into a fight but what was interesting for her was his jumping towards the younger boy.

Definitely a werewolf thought Hermione as she watch him fight the man that was under Damon's compulsion. The only thing she can do now was help the man get better, she ran towards him at the same time but was a bit slower than Stefan. She smiled in relief when she saw that he was no more under compulsion.

"Did you figure out what they are?" asked Hermione. He looked at her in frustration which made her frowned, how can a vampire not know the symptoms of their enemy or hell not know that it exist. They keep surprising me thought Hermione in amusement before deciding to go on one of the rides.

As she was about to go on one of the rides, she notice that Damon was taking one of the wooden pegs. Why do I have a bad feeling about this? Thought Hermione before deciding to follow him which anger a few people. Her eyes soften when she saw a girl crying near the dead body of her victim.

At least she feels guilt thought Hermione watching her, it is too dangerous for her to go to a vampire especially to this one since she looks like a newly turned vampire. Her eyes widen when she saw that Damon guessing his plan to kill her. I will not let him do this thought Hermione, she knew that inside that girl there is still a person in there the proof for her is the guilt.

I can't believe I am doing this thought Hermione deciding to interrupt the two of them.

"You are not going to kill this girl Damon! You were like her once don't tell me that you don't have an ounce of pity in your body," shouted Hermione. She can see the surprise in the blond girl's eyes but also the gratefulness, it was that moment that Stefan and the Katherine look a like girl came.

The blond girl looked at the Katherine look like before pushing her, the girl looked shocked which made her wonder what the hell was happening in this town. First off there wasn't one vampire but three in this town now, she can see the reason of her mother's leaving this town.

"Get away from me, you killed me," accused the blond girl. Hermione wonder, how the hell did the girl got the vampire blood inside her body system in there first unless one of the Salvatore's brothers had feed her their blood which made her want to know why would do they do that to the poor girl if they weren't in love with the blonde.

"No, Caroline that wasn't me, you know that wasn't me, that was Katherine," protested the girl. Hermione decided to take the risk of using Legilimency on the girl to learn more. So Elena is somehow related to Katherine who might be trying to kill her thought Hermione pitying to the girl. They think that crazy bitch is after Stefan if they wanted her opinion that girl just have plan that has just been delayed.

"No then why does she look like you then why does she did this to me?" asked Caroline.

"You want my opinion, she wanted to send a message to them," said Hermione pointing to Damon and Stefan. Elena looked at her surprise which made her sighed, she crinkle her face at the smell of the blood. The smell of it had always made her wanted to vomit which reminds her that she needed to contact Kingsley to see if she can get any more information on the brothers.

"Stef we have to get her inside," said Elena to Stefan.

"Caroline come with me," said Stefan taking Caroline, presumably to the toilet to get rid of the sight of the blood.

"She will die, it only amount of time," called out Damon. Stefan glanced back at him and said the exact words that was on her mind.

"Yeah maybe so, but it not going to happen tonight," said Stefan. Hermione looked at the two brothers, eyeing Damon she has a feeling on what he was about to do but knew that his brother can handle him and if they need help, she will help him hurt Damon. He reminded her of her jerk ass of an uncle.

"Oh yeah it is," said Damon. Hermione concentrated, smiling when she saw him falling to his knees. He groaned in agony which made her smile even more that will teach him to stake an innocent girl granted a vampire but still the girl can learn. She waited till Stefan took her out of Damon reach before letting him go. Thank you Grandmother thought Hermione happily.

"I can do that to you again this time more pain, so you won't go after her Amigo got it," snapped Hermione. Elena looked at her in shock then gave her a look of gratitude which made her smile. She honestly believe that vampires has some good in them but they are being look down and feared because of what they feed on.

"Whatever happens it will be on you," snapped Damon.

"I can live with it Salvatore unlike you, I have a heart," snapped Hermione. It was then she notice the African-American girl was there glancing at her then to Elena then to the disappearing figures of Stefan and Caroline. Uh Oh thought Hermione watching the girl glancing at the dead body then to her, Elena and Damon.

The girl grabbed her hand as if to see if she was a vampire and was relieved that she wasn't. He is so dead thought Hermione knowing that her next decision is stupid but not wanting the girl to regret her choice for doing this to him even if he does deserve it for doing it to Caroline.

Stupid thought Hermione as he talked about burying the dead body, doesn't the vampire know that he is pissing the girl even more and she is very sure that the girl might want to kill him. She watched as the girl did the same thing that she did just now to him also turning on the hose to make a fire.

"Don't do this to him, he isn't worth murdering be the better person ,don't kill him because if you do, you will regret it," said Hermione as she silently put a fire resisting charm on him before the fire spread to him. The two girls glance at her then to Damon, who didn't had a single mark on him. I am playing nice to a vampire, the world has gone mad thought Hermione silently rubbing her scar from the vampire that she met last year.

"What are you?" asked Elena.

"Nothing that you have to worry about oh and Damon, I will be in the park if you want more information," said Hermione before walking back to her car.

A/N This might be one of the worst chapters I have ever written so please review to tell me what you think about it.